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I was dreaming a lot this night. I woke up 4 times, but in the morning I remembered only this few pictures. Nothing makes sense to me.

I watched a scene where fish where jumping out of the water to eat fish that where in a container. My son (he was very little at that time) took also a few and wanted to feed me, actually with a muscle. But I didn't take it.

The clasp of my partials broke and I hurried to get to the dentist. But I was lucky it was only the clasp of my old partials. The new one's where in order.
Although it was winter and the water was cold, I decided to take a last swim with 2 other friends, knowing that we had to walk back in the cold quite a distance. To reach the sea we had to climb down a few stairs.
Thanks, Iris

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45

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Re: fish-denstist-sea

Fish are often symbolic of one's true self, that which is often found in one's unconscious mind and may not have been fully utilized consciously. Fish jumping out of the water {unconscious} may verify this aspect within your dream. The fish in the container may suggest there are parts of you that are 'bottled' up and need to acknowledged. The part with your son may be pointing to a time of experience where this aspect began {look back at that period of time to discern any experiences that may be relevant}.

The part about your 'partials' may involve an ability, or inability, to verbalize {teeth} these 'broken' parts. The broken parts may stem from the past since your new partials {the present} are ok. This again may be speaking to past experiences.

Winter is often symbolic of 'frozen' emotions or even depression. This may have to do with the other parts of your dream. You may not have as of yet realized the significance of these events/experiences {climbing down a few stairs}. Perhaps by returning to the past you will realize something about yourself that shines light on who you are today, or put a light on some particular emotional issue that has been buried.

Any thoughts to the possibilities?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: fish-denstist-sea

Thanks for the interpretation. I read you email over and over again to get the full meaning.
I'm sure there are a lot of broken parts - I guess this from my upbringing. In the end I had to break my relationship with my parents and get my own life. Now they are dead and I even haven't seen them before they died. The last 7 years I went through a very bad time (bad consciousness/depression) for being such a 'bad' person, but on the other hand knowing that this was my only chance to survive. But still it hurts. But that's the part I'm aware of.
You say 'I may not have as of yet realized the significance of these events/experiences. You mean something hidden in my childhood? I would like to find out.

'The part with your son may be pointing to a time of experience where this aspect began {look back at that period of time to discern any experiences that may be relevant}.'
Well I remember when he was that age, I suddenly had the ability to see people's dreams, to see the inner child, while meditating opposite that person. People would give me a question and I would answer by seeing pictures. Every Wednesday a group of people would come and ask questions. That was a very strong time - I was still living in Europe then. A shaman had given me the name 'seer of the children's fire'. I was and still am very connected with the American Indians, especially with my friend Hyemeyohsts (Wolf) Storm. He wrote this wonderful books Song of Heyoehkah, Seven Arrows, Lighteningbolt. Then one day the whole thing was too much for me and it went away. I became an astrologer, which gives me the chance to again see into people, at least I have a reason for seeing things. This ability is not respected in our society and it was always painful being outcast. My family was always making fun of me and my strong visual ability. So I became a painter. That's the only profession where I can be myself. But it seems there is much more hidden.
This night I was dreaming that I'm a star interpreting a song.
Thanks, Iris

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45

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Re: fish-denstist-sea

There may be other hidden aspects of your childhood that have yet to surface. The partials in your dream may indicate you have partly come to grips with these experiences and due time you may confront more from your past. Let them come naturally may be the best route to take, not forcing them on yourself.

One thing about fish I see as a common symbol is they often represent our truest self. By that I mean that thing within us that beckons us. For me it is dreams and the psyche {and designing my MDS website}. For you it may be your painting. This is what Joseph Campbell calls our 'bliss' station, that thing that fits best with who we are, a creative self, and in essence our spiritual Self. That spiritual self best fits with Native Americans {and less with religion} because it is who we are in accord with nature. Your fish jumping out of the water {unconscious] and consuming the fish in the container {the body, mind} may be addressing both those undiscovered aspects of your life, and also a need t let your true self consume the ego self. Be the painter and not the social being that does not conform with society.

In Joseph Campbell's world of Nirvana, fulfillment only comes when we are able to indifferent to fear, desire and SOCIAL DUTY

Perhaps with the position of being an outcast {welcome to the club} you are reminded of past experiences and feel trapped in the same positions as then. Perhaps your escape is in your painting. Through that mold of creativity perhaps you will able to open those other hidden aspects within and discover what it is that cause an imbalance in your life. The creative life holds so much opportunities to be that 'true' self. But that creativity can hold demons within also and those aspects must be acknowledged and understood. The understanding may come from your painting and the desire to be your true Self arise when you see yourself {the different aspects of your life} and realize something that was hidden, repressed, forgotten.

As for your shaman friend. If we all could experience the deep psychological journey these 'physicians' must undertake to become shamans, we would all be cured of our psychological ailments. Or die from the experience. Going into the woods, isolated for days, weeks upon end, the mind undergoes a transformation. If one survives the ordeal they become a shaman. Joseph Campbell speaks of his own experiences with Native American transformations in his book Transformations of Myth Through Time.

Your thoughts?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: fish-denstist-sea

I'm a big fan of Joseph Campbell. I got to know him better, when I came to the States 13 years ago. I heard his speeches on a public channel. That's a world I understand - very close to the world of the shamans. I once went into the woods, alone and without food for only 3 days and nights and went through thunderstorm and lightening bolts, sitting in a circle of stones, somehow protected. A snake was living in the middle of the circle and came out sometimes and when I had my strongest fears a deer came close to my circle and took the fear away. I was not a shaman afterwards, but I was very close to that world. What still is left is that I lately remember that time and use it for my fears. It helps me to look fear straight into it's eyes. It reminds me that I don't have to follow the rules of society. But talking about it now makes me much more aware of how precious this experience is - there is a place where I can go back and get strength. And it happened only because you reminded me again. I'm very grateful to have found this small society of yours. Although I was very creative in the past I missed something. I was stuck and slowly get back on my feet. I wear black clothes right now, which is rare, because I'm a colorful person. But it feels good. While I'm speaking to you I feel a transformation happening. It's going to be a long process, but it started already.
Thanks, Iris

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45

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Re: fish-denstist-sea

Your experience in the shaman world is unique. I do appreciate you sharing your story. It is an inspiration for all of us, reminding us of the possibilities and probabilities we will encounter in our inner journey.

Joseph Campbell would have approved {Campbell is my mentor also}. And he understood the difficulties of staying the path in today's world of social obligations. In an interview with Michael Toms in the early 80s he even mention how hard it was for even him to stay focused on the inner journey. But with the heroes of the ages who have gone before us, we know that the journey is one of trial and revelations. And it is often by coincidence {or is it Synchronicity?} that we come cross people and experiences that help us on our journey. And those 'coincidences are often not by chance but by design {nature's design} and are meant to be guides when we need those 'helping hands'. If only to remind us of our intended journey, these crossed paths helps keep us focused. I see it all the time in my journey and it is apparent, and normal, for you to share the same experiences. Such is the way of the hero/heroine path.
twat twam asi,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: fish-denstist-sea

Thanks for appreciating my experience.
What I wanted to add - if one goes on a vision quest like I did, the great spirit (that's how I prefer to call it) is taking care of you. I experience that all the time. When I'm really honestly searching for my true self (most of the time I forget to do that, but I always come back to it) there is either a human being or an animal or an experience coming into my life and helps me out. There is certainly something out there that takes care of us. That gives me a lot of comfort and should comfort all of us. Iris

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45

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Re: fish-denstist-sea


From Chief Seattle's letter to President Grant:
Every part of this earth is sacred to my people.
Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing and humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man.

The white man's dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful earth, for it is the mother of the red man.

We are part of the earth and it is part of us.

The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers.

The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man--all belong to the same family.

I can see why you are attracted to Joseph Campbell. His life of mythology began with his interest in Native Americans and their varied myths. The shaman is a true spiritual 'doctor' and the path to becoming a shaman is something few have ever experienced { and even fewer could ever attain}. In most all Native American myths there are the 'helping hands' that guide and protect. Like you, I have experienced these helping hands and I depend on them as my guide. And although there are many bumps in the road they are there when I need them. For you and I there is a guide and it is found in the laws of nature, just as Native Americans celebrate nature.

Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god. And where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves. Where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world
....Joseph Campbell


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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