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Please help me figure out what my dreams mean

I am new to this web site so I hope I am doing this right. I had a friend that died about six years ago she is always in my dreams. Last night I had a crazy dream that her mother called me and told me they were digging up her grave because she was really still alive. In the dream I ended up at the cemetary with her parents and a few other people I was there crying, begging them not to bring up the coffin because she was dead and they kept telling me no she isnt. As I was crying and begging them not to do it her mom turned and looked at me and said "why do you care so much you werent that close to her anyway". Which in reality growing up were really good friends we grew apart when she moved away and she died a few years later. I was devastated when she passed I always think of her till this day. Anyway back to the dream after her mother said this to me the coffin was up they opened it and there was my girlfriend laying there I thought she was dead and then she moved. Everyone started screaming "she is alive and she was burred for six years". I couldnt believe it. Her parents brought her home and I followed I stayed at her house waiting for her to wake up cause she was sleeping, finally she woke up and turned to me. She started talking away to me like nothing even happened. This dream has been bothering me all day.

Second Dream about her

I had a dream that she came to me because I asked her what it was like to die and she told me its just like living down on earth, we have to work and we have friends ect.. Then out of no where someone butted in the dream I have no idea who it was and said "you told her what it was like" and she said I had to she is my friend. Whoever it was that was there said u know what we are going to have to do about this, she started begging them not to do anything that it was her fault that I didnt know she wasnt supose to tell me. I was just standing there confused and then the person said you realize you have to die now because we cant let you tell people what it is like to die. My friend begged and pleaded with the man to let me go and finally they did. That was it I woke up!
Please help me figure out what these dreams mean.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25~Philly

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Re: Please help me figure out what my dreams mean

Your dreams are probably addressing your continuing sorrow about the passing of your close friend. For some reason {perhaps because of the closeness of the relationship} your are 'digging up' old emotions involving her passing. It still may be hard to accept that she is gone {begging them not to bring up the coffin because she was dead}. But even though she has passed within your mind she still lives. The wish is that she was still here but that not being the case she still communicates through your dreams {emotionally speaking}.

The questions about whether you and she were close and the objections by her mother in the dream. Was there any conflicts with her mother over this issue? Or is it her mother represents an aspect of your own psyche that is facing an internal conflict of just how much you did care for her?

The second dream may be addressing questions about your own mortality as well as it is still addressing emotions about your friend's death. There are probably unconscious questions about this aspect of life {most people have the same questions sometime in their life} but since it is a difficult question you naturally refrain from looking to deep into it {someone butted in}. There is natural confusion about this aspect of life {in standing there confused}. The whole scenario about her telling you about what dying is like and the fact that wasn't supposed be told may be your own unconscious discussion on the matter. Death isn't something you wish to think about and bringing it up causes conflicts within. That is all probably due to her death and unconscious worries over your mortality. The fact that it was a man you were pleading with before he let you go may be a masculine aspect about what you need to do with your lingering emotions about your friend's death. It may be time to let go outwardly and emotionally
{even though in your mind she will always remain}.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Please help me figure out what my dreams mean

Thank you! I will keep all of this in mind. I thought I did let go when she first passed I couldnt believe that she had died but it has been six years so I thought that I came to accept it. Im really not sure. As for her mother saying that to me in my dream I think it may be because I always think that I should have been a better friend when she moved away and stayed close with her.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25~Philly

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

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