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Rescued kitten

Hi All - I would really appreciate some help on this one ,,, I had three dreams over the night - it is the swallowed cat part that I would like help with.

* I have gone into a room, where an animal ? dog is lying down. He is resting, but I am not sure why ,,, he is not himself and I don't know why; I am there to talk to him and find out / understand. I come down to his level.

There is a window behind and a small cat / kitten is trying to get in. The window has vertical bars on it so the cat cannot get in. It is getting annoyed -> angry. I get up (leave the dog) to try and placate / calm the kitten. It tries to scratch me ,,,this happens a number of times and she will not be settled. (The kitten is a she ,,,)

In order to try and settle her, and knowing that she / the kitten is angry because she is outside / being excluded I let her in. Hoping that she will settle.
The dog reacts so quickly I don't see it ,,, the cat is gone - he has swallowed the kitten. I don't know what happened between them.
I know I must act quiclky.
I try to prise open the dogs mouth however it is like a cat's mouth - small and delicate, with sharp teeth. I am afraid of either cutting my fingers or breaking its jaw. My attempts to open its mouth are futile - I cannot get its mouth open.
If I am going to save the cat I wil have to do it the same way I would if it were a dogs mouth - and use my full force.

I get the mouth open and I can see the cats head - it looks like the head of a baby ,,, the cat is expelled out ,,, much like a baby is born ,, head first.

the cat was mostly black. The dog was brown I think.
In Chinese astrology I am a dog

Many thanks

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: Rescued kitten

Is there the possibility that this dream is focusing on the masculine aspect consuming the feminine? If the Chinese astrology is correct, you being the dog, then perhaps this masculine aspect is referring to the social duty aspect. The cat would represent the inner qualities, the hero path. You may need to use the full 'force' to rescue this 'renewed' aspect. Perhaps you are having to put too much energies into the social being and are not able to fully concentrate on the inner Self {I know that feeling}.

Your thoughts?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Re: Rescued kitten

Hi Gerard

this makes sense. Although rather than social duty I think it is my feelings of duty or what I 'should do' ,,, the dragon of the I shoulds ,,, this is a big one for me. Letting go of what I thought / think I should be doing ,,, looking for an easier way perhaps ,,, an easier way to let go of my ego's attachment.

I can relate to needing to use my full force / the full force of my being to rescue the situation ,,, keep the dream alive ,,, ugh

many thanks

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Rescued kitten


cats and dogs are instincts that often show up in dreams when they are not (the instincts) fully differentiated. Cats being very independants and dogs, on the the opposites are "completely" faithful, would do anything for their owners.
and you're saying the dog isn't his usual self. It seems like the dog, the faithful one, the "I should" and "I ought to" part of you is pretty quick to react to the "threat" of the nascent feminine (ketty) coming in to his own otherwise rather safe (bars at the window) environment.
Still you're streng determination allows a new birth in the end.

Not sure I've added anything more than what gerard said, but used different wording...


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36, London

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Re: Re: Rescued kitten

Hi Clairem

Similar sentiments perhaps and as you say, different approach - thanks for your thoughts.
Your reference to dogs being the faithful one, 'the opposites'

I have been thinking of this dream, and am still working with its images. It certainly lets me know that I need/ed all my strength to reach the kitten from the dogs mouth.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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