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My uncle randy that passed in november

ok in my dream i am in a house and there alot of people but i move to a room where it is quieter. i have a whiteboard or a chalkboard and i write hello who are you? and its uncle randy appears and for some reason i felt like i knew HE would write back and like i was expecting it. and a whole bunch of people come in to the room i am in and i run to a different room where no one is and i try and ask my uncle questions but he just keeps writing and i am not able to write a question!and as the dream goes on i keep haveing to move to a different room because the people keep comeing in the room im in and he just keeps talking and i dont remember what about.

let me give you some backround
ok when he died i had been needing to talk to him and tell him stuff and get his support about somthing but he died unexpectatlly and i didnt get to see him and i was not allowed to go to his funeral nor his wedding he had just had like 3 weeks before he died so i have been just wanting to talk to him since then but of coarse im not able

Please tell me what this means!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: St.Louis

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: My uncle randy that passed in november

Your dream may be addressing those questions you intended to ask your uncle before his untimely passing. The people in the different rooms may be the crowded emotions that are preventing you from realizing the answers to those questions {people are other aspects of your own psyche}. Your problem may be an inability to concentrate on the questions and answers and that is why you are looking for a quieter room {a place within yourself}. Your uncle is in the dream because he was that confidant you sought out for advice. But he is no longer be of help and the questions remain.

Look at the questions you were going to ask your uncle. Do they concern aspects about yourself, perhaps something to do with your identity, who you really are {who are you?}. The various people in your dream may symbolize emotions and what you need is that quiet place to think about those questions.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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