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strange and scary fish

I have been having different forms of the same dream for a year now.
I am around a body of water: 1) a beach with a very steep incline into the water. Large waves crashing against the sand. Very large and scary looking fish can be seen below the surface. Prehistoric looking fish. No one else seems to notice them. Peope are swimming around and don't seem concerned with the fish or the violent churning of the water. I remain on the shore, walking around and trying to find a way to get into the water without the fish noticing me and attacking. I feel sure they will eat me alive if I get in the water...but I really want to get in. And for some reason it is very important to me that no one knows I am afraid.
2) Same scenario, only now the body of water is a small lake situated in the middle of a rocky wilderness (think Grand Canyon). I still want to get in that water, but I have the same sick/scary feeling about those fish.
the last time I had the dream I was able to jump in and out of the water (almost flying around) and I knew the fish couldn't catch me. I still woke up feeling a little scared.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 38, Montgomery Alabama

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: strange and scary fish

Beaches and large, crashing waves often indicate something within the unconscious needs/is ready to become conscious. There is something within your psyche that needs confronting and acknowledgement. Prehistoric is another word for very old. These aspects within you that need your attention may be from the past, very old experiences that perhaps you have forgotten about or even repressed. Remaining on shore may indicate a fear of confronting these issues. But the psyche, and thus your true self in your dreams, wish to confront these issues so to begin the healing process. Not being afraid is what you need to do in order to face up to these internal problems.

The second dream holds some measure of hope. You have jumped into the water {unconscious}, a positive sign that you are now willing to take on these emotional issues. But you are still trying to avoid full confrontation {jumping in and out, flying around}. As long as you avoid facing these issues you may feel they will not catch up to you. But the fear is real, they will eventually.

Are there issues or experiences from your past that need to be confronted? They may be buried deep within your unconscious {another metaphor for prehistoric}. Look a t the possibilities and get back to me. Let's determine the best way to proceed, if the above has merit to those possibilities.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: strange and scary fish

There are many issues from my past that I am now trying to confront. Some I know I have been avoiding and some I thought I had laid to rest long ago. I have actually been spending the last year or so attempting to come to terms with my issues and resolve them. I thought I was aware of the major issues, but maybe there are some things I have not opened my eyes to yet? What should I look for in my dreams as clues to what I may be missing? Are there certain "themes" that would tell a person this is an area of life you should pay attention to? I don't remember most of my dreams at all, but there are a few times when I can recall some details.
The dreams I remember completely are fewer in number and feel very significant to it's something I simply must remember. Sometimes these dreams are about others and I can't help but tell them about it. They will usually have a definite theme ( a friend buying something, receiving money, ect...). These things usually come to pass for the person--but I do not have cut and dry dreams for myself. It alway seems to be in some sort of code or something and I have a hard time seeing what it is I should be pulling from the experience.
I really want to know what it is I should be looking for in my dreams as clues to what I need to deal with. I'm ready to deal with it all and move on, but am not sure where to start with this hidden stuff.
Thank you so much for your reply and God Bless!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 38, Montgomery Alabama

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: strange and scary fish

Those emotional issues you have been dealing with recently could very well be the message of the dream. You can be consciously aware of such issues and what the dream does is unconsciously attempt to help you work through them. You may have already discovered the 'prehistoric' fish in your dreams {fish being the true story of who you are}.

The second dream, the measure of hope I spoke of, may be the fact you are confronting these deep emotional issues. Where it may you have been you refused to, or could not confront them, in the past, you are finally doing so now. That is the most important aspect in the healing process. Confronting the emotional pain, those people and experiences from your past that still have hold on you in the present. That is the first step. The process can be slow, an 'in and out' situation where at times you feel you are coming to grips with the pain, and other times when you are not sure there is a solution.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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