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Out to buy milk

In this dream me and my partner are sitting on the couch in our livingroom. We are kissing and are both very excited and all we want is to rip eachoters clothes off. There is only one problem. On the other couch his parents are sitting, watching TV. (they are much younger and totally different people from his real parents) We know that they are really open minded and that they probably woulnd't mind if we just went on with it right there, but it feels wrong anyway. I feel that it would be embarrasing for my partner to have sex in front of his parents, no matter what.
So we start to move towards the bedroom, but on our way there I discover that our daughter is awake.
I go into her room, and there is a lamp, all too bright, lit in there and it is messy, and she is standing crying in a grown-up bed, and as she sees me she almost falls out of the bed, trying to get to me. She cries out to me: Now I have to find my way on my own! (she has really not learnt to speak like that yet)She seems very upset that she is left to be on her own somehow. I am wondreing why she is in a grown-up bed, when she is far too small for that.
I decide to go out to buy some milk for her. I go down the steep stairs and through a couple of doors and then the stairs go on downwards outside in the snow.
Halfway down I start to doubt if this is a smart thing to do. Had she stopped crying when I left? What if noone will hear her while I'm gone? I didn't tell anyone I was going, and I don't have my cellphone with me. At the end of the stairs I even start to doubt if we were really out of milk.
Now I see that I have come to the busstation in the town where I grew up. I rush to the store beside the waiting room, just to find that it's closed.
Now I have to hurry back up the stairs, and I run through the snow, there are deep tracks, and I run up the stairs. As I get closer to the house I can hear my partner talking to someone, and I can hear that he is frustrated. I realize that it is because of me and I also undrestand that there are many people, some I dont even know, living in this house. As I come through one of the doors, I can see him on the top of the stair. He is very irritated with me, because I left without telling. He is talking to someone I can't see, about me. I feel quite stupid.
Back in our apartment my partner sits down at the computer. I suddenly see a blond guy sneaking around outside, and when I go out on the terrasse I see that he has left behind a microphone. A girl shows up and tells me that they are setting up this equipment so that they can listen in on us. She says it like it is a perfectly okay thing to do.
The dream ends with my partner going out to party with our friends who are also living in the house. I have to stay home, watching our daughter.

I have also recently dreamt of ascending in an elevator, and ending up at almost the same place as the stairs ended in this dream.

A while ago i posted a dream about a Buddha child, but since there is another Anna here already, I have changed my username so we won't get confused!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Norway

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Re: Out to buy milk

Sorry no one has gotten to your dream post. I will do so in the morning.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Out to buy milk

Could all this be directing your attention to your own life as a child, and from which there are emotions of 'I have to find my way on my own!'? In the dream your partner's parents are acting different from what they would normally act. Could this represent differences in his parents and your parents? The embarrassment you feel may be from real life experiences. Look at your daughter in this dream as a symbol for your own self as a child and see if this fits somewhere. The whole dream seems to be focusing on experiences of disappointment and responsibility. Perhaps past childhood experiences are having affect on your current relationship.

Let me know your thoughts to my suggestions.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Out to buy milk

It's amazing how you point out aspects that have been hidden from me! Yes, I have indeed been lonely and left to find my own way as a child, and these old feelings have come to bother me a lot in my relationship to my partner. I am working hard to learn how to trust in people in general.
My partner has had a very different childhood filled with warmth and trust, and I really experience now that there is a big contrast in our background. This makes me both happy and sad.. Happy because I now am a part of his family and because my daughter is growing up in this loving atmosphere, and sad because it makes me more aware of the lack of warmth I experienced as a child, and all the difficult feelings I have had to struggle with as a result of that..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Norway

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Out to buy milk

I do appreciate your follow-up response. It sheds light about an important aspect of dream interpretation which I will attempt to explain here.

It is amazing how dreams take a subject and will use it in a context that often is opposite to what seems would be its intent. I sensed the statement about his parents was more about your parents when the dream stated 'they are much younger and totally different people from his real parents'. And the part about your daughter gave me cause to believe it was making a statement about you, as a daughter. This is common for dreams, using such language.

What is important to remember is the dream is about the dreamer and I look at such statements as a description of the dreamer's life. Of course there needs to be collaborate language in the dream to really gage whether it is indeed the intent of the dream. Often the dream will return to past experiences by using references to one's childhood or earlier life experiences. In your dream it makes the statement 'the town where I grew up'. Such nuances are something I look for when attempting to put the pieces of the puzzle of the dream together.

I find that dream interpretation is as much about the dreamer having that ah! ha! moment, much like the 'old feelings' you had when reading my interpretation. The more I work with dreams the more I realize that dreams do have that compensating affect and by using Jung as my primary resource of knowledge there can be an understanding of what the dream is trying to convey. If I can paint a picture that is similar to the dreamer's experience then the dreamer often can fill in the missing pieces.

What to do with the interpretation? In Jung's Individuation Process one must focus on the whole life and attempt to confront any unresolved issues. Often those issues are from early childhood, strong experiences that have left an impression on the young psyche and stay with you throughout life until they are resolved. This is the compensating affect Jung prescribes to the dream, an attempt to maker the dreamer aware of those past strong experiences. Often those unresolved experiences have an unconscious control over the waking life. When they become conscious the dreamer is able to see what really was there, at that age, and any unresolved emotional conflicts have an opportunity for resolution. Emotional healing can begin to take place and often it can be life changing. At the least it provides insights to inner motivations to why a person may act in a particular way to a particular situation. Dreams are the psyche's functioning 'immune' system and help in the healing process of those unresolved emotional issues. At least that is how I see dreams and their intent.

Jung got it right.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Out to buy milk

Thank you again for sharing your thougts on this subject. I have been working on undrestanding my dreams, and the nature of dreams in general for many years. I havent read much Jung, but I've picked up a little here and there, and everytime I come across him he has something important to tell me.

I've had some very strong and lifechanging dreams in the past, some have even shown me that we are not always bound by by the borders of time and space, and as a result of these experiences I have dedicated myself to the mystery of dreams. It is from this place between dream and reality I try to create my songs. I want to share with people my experience that dreams really can come true, and I feel like the best way to do this is through art, which is MY dream. It is sometimes a dark and lonely path, but what would a fairytale be without the monsters and the dark forests?
As a part of this prosess I'm working very focused now on resolving my childhood issues, and it is a great help for me to get a Jungian perspective on my dreams.. Your perspective on dreams is very in line with my own thoughts, but still it is sometimes difficult to see what is really there when one is looking in the mirror.

Thank you so much for your help.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Norway

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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