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Quicker Flight

Hi friends,

A recurring theme.

I am on a private plane. The pilot lets me know some info about the flight (need to recheck dream journal).

We are in Holland and we are flying south. We fly low over the mountains, in France, but I think they are the Alps in Switzerland without snow. They look like the Rockies. We fly so low we pass an older woman with short hair. We are supposed to turn left, head West, but instead we turn right heading east, We had passed a mosque and I was surprised and happy that the pilot went back to it.

I got out of the plane and went in. I was on a seat with another overweight blonde woman, and the seats would spontaneously rise up and down. It was a scary.

There was a woman in the mosque (Yes I know she is me), she was tall, thin, with brown hair.

Her fingers were covered with rings, and yet she complained that her husband never gave her a wedding ring, but I point out that he gave her a diamond heart shaped gold pendant. (Diamonds! I tellher, count for a lot!) She's not convinced.

I wake up knowing she is me.

I think I captured the essentials of that dream, need to check my journal. It is my second dream in a short time of flying over Europe. I think the Mosque was in Turkey. It was huge, and I felt a deep sense of relief to go there. I was telling the woman that I believe in destiny, especially when it comes to marriage, and that my husband could change in a day. (In terms of his love for me...hopefully it means increase and not decrease.)

I would love to hear all interpretations on this one...especially what does flying mean, and the deeply spirtitual aspect, as well as the romantic comments, and the symbolism. ....diamond shaped heart pendant or pin, lots of rings, some were of hearts connected.....if this is about my animus.....or husband or both.

Thanks everyone. I love the dream forum!

Re: Quicker Flight

Hi May just a few pointers the first part of your dream seems to indicate the setting for your dream and where you are at the moment flying over the mountains would suggest the way you are viewing your inner terrain from a higher viewpoint, the mountains conjuring up the enormity of what you have been going over, they can also relate to the emotional ups and downs that you have been having, and now you are looking over this from the privacy of a more objective and detached viewpoint.

The location your flying over may refer to the nature of this mountainous terrain in some symbolic fashion, or may just be indicating that which is foreign to you, though as you view this part of yourself your sense of these 'emotional mountains' become familair 'looking like the rockies', like something you recognise from before in your life maybe a similar pattern an emotinal pattern has emerged.

Moving to the right in a dream indicates gaining a more spiritual perspective or moving towards ones inner sense of self, where as moving to the left indicates intellectualising or gaining a conscious understanding. It seems at this point in your journey you moved from following a more intellectual course of understanding in your life 'supposed to turn left' to moving towards a more spiritual perspective and understanding of the events that have happened recently in your life 'turning right east'.

Im just wandering here if in your dream the woman you sit next too is on the plane or on the seats in the mosque, If on the plane she may represent your feeling self and the bumpy ride you have been on which has been quite scary her being overweight relating to the emotional weight of these feelings that you have been experiencing her blonde hair now though intimating your thoughts in relation to the way you have been feeling are a lot lighter.

The result of making that turn to the right within yourself has brought you great relief in finding the mosque finding this part of yourself from which to approach life this space that which is more intact more whole Im not sure of your religion or cultural values, but the mosque here seems to indicate your more spititual centre.

It is within this space now that your dream highlights again your feeling self in relation to your spirituality which you percieve to be you, the complaints made are about her husband, a male spouse in ones dreams tends to relate to those more masculine qualitys those attitudes to which one is bound too as in marriage, this inner complaint arises from your own relationship to your innerself that is your own attitudes to this part of you that you have not committed to fully being with. although you recognise this space within I suspect you are not still fully living from this space. The femine allways guides the masculine and reflects itself in much of the iconnography that dates back to sumerian times, belived to be that of a more matriarchial period within history.

The feminine is our receptive soul qualitys it is our intuitive feelings and our capacity for compassion and empathy, it is from this inner vessel that when living with inner harmony this part of ourselves informs us and we act appropriatly and devlop our beliefs accordingly.

The patriarchial paradigm has somewhat taught us to deny this feminine principal within, and for many who disregard their inner feminine selves live out from a limited masculine perspective, which has led to the need to dominate, control and compete it places importance on prestige, status and external power, our own inner separation and discord reflects in the state of current affairs on this planet at this time.

For many it is a catylyst to again unite with the inner feminine pricipal for so long has she been ignored people everywhere are turning to integrate more spiritual values into their lives turning to their dreams for answers, turning to a more holistic and organic way of living.

For as long as one lives out only from the limitations of their masculine one will never really feel truly content and will remain cut of from their spiritual well, their heart centre, this leads also to trying to fullfill this discontent externally through seeking more love from another person, codependant relationships, and all manner of addictions.

It seems that you have found this space within :) though your dream tends to intimate this discord is what has been at the heart of your problems and for as long as one chooses to live out of the masculine and not be guided by the wiser higher feminine principal their will be disharmony in ones outer externalised life. Remember the energys arise from within first and are then played out in our external lives our world shows and reflects back to us our own inner conflicts. The relationships we find ourselves in reflects back our own internal relationships, between our masculine and feminine between our head and heart, our free will and divine will.

we can find our spirituality in many ways some intelectualise it but always remain in this space never really allowing themselves to dip into their centres, the masculine here plays its hand allowing one to understand it but remain within its confines preserving its own for too live from ones heart centre may mean death for the ego too relinquish all its identifications is to relinquish all false notions of who one thinks they are and is very scary.

But when one starts living from their heart centre we find that the masculine still continues its active part the feminine informs and the masculine assess and acts it leads us to a more harmonious and balanced state of living, in living with ones truths their is no discord only the will of our divinity.

Your dream suggest having acknowledged your heart centre (diamond herat pendant) it asks of you for commitment to be informed by it to act on your soul inspirationin all you do.

I hope this helps a little
Best of luck Marce

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

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Re: Quicker Flight

Hi Marce,
Thanks for your reply, it is a very thorough analysis.

I think the essential aspect of the dream is that in my flying (perhaps meditative self observation) I have found that the inner masculine has given me a heart pendant made of diamonds. Diamonds for me represent many things, not only a symbol for enduring love and stability in marriage but also for something rare, valuable and precious, the very qualities of the Self, and also perhaps something that requires tremendous suffering and sacrifice to obtain; hence its high values.

That an unknown woman is telling me this is significant, this is a deeper part of myself, a feminine aspect that I need to know better. She has a more negative aspect of the masculine, I have to remind her, but HE gave you a diamond pendant, as in, what more could you want? It means the same if not more than a wedding band. But then I tell her my husband could change in a day, a rather fickle hearted attribute. So there is still some ambiguity,

the journey continues.
Thanks Marce,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

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Re: Quicker Flight

Hi May thanks for your feedback I do appreciate it.
Many blessings on your Journey Marce

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

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Re: Quicker Flight

Hi may just to get back to you after giving your comments some thought, as there still seems to be some mixed feelings about what your dream is portraying at the end, I can only view your dream as if it were my own and blend it with my gut responses so please take from it what works and that does not ditch.

The masculine element in your dream seems to reflect the higher mind that is that part of you that has the ability to penetrate truth to cut through the veils of illusion, the diamond light has this quality to penetrate illusion it is the quality of the meditative mind, The diamond heart shaped pendant A heart shaped diamond set in gold as I understand shows this quality of being able to penetrate that which lies at the heart, what this dream is about or rather how i understood it, is about getting to the bottom of the issues present in your life. You say your meditations are reflected in your flying this is the detached objective view of the mind, the higher mind the self reflecting part looking penetrating deeper within to your conflicts with the watching eye. When we meditate the space from which we usually act out from gives way to the observing still mind this when focused more is able to pentrate deeper into our layers, layer upon layer of the self comes up for reflection and contemplation, when we are able to remain centred in meditation we pentrate deeper into our own illusions for the substance of the mind and what we believe to be the 'I' is nothing but an illusionary aspect of our being.

As we progress in meditation we move deeper into the self the conflict or issue that seems to lie at this heart is conveyed by the unknown woman, 'your feeling self' that you are not familar with do not know.

This female feeling self seems discontent in some way its as if in your deepest feeling layers there is a sense of not being acknowledged not being committed to in some way Im just wandering here, as all of our internal conflicts play out at some level in external relationships that it may be there is some part of you that also feels like this within your relationship/s what was she really complaining about how does she feel not being given a ring.

The next part of your dream suggests how this relationship between your deepest feeling self and your masculine ability to penetrate truth influences your ego that is your persona or sense of waking self, in some way these deepest feelings impress on you from within to act the way you did in the dream so to say in reationship to your feelings its like your feelings are governing your responses here in your everyday waking life with under the surface thoughts you are haveing about your relationship, ie commentary on husband etc.

This dream has brought you here to this point in yourself to understand somthing deeper about yourself.

Getting to know these deeper truths may be challenging but it is only an illusionary aspect of self they have no pwoer or bearing and once acknowledged creates a deeper sense of freedom and peace within.

Just my limited perspective, I hope you can take something from it

Marce :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

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Re: Quicker Flight

I want to second your statement "The patriarchal paradigm has somewhat taught us to deny this feminine principal within". You speak forcefully and honestly about the lack of recognition of the power of the feminine.
Western religions, those who believe in the patriarchal God of Abraham, refuse to acknowledge the true position of the feminine, psyche or physical. They know to do so would destroy their power structure. But the feminine is undeniable, as is the masculine, but her powers within the psyche are superior. Or they should be. One can never find true psyche harmony if there isn't a balance, with the feminine in the lead, if one wishes to experience true spirituality, and wholeness. Jung espoused that position, Gnosticism, Buddhism, Native American spirituality all recognize the feminine aspect as equal or superior to the masculine.

You also correctly tagged our social structure. And an excellent example that fits the pattern of behavior where the ego so values the masculine, where intuitive logic is none existent and narcissism prevails...George W. Bush

I have a serious problem with the God of Abraham {I think of myself as a recovering Church of Christ}. But Jesus is a great example for living a spiritual life. He lived from the feminine. Anger, vengeance, wrath are not a part of Christ's vocabulary. I tend to ignore the advice of patriarchal gods. Jesus, the Buddha, those principles of many earth based religions {Wicca as a n example} provide better examples for living a true spiritual existence, in harmony with the planet, each other, and Self.

And still we dare to push Mother Nature to the brink. If one thinks God's wrath is great, another few more Katrinas will change that attitude. And it is not a 100 years in the future. We are now experiencing the beginnings of major earth changes.

I appreciate your insights. I haven't had the time as yet to thoroughly critique your interpretations. I can see they are definitely Jungian influenced. Having that I know you are well equipted to explore other people's psyche. Utilizing the intuitive mind, the superior mind.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Quicker Flight

Hi Gerard
Thanks for your input, viewing the ancient cultures of our known historical times brings great revelations in understanding the relationship within to the sacred goddess. It is in one of your recent posts I read your mention of the Tale of Innana and her relationship to Dumuzi her lover/consort that I see the many paralells between that of the sacred feminine and the mind, between the soul, and its consort, the consort being orientated in space time.
Our recent patriarchal heritage has created much seperation and dichotomy in its unwitting belief that the mind holds the seat of power which if we are to survive has to conquer and dominate nature both extrinsic and intrinsic.

The earth based religions and shamnic cultures refer to so beautifully understood this the effects and devastation can be seen from the upheavel of the aboriginals from their lands to the displacement of the native indian culture in the Americas.

It appears that this external separation follows an inner separation of mind and heart and is ultimatly a reflection of the divided state with in our very own energys. At some level we understood the destructivness of this separation and it was soon become a theme and strategy within the armies dating back to roman times if not further, that was labled as a practice to 'divde' and 'conquer'.

Overcoming this separation within I believe is where we are currently with in the cycle of evolution here on earth. Its very exciting and in many parts of society it can be allready seen the manifestaion of these underlying currents of inner union, so much so I wander for how much longer can the likes of george bush and others hold tenaciously to their misconstrued seats of power.

Until the masses have Overcome their internal sense of separation will we see a change in our leaders, For they are a mere reflection of humanitys deepest shadow and which is in need of sacred healing.

Thankyou for your thought provoking comments


I want to second your statement "The patriarchal paradigm has somewhat taught us to deny this feminine principal within". You speak forcefully and honestly about the lack of recognition of the power of the feminine.
Western religions, those who believe in the patriarchal God of Abraham, refuse to acknowledge the true position of the feminine, psyche or physical. They know to do so would destroy their power structure. But the feminine is undeniable, as is the masculine, but her powers within the psyche are superior. Or they should be. One can never find true psyche harmony if there isn't a balance, with the feminine in the lead, if one wishes to experience true spirituality, and wholeness. Jung espoused that position, Gnosticism, Buddhism, Native American spirituality all recognize the feminine aspect as equal or superior to the masculine.

You also correctly tagged our social structure. And an excellent example that fits the pattern of behavior where the ego so values the masculine, where intuitive logic is none existent and narcissism prevails...George W. Bush

I have a serious problem with the God of Abraham {I think of myself as a recovering Church of Christ}. But Jesus is a great example for living a spiritual life. He lived from the feminine. Anger, vengeance, wrath are not a part of Christ's vocabulary. I tend to ignore the advice of patriarchal gods. Jesus, the Buddha, those principles of many earth based religions {Wicca as a n example} provide better examples for living a true spiritual existence, in harmony with the planet, each other, and Self.

And still we dare to push Mother Nature to the brink. If one thinks God's wrath is great, another few more Katrinas will change that attitude. And it is not a 100 years in the future. We are now experiencing the beginnings of major earth changes.

I appreciate your insights. I haven't had the time as yet to thoroughly critique your interpretations. I can see they are definitely Jungian influenced. Having that I know you are well equipted to explore other people's psyche. Utilizing the intuitive mind, the superior mind

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

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