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Blue Prison, knowing too much

I was dragged into an underground prison without having done anything to deserve it, all the guards wore black full body armor and were armed to the teeth. after being put into a particular hallway by the guards that brought me in, they simply left. I was walking through and soon found that the place was filled by natural light, but somehow everything had a blue tint to it except my shirt was still pure white. There were also a lot of waterfalls that seemed to be flooding the place, but the water level never rose beyond a particular point, and there were some corpses floating in the water and piled up in corners. I found a guard and tried to ask him what was going on, but he turned and attacked while calling for more. Soon I was being chased through the complex labirynth by the guards, I was strangely at ease dispite being defenseless, and I seemed to know where I was running to. I bounced off corners while taking them too hard, dove down ducts, and jumped 50 feet into pools of water. Eventually I found my lucky hat floating in a pool of water, I felt like I had accomplished something, I knew where I was leading the guards would take care of them for me and that I would escape. Then I woke up

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Germany

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Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

I'll inspect your dream more thoroughly {if no other contributor does so before then} in the morning. I am reading the dream and there seems to be a pattern. But your age is a factor {20*} and I want to take a deeper look while my mind is fresh.

I do have a question if you can respond before then. Do you have mood swings? Something seems to being held in, guarded, but that protection you count on may be breaking down. Then things seem to improve. Or at least you can pretend they do.
Does that make any sense for you?

* Younger perople's dreams tend to address more current waking life experiences where an older person's dream will focus on the waking aspect, and the deeper emotional issues. Older people carry more baggage, more emotional issues to deal with. At least that seems to be the pattern for who post their dreams for interpretation here at the Forum. But if a younger person is having emotional issues the dream symbols can be similiar to that of an older person {40+ - from mid-life on}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

I don't really have mood swings, but if it helps, my girlfriend's been irritating me lately. I really want to figure out what this dream could mean because I don't remember dreams unless they're precognitive or important, and since there's no chance of it being precognitive, I want to figure out what I'm trying to tell myself

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Germany

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Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

Thanks HybrydKirin. That helps tremendously. If there are no serious emotional issues in your life then the dream is probably focusing on recent waking life issues. Although emotional, they are not the deeper issues that some dream symbols would be addressing.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

HybrydKirin ,
Looking at your dream is the morning light I am still left with the impression there is something deeper going on than just an irritating girlfriend. The scenario in the dream could fit with an annoyance produced by an irritating girlfriend but it seems to go deep into details for something so simple. Unless you are the stressful type or there is some deeper problems involving your gf it seems hard to fit that simple annoyance into these symbols.

Another impression that comes to me involves the guards and labyrinth. Are you a game player, say Dungeons and Dragons type games? If so that could account for the scenario in your dream. And also be used as a tool to address an emotional issue, if that issue is serious enough to take on a life of its own {emotional in that is causes great stress}. Overall the dream seems to be confronting the issues of being defenseless and imprisoned by some thing in your life, for which you wish to escape. It would be something you are aware of, and something where you know how to get out of. Does that fit with the relationship with your girlfriend? Pools of water could be minor irritations {large bodies of water would be major stress}.

Search your life {in the present as well as the past} and see if there is anything that fits with what I point out in the above. Let me know your thoughts.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

I get what you're saying, and though my girlfriend irritating me the way she is happens to be stressing me out, the big thing is my job. I hate it, I don't mind being told what to do, but when it's pointless (a good 90% of it is) I can't stand it. While I'm currently stuck, I do know multiple ways out, just 2 of them are legal. I don't really see what you're saying about the water though, I felt good every time I hit a pool of it, and the thrill of the guards chasing me made me feel more alive than I had in years. Just kinda putting that out there, I'm trying to get the dream to come back so I can see what's beyond the hat and know if I escape without hurting anyone or killing them all, I think if I found that out it might give me some insight as to how to resolve what caused the dream in the first place.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Germany

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Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

The way you feel in a dream is important. The way you feel when you wake up after a dream could be importrant. And both are important to know if someone is to interpret your dream. In the morning I'll take another look at the dream knowing now what you have told me about yourself.

Is there anything else about the dream you think relevant? At 20 the dream is most likely addressing something personal in your life that I have no knowledge of. That will require knowing more about you and what has happened recently in your life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

Your dream could very well be about your job. If you hate it then you probably feel as if you are a prisoner to it. You may bee looking for positive aspects of the job {the light} but because you do hate the job so much even the positive aspects sometimes seems to turn on you {guard attacking you}. Feeling defenseless would be a natural emotion concerning the conflicts over your job. You know what to except when you go to work.

But there is a positive aspect to the dream, and to your life. You find your lucky hat. I see this as a natural response for someone your age about such external conflicts {which cause internal conflicts}. At the age of 20 there is a natural resilience to the world and even though you hate your job you are able to focus on the other positive aspects in life {at 20 there is a lot of fun to experience in life, outside the job}. Emotionally there is some conflict to having to work at your job but you are capable of continuing on, seeing the positive aspects of life even with the negatives your job presents.

So yes, this dream could very well be the prison in your dream. By providing personal information about yourself we have come up with a logical possibility, one better than the irritations from your gf. Your dreams are about your life, especially your emotional life. Whatever is bothering you will come up in your dreams so the unconscious can help your work through the emotional conflicts.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Blue Prison, knowing too much

I think I might have come to a conclusion about the dream, and it has pointed me back in the direction I fell from in my younger years due to some really bad things that emotionally cripple children happening to me. I've come to a larger conclusion than you have, the prison might not be just my job, but the emotional wall I put between myself and my true strength due to past events. I can now see that my running from the guards wasn't me being helpless at all, but fighting my inner demons in a more covert way. Thank you Gerard.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Germany

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