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chewing gum

Does anyone know the meaning of too much chewing in the mouth then trying to pull it out, and it seems like it never ending???????????????

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28 Darwin Australia

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Re: chewing gum


well I think this is a matter for the imagination rather than set meanings ,,,

Sounds like a sticky situation ,,,, are you in a sticky situation ,,, one that you think is never going to end ?? Biten off more than you can chew in some matter in your life ?

Or are you not swallowing something ? or could it be that something that you have started, now you just can't and are not menat to swallow ??

Why do we chew chewing gum anyway ??
- for the taste maybe - that disappears pretty soon ,,,
- to keep out mind active , or keep it occupied, or to distract our thinking ,,,
Why do you chew chewing gum

keep us posted ,,,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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