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Recurring Dream an Invincible Foe

I have a recurring dream where I am running from an invincible foe. If you have ever seen the film "Predator" or "Terminator 2", the invincible foe is I am running from is the alien from Predator or the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

I am curious what an interpretation of this dream would be as it is more of a recurring nightmare than anything, very terrifying.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21, Tucson

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Re: Recurring Dream an Invincible Foe

Dreams are about the dreamer's life and experiences. When we have foes within a dream it often represents something within the dreamer's psyche that is causing such conflicts. Since it is invincible there may be unconscious emotions from experiences in life that are so very hard to overcome.
In your dreams you are running from this 'invincible' foe. I know it may be hard to do but in future dreams stop running and confront this frightening aspect. It may well expose itself and let you know exactly what it is you are running from.

If that doesn't work look at your life and try to determine what you might be running from in your life. If you can determine when these dreams began that may help {it could be the dreams started soon after these actual experiences occurred}. This 'alien' thing may be something deep and hidden {you may be repressing these experiences}. Although you have put it out of your waking life, unconsciously it remains a terrifying experience that will only disappear after you confront it.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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