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I keep having this reoccuring sexual dream with a person who in reality I would never think of in this way. Please help me interpret this dream it is kind of creepy, I just want to know if there is a reason that I keep having this dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 40 & Long Island

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Re: Sex

Hi Deirdre,

Just to start off by saying that usually much more detail would be required in order to properly analyze the meaning of your reoccurring dream. That’s because a full context is required before interpretation can be very accurate.

For example, the complete text of the dreams would be required since the tiniest detail can be the most important clue about a central meaning in them. Also, your repeated dream is responding to your specific personal situation, so some background information about you, the other person, and what’s been happening lately in general is important in order to help understand the nature of the dream’s response to your situation, that is, is it trying to balance in some way an overall outlook and way of acting that you have, warn you of a specific attitude that may be counter-productive, or perhaps even alerting you to an unconscious wish in some way.

These are just some of the possibilities, and as you can see, since there are various alternative approaches to any dream, it may be best for you to post some additional details if you’d like to have a reasonably accurate interpretation.

Having said that, here are a couple of general ideas to whet your appetite for seeking out the most reliable meaning of your reoccurring dream.

For example, sex can be a symbol of “uniting” inner opposites and coming to an understanding of some important issue in life. The image could be generally positive or negative depending on the dreamer’s life circumstances, e.g. some trait or attitude of the other person involved might actually be a good thing to have even though you might tend to think otherwise at this time, or you are in reality espousing some negative trait of the person without really being aware of this fact. Or as mentioned, some wish about the person or another issue is being repressed.

These are just a few ideas which could be radically changed by the smallest bit of information that you might provide. Other dream websites would likely just churn out a pat response to your dream, but this often can do more harm than good. I hope you’ll consider posting some more information so that those on this website can offer their insights more confidently.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57, Canada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} M

Re: Sex

Hi Deirdre

Sex is always a delicate, sensitive and hot topic.

Some general points -
* the recurring nature of the dream means that something deep inside you is trying, and now has your attention - it is trying to let you know something

Now that it has your attention, it may shange tack and give you more clues - so keep listening / aware of your dreams

In the meantime - mull over your thoughts about sex,
and maybe aspects in your life where you are engaged in things that so not attract you yet you are doing them anyway ,,,

keep us posted

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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