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Perfume Dream

I had a really weird dream.

I was looking at my cologne/fragrance: Issey Miyake which is basically my signature smell in real life. Looking at the bottle, i see ancient greek writting on it but I dont understand what it means (even though I am greek). Then i discover that the glass bottle of the fragrance is broken vertually in half. I become really angry becase its my favourite fragrance and i really wanted to find out what the writtings meant. I find the person who broke the bottle and ask him to keep it and give me money so i can get a new one. They don't do as i ask. Becoming really enraged I attack people and I end up shooting and killing my best friend.

Can anyone please help me identify what these different parts of my dream symbolise?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, Melbourne, Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Perfume Dream

Hi Thomas

well ,,, I think you have some work to do ,,, on your self ,,, are you up for it?
I can start you off - but firstly,, can you take a moment to recall the feelings you had in the dream - really feel the anger, and the rage. Stop. Can you catch what the feeling was BEFORE the anger and the rage ???? When you get angry in real life (or maybe you don't because you are deny that side of yourself) ,,, can you notice what it the feeling before you let your self get angry.
Do you want to understand your anger + rage?

Well the dream is telling you how you are right now ,,, you are broken ,,, you are almost split in two ,,,, this is the current state of play ,,,

think on these - and please post your response
Good luck

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Perfume Dream

Hi, thank you for your response.

The feeling before my rage and anger was anticipation. Really wanting to find out what the writtings on the bottle meant and because that was taken away from me its as if i thought i could solve the issue by buying another one. I believe your right in the fact that i do bottle sum anger instead of letting go. I do want to understand my anger and rage. Maybe i see myself as instead of getting angry i find other solutions which aren't necessarily realistic?

However what puzzles me is that the focus of the dream was not on the rage but mostly on the perfume bottle, feeling really strong about it and wanting to find out what the writtings ment and how it was broken in half and the shooting of my best friend just came randomly.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, Melbourne, Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Re: Perfume Dream

Hi Thomas

The 'answers' to this dream will require some time to soak in ,,, that is the way it is. None-the-less you can get a lot out of this dream, Thanks for getting back and putting your thoughts to print - it may help a lot if you can print out your dream, and the responses and think over them. Write on the paper as ideas come into your head.

As I said, this dream represents how things are now ,, not how they got there, and not necessarily what the 'answers' are ,,, the dream is showing you, in dramatic terms, how things are now.

so the preceeding feeling was anticipation ,,, why ? why anticipation ,, of what ? How does anticipation get to anger + rage?

In one sense the bottle is you - you said the this scent was you in real life ,,, and you cannot buy another one.
'You' are unique - and note the link between scent, sense and essence ,,, the bottle contains the essence of you ,, your spirit if you like.
Something has cleft it in two. I suspect that you are pretending to be a big man - and respond with anger and rage, and killing off your best friend - but underneath you are lacking something.
Yes, the anger is there ,,, because something valuable is broken - you. And the container that you need to hold your essence is broken - and only you can fix it. And there is not an easy way - you can't 'solve the issue by buying another one'.

You killing your best friend is like what is happening inside you - you have denied your inner best friend, maybe by no listening to him. He is likely more sensitive than you want to portray yourself to be to the outside world.

Some other points -
* the bottle was taken away from you ,, does that link into what has happened in your life ? Do you feel something valuable has been taken away from you - emphais on 'taken'
* that you could solve the problem
* the writings ,, in Greek and you are of Greek heritage ->
This speaks of the custom-made nature of dreams, and also the mystery of dreams ,,, they speak a language we can all claim heritage to ,, it is just that we have 'lost', 'forgotten' or 'had taken away from us' the knowledge needed to access the meanings of our dreams.

The bottle is not broken - hold that image as you go about you days and sense what comes up.

All the best

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Replying to:

Hi, thank you for your response.

The feeling before my rage and anger was anticipation. Really wanting to find out what the writtings on the bottle meant and because that was taken away from me its as if i thought i could solve the issue by buying another one. I believe your right in the fact that i do bottle sum anger instead of letting go. I do want to understand my anger and rage. Maybe i see myself as instead of getting angry i find other solutions which aren't necessarily realistic?

However what puzzles me is that the focus of the dream was not on the rage but mostly on the perfume bottle, feeling really strong about it and wanting to find out what the writtings ment and how it was broken in half and the shooting of my best friend just came randomly.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Perfume Dream

Thank you for your interpretation! Its made a lot of sence to me and I have reflected on your comments. I will update you and keep that image in my mind!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, Melbourne, Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Re: Perfume Dream

good for you; it may take some time, however be assured all will be well if you let it - JC

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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