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giving birth to cats?

For the last 2 mo. I have had this dream about cats.. The first time i actually gave birth to a cat that was black,and talked.He said he did'nt want to have a name. So I named him "no name" I taught him not to claw me when he jumpped into my arms.But I knew he was my child?The next night I drempt I was at my childhood home,and another cat found me ,he was grey and we just clibed trees together looking out for my family.I'm not sure if I was a cat ,but I think I just talked to them.Then A white cat was crying behind the bookcase in family study,and he supprises me, like he had been looking for me.but just waiting for the rite time.The cat was very small and did'nt have a tail,he was also dirty and sad."This however is in the house I grew up in,with family all around"but they never see me?I was so happy to find the kitty,and he was happy to find me,like he had been waiting for me for so many years???!!!PLEASE HELP ???THE CAT DREAMS HAVE BEEN QUITE PEACEFULL,BUT CONFUSSING!! thank you for your time!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 gr mi

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Re: giving birth to cats?

There seems to be a pattern concerning the cats in your dream that may shed light on their meaning. The cats in your dream are evolving, changing from one color to another {black to white}. This could represent unconscious contents {black} that are becoming conscious {black, then grey which would suggest the contents are still not clear, and then white which would mean it is becoming clear}. The one thing that seems to bind these cats is your childhood home. This may suggest something about your childhood.

The cats could also represent you. Your dream statement "This however is in the house I grew up in,with family all around" but they never see me? may be important to the dream message. Perhaps as a child you felt neglected, part of the family but never really given proper recognition. The white cat is small and not fully developed. This may suggest two things: one there are aspects about this part of your life that are still unconscious, and two, there is a part of you that is still undeveloped. The fact that all the cats are male may suggest there may aspects about your psyche/personality, which are masculine, that are not fully developed. But since you have found the 'kitty' {and it has found you}, there may be a happy ending to this episode in your life.

Has there been recent {within the last two months} realizations or experiences that are associated with your childhood? Did you grow up in a family where you felt neglected, or some aspect of your life felt neglected? Negative childhood experiences often remain throughout life, until they are realized, confronted and put into persepctive. These emotional experiences from childhood may have had a profound affect on your personality. Look at these possibilities amd let me know your thoughts. That may lend itself to a better understanding of the dream message.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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