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Buddha child in black pyramid mountain

In this dream I am climbing a stair carved out on the side of a black mountain, almost the shape and size of a large pyramid. The stair narrows as I climb, and not far from the top, I am rescued onto a wodden platform by a kind woman. There are a few people up there and the woman tells me that they are cleaning up after the womens party the night before. I understand that this party took place in the large cave at the right of the platform. I get sort of a flashback from this event, hearing loud voices from the cave and I see a druk woman, smoking a cigarette, stumbling out of the cave. Next I have moved to the left of the platform, and now I am lifting a child, helping him into a small cave in the mountainside, just big enough to fit him. It takes a great effort, and it feels like I am rescuing him. When he is back in his place, the little cave is lit up, there are golden silk fabrics, shimmering stones and candles in there, and I realize that he is a small Buddha. His skin is golden and his smile is so full of love.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Norway

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Buddha child in black pyramid mountain

I will take a better look at your dream later today. But a couple of observations/questions. Could the 'flashback' be of events that once described your life? There seems to be some type of transformation about this dream. Has there been any transformations, or attempted transformations lately in your life? Perhaps the stairs you are climbing has to do with this. But you may have difficulty reaching the top, or reaching the goals you set out. The one thing about the Buddha that is so distinct is his discipline. Perhaps that is what is required, and which requires 'great effort' to be rescued.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Buddha child in black pyramid mountain

Yes it is true that I lived very differently a few years ago. I can certainly describe it as an enduring party. My life changed when I found love and became pregnant. I had to change my self destructive habits and am now trying to cope with my anxiety face to face. It's hard, and I sometimes fear I won't make it. I am a singer and artist, and I have a dream of making a living out of it. I feel that it's very hard to find a way to do that right now. Still I feel, and my dreams have shown me too, like it's my destiny. But like I said, I have a hard time keeping my faith!
Thank you very much for your response, it means a lot!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Norway

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Buddha child in black pyramid mountain

I can sympathize with your desire to make a living from your creative abilities. If I could full time to my my dream work and maintaining and design
Myths-Dreams-Symbols, That is my bliss, that thing I love most {other than family of course}. And you know as I do it is for the joy of being able to do what love you most, and the money is secondary. Of course that is important since the 'social dragon' requires so much to even survive.

As to your dream. Caves are deep and often dark. This is a good representation of the deep unconscious. When you explore that part of your psyche you often discover the foundations to who you are, and why you are in the present. That often goes back to early childhood life and experiences that shaped your psyche as you aged. The deeper aspects to the dream may be addressing those issues.

There is a child in your dream but it is a he. Is your child a boy? Mothers naturally want to protect their children and they have a place 'on high' in our lives. They are so innocent, spiritually so.

But that child could very well be your creative self. What besides family do you love most? Your singing, that aspect is a child for you also.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Buddha child in black pyramid mountain

I have had quite a few dreams about mountain climbing over the last years, and they have always been full of symbols and mystery.
Very often there has been a cave somewhwere on the path. To see the cave aspect as a representation of the unconcious can also help me look back at earlier dreams.
It seems to me now as if the visits to these caves are an important part of the process I'm going through. I know that I have to reveal my negative and uncouncious patterns in life, and that is my main focus at this point. It needs to be done so that I can be the best mother possible for my lovely daughter, and also as you said, a mother for my singing...
It is really great to be able to get a personal interpretation like this. It gives me the motivation I need right now, and I'm going to pay close attention to my dreams in this time of chaos and possibly transformation.

Again, thank you for your response, it really shows that you love your work!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Norway

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

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