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Death and serious injuries to family pets

Last year I dreamt that my cat came walking into the house with a broken leg, it was the rear left leg. I woke up immediately after the cat entered the house. Later that evening my boyfriend told me that he had a horrible dream about her also. It was very similar to mine but went farther. He dreamt that the cat came into the house with a rear right broken leg and we rushed her to the vet, there we had to make the decision to either put her to sleep or have the vet equip her with a rolling walker that we would atach to her rear. He was unable to make the decision and asked me to do it but he woke up before I decided. Shortly after these dreams the cat ran out the door-that was normal for her, she loved to be out hunting-and we never saw her again, she had never stayed gone longer than a few hours, mostly she stayed in our yard. A friend thinks she has spotted her up by her house but they can not catch her, she wouldnt come to anyone but me or my bf anyways and I have not seen her when I go look. Awhile ago I had another dream where she came home but her hair was all messed up, almost looked as though she had been run over but she was still whole. In this dream she was able to speak and told me that she was ok and that I didnt need to worry. A month after we lost the cat we adopted a puppy. My boyfriend had a dream that the puppy was in his pickup and we were at a party. The police came and an officer opened the door to the pickup and shot the dog for no apparent reason. Right now my bf is in Texas and me and our dog are joining him in april. the other night he had another dream that we were there and the dog was in the river by where he is staying and alligators were chasing him. One got him and a couple of guys and I jumped in to rescue our dog and he got free and started swimming toward my bf. He could vividly see the trail of blood from the dog in the water. Thankfully though there are no alligators really in this river. After the dreams about our cat it makes me nervous. I have not had a similar dream though so far about the dog. We are just curious as to what these dreams could mean. I think the good parts are that my bf trusts me to make the decision about the cat, and that he sees me as trying to rescue the dog. I do fear losing our dog and believe my bf does too. He is like a child to us. But I did not fear losing the cat. It could have something to do with the fact that the reason we had the her was because both of my boyfriends parents had passed away, otherwise we have no desire to have a cat. She was special. People offered to take her but he turned them all down and got very upset about it.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26, North Dakota

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Death and serious injuries to family pets

Your boyfriend's dream is probably related to his relationship with you, you being the cat {female}. The decision to made in the dream probably relates to some decision in his waking life. The broken leg may represent some aspect of the relationship that may seem 'broken'. And since you had a similar dream it may be a feeling you both share. The decision as what to do may be left up to you {compare this to your real waking life}.

Look at the cat in your dream as being you. In his dream it may also symbolize some of his feminine aspects but it would also represent you in the relationship. And although the dream may offer sentiments about real animals in your life, it would also be addressing the relationship between you and your boyfriend.

Let me know your thoughts. Any info about the relationship and decisions to be made there will be helpful.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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