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What is happening

For years i have had the same dream. I have thought i was awake and someone was holding me down, heavy like they were sitting onmy chest. All i could see was the light from the kitchen and knew if i didnt get to that light something terrible would happen. When i finally got to move i would Run to the bathroom or livingroom in tears and scared. Why do i keep having this dream>am i really asleep when this happens? Once i go back to bed it changes to a room down a hall that i know if i go in something will happen. The room is usually down a hall with flowered wallpaper, i want to open the door but am so scared to. I think i am going nuts. Please help me

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: age:52 Canada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: What is happening

Pat, Recurring dreams like these often represent some aspect about yourself that you have not confronted or realized. Something in your life has been holding you down and you need to consciously confront what that is {light in the kitchen}. The hall is the connection between conscious and the unconscious mind. The room that you are afraid to go into holds whatever it is that needs to be confronted. And since the wallpaper is flowers I would think when you do go into the room positive results will take place.

You need to go into this room. The next time you have this dream, go into the room. It represents that aspect about yourself that you have been afraid of. There must have been past experiences that caused this room to appear and once you confront those experiences the dream will cease to take the course it does, the fears will disappear.

Or you could go back over your life and determine what negative experiences this room may represent. Either way there is a dire need to 'open up' to whatever it is that causing these fears.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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