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Help - Disturbing Dream

I had the worst dream of my life lastnight. To give you some backgound I am currently undergoing a divorce and have been separated from my husband for over a year. My ex has been married previously. I am now in a happy relationship with my current partner of one year and are not living together.

In my dream last night my partner was planning to marry my ex-husband's ex-wife. He told me about the wedding and said that he proposed to her over 2 years ago and he had to stick to his word and he would marry her even though he was not in a relationship with her. He invited me to the wedding and during my dream all the wedding prepartions were underway. When he was with his family wedding planning his Dad (who is a retired pilot) took me for a spin around the runway in his seaplane. In my waking life I am terrified of flying and in my dream I was asking him to take me off the ground slowly until I felt comfortable with flying and I wanted to face my fears...and I was so excited about doing it.

Then the dream shifts into some weird learning room where I was studying something and people were attending a 'poo' class where everyone sat on the toilet and inspected their deposit.

When it came time to have the wedding I saw the bride in her cream dress and long blond hair and I couldnt come to terms with the fact that my partner was actually going to marry her. All I could think about was how could he and then we couldnt get married and have kids etc.

Before my partner was about to attend the ceremony I was getting dressed for his wedding and he would not wait for me - its almost as if he didnt want me to see him. I got so angry at him and gave him a dirty look and then lit up a cigarette with my mother. I was crying to her about his decision. He was only gone a matter or minutes and then he came back to see me because he wanted to be with me but he already said his vows.

After the ceremony we drove down to a beach front property with old school mates of mine and I knew the relationship between us was over.....then I woke up.

It would be great to have some insight into this dream as it has left me feeling really sad and insecure about my relationship.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29, Melbourne

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Help - Disturbing Dream

Would not your ex-husband's ex-wife be you? Perhaps there are questions about the present relationship. But they may be due to the failed experiences from your previous marriage carrying over to the possibilities of your present relationship. You may need to 'take off' slowly in your new relationship {which you seem to be doing}. You may need to overcome your fears due to experiences from your first marriage.

Toliets are where you eliminate things. Perhaps you do need to learn to eliminate those emotional fears you still hold on to. Upon inspection of your past you are having trouble with the possibilities of the failed experiences from your past {marriage}.

The bride is you. Coming to terms to marrying again may be your fears that you need to eliminate.

The last two paragraphs seem to be addressing disagreements, probably something you and your current partner may have had {does he want to get married but you are still undecided?}. He has made his intentions known {vows} and although you want to be with him you are not ready for that 'ultimate' commitment.

There may be intuitive instincts at work here. Do you sense something about your current partner that you are not quite sure of? Perhaps these instincts are a result of the failure from your first marriage, may or may not fit with your current relationship. Are there intuitive doubts that go beyond those experiences from the first marriage?

The positive thing about this relationship is you are taking it slow and not jumping into the fire before knowing what is really cooking. Parts of it seem to be due to experiences from your first marriage but there may be intuitive aspects at play also. Follow your instincts because they know best. But don't let past failures blur the lines. Continue on the slow path and truth will prevail.


Please Note:
After a dream has been interpreted, a follow-up response to the interpretation is requested. This will help both the dreamer and the interpreter better understand the dream message. All interpretations are FREE and the only compensation we ask is your participation in the process of understanding your


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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