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it'a nightmare... i'am in a house and 2 zombie cats are trying to eat me - they started to bite me but i shaked them off and then one of them bite the other one and chop off her leg and start to eat it ... and then a woman came and helped me to put them on to a stick and trow them to some also zombi dogs but they are ''good;; zombis ...
i don't know if you can understand this dream but the most horrifing thing is that the 2 cats are my cats who i loved oh so much and they are both dead ... they died one last year and the other one 3 years ago....
plz help me - it's hunting me ....

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23 beograd srbija

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Re: horror

Hi Aleksandra

two cats - the feminine ,,, two aspects of the feminine ,, they are zombies ,,, living dead (or the dead living ,,).

So this dream may well be addressing aspects of the feminine in your life that you are unaware of. These may be feminine aspects within you or in your life.

The second part of your post that relates to your feelings for these cats may well give you some clues as to who these cats represent ,,, someone that you loved very much ,,, and who is now hurting you ,,, initially you may not be aware that you have these feeling - however go back to the feelings that you have that relate to the cats - that you onced loved them ,,, and feel for clues.

The dream also shows where help may be found ,,, also in the feminine. This may be confusing at first - how can the feminine be both harmful and helpful. The answer to that will be revealed when you understand the aspects of the feminine much better

All the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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