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Fear Dream?

Dear all,

A year or two after i started dating my partner of 6 years, i dreamt that he and I were walking straight, hand in hand across a green meadow. As we were walking we noticed a large tree further to our left and together walked towards it, to find one of my closest friends (female) standing underneath it with a girl i have never ever seen. As we reach the tree my boyfriend lets go of my hand and walks straight towards the girl, and I'm left standing next to my friend, watching as the two get married on the spot or leave together holding hands(not too sure what happened there). The feelings I can remember from that dream are jealousy, sadness and acceptance towards their relationship. In the dream we looked the same age as we were at the time, if that is an indication of anything that may help resolve my question. Please, could someone advise what the meaning of this dream could be. When i began dating my boyfriend and when i first realized that I had strong feelings for him, i started to feel a bit insecure, afraid to lose him. But six years have gone passed now and we are planning to get married early next year and we are both extremely happy. But i still haven't forgotten this dream because it brought me so much anxiety at the time and still does every once in a while. WOuld you categorize this as a dream of fear or emotional insecurity or a premonition (which i'm praying doesn't happen)? and could my acceptance of it all despite my feelings of sadness in the dream, symbolise how i was conditioning my feelings at the time incase something did go wrong and we had to part? I'm not sure why my friend who is single was in my dream. I love this man dearly and i can't imagine my life without him and i'm very much aware that he feels exactly the same way about me. Your opinion and knowledge will be much appreciated so i can leave this nightmare behind in the past for good.

Thanks so much,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26, Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Fear Dream?

Your dream is probably addressing those insecurities you feel about yourself. That would be reflected in your dream by the unknown girl. Whereas the relationship with your partner is destined for growth {green meadow, large tree}, you still possessed insecurities about it. You may feel there are aspects you lack that potential partners may require {his marrying this unknown aspect would represent your masculine self needing to accept who you are as well as the desire for your real partner accepting you}. The single friend would also represent some aspect of yourself, probably having to do with qualities she possessed that perhaps you wish you did also.

Since this dream was two years ago and has not been recurring suggests you have overcome these fears. At least consciously. Unconsciously you may be holding onto them. But as long as your relationship endures and grows that aspect may not be important. But it probably represents some hidden fears that lie underneath the surface. Those fears may be due to personality traits or experiences formed in early life.

I suggest you keep going straight {that may be a clue of some kind within the dream}. Your relationship is thriving so I would think the large tree that seemed farther down the path is actually right with you as the relationship grows. That is a very positive sign.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Fear Dream?

Thank you Gerard,

I feel everything you have said is right. I always suspected that it could be due to my insecurities but I was confused as to why the tree, my friend and the unknown girl appeared. When i was a child i grew up in a very strict environment, and amongst all the rules, i was told never to trust men so easily hehe. But within the first few days i started dating my boyfriend, I came across an envious individual who said so many negative things to me(he pretended to be psychic), such as you and Dan won't even last a month..etc.. etc.. After discovering who this guys really was as well as his motive for trying to ruin people's lives, i still felt scarred, hence my fear. As to my friend having qualities which i don't have, it is true.. lets just say, that if i had been single i would have loved to achieve the things only a single person such as herself, would. But I can't imagine exchanging my life with the person I love for all the successes i would achieve if I were alone. This probably explains why I was sad in the dream and I forgot to add that, she didn't seem so happy as well. My subconscience is more at ease with your interpretation Gerard, it makes so much sense now.

Thank you so very much for your help.

Joce :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26, Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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