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helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

This has been a recurring dream theme of mine for the past 5-7 years. I am with a disabled person or child that is deaf, mute, paralyzed, or mentally disabled, and last night it was a child that had cancer. I find myself understanding the grunts, moans or unspoken thoughts of the person/child whether they are happy, sad or in need of something. The child with cancer just needed a her back scratched and to be cuddled. I am always frustrated that the people around did not know what the person was trying to communicate. How could they NOT know? I am quickly confused as to why is it that I know what their grunts or moans mean?

Thanks for any insight.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37, Florida

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Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

Are there any experiences from your childhood that could be related to these recurring dreams? It may be you are able to understand the grunts and moans because they are from your own 'inner' self. The cancer may be something, past experiences?, that are eating away at you, wanting to have a voice so your conscious mind will give attention to these experiences. The frustration and confusion may be at yourself. The dream may be confronting a need to confront past experiences.

The dreams started 7-8 years ago. Is there anything about that period of your life that may be remarakable or memorable. Especially emotionally wise? It could be, if there are repressed experiences, that you are now just confronting these emotional issues because you are entering that early stages of mid-life {read my post at the Myths-Dreams-Symbols Discussion Forum Mid-Life-The Way Forward.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

Hi Martha,

As with many recurring dreams, your dream is repeating itself with insistence in order to gain your attention toward an important theme in your life. It is good that you are searching for insight into this recurring dream and with most dreams the meaning can take on several layers, especially with one that is recurring so often for such a long time span.

At first blush I would venture to say that the child in your dreams is an aspect of your inner self. Of course it could mean that and more, an aspect of your inner self as well as an aspect of your personality or a real life child. It is worth it to explore the multiple meanings.

If it is an aspect of yourself it could also mean several things. That aspect that we call the inner child, or your own personal development, or an age that you were at a time of stress or life impacting incident that perhaps held back your growth. The age of the child in the dream is important, especially if the child's age is progressing. Perhaps comparing the dream child's age with yourself when you were that age might also have meaning for you.

The inability of the child to speak can also suggest some vulnerable aspect of yourself that is symbolically like that child and unable to express needs. Is there an area in your life that may be speaking to you and you are not able to yet grasp the messages it wants you to understand? Rather I should say, an aspect of yourself perhaps related to an area of your life.

Finally, I wonder, the cancer can represent many things, especially a negative relationship...this line of thought may be valuable for you to look into...

Your reaching out to the child is splendid and beautiful. You are on the right track Martha and I am sure your efforts at understanding the child, both in the dreams and in real life, will be rewarded.

Let us know how this is for you,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

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Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

Gerard and May, thank you both for your helpful and powerful insights that hold too many truths to mention them all.

Gerard, I read your "mid-life transition" information. This is what I started "7-8" years ago when I began therapy when I turned 30. I knew I was in transition because my dreams were dealing with changing clothes that didn't fit, houses burning down, mazes, snakes, etc. My problem was that I didn't have anyone to ask for help with my dreams. My therapist didn't share the same passion of looking into dreams for help (she's been fired -- I'm on my own and way better), and my husband is a great listener but rarely recalls his own dreams.

Things you both said that resonated with me... the disabled parts of myself, parts of my personality, parts that are speaking and I'm ignoring (ouch), the past experiences that are like cancer eating away at me, and I don't want to give them a voice. This was perfectly said, "I am frustrated and confused at myself."

I hope the theme will start to change with me holding that child.

You both helped more with your insights to that dream theme than those years in therapy. Thanks so much.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37, Florida

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Re: Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person


Thank you so much for the positive feedback. Am so glad you found inspiration from your dream.

It seems that you gained a lot of insight working with this dream. Dreams have the power to transform and heal us, from deep within....keep up the listening


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

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Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

I have been meaning to respond to your last post in this thread, and I apologize for not doing so sooner. I have also read your post 'Electricity, lightning, transformers, out of power...' and hope to give more time to that thread. I'm hoping for a long, quite holiday weekend so I can give some real time to the Forum. I will provide some of my thoughts this post and hopefully elaborate more this weekend.

Something important you said in your response, about having started therapy and the 'realization' of your lid-life transition. First, realizing that you are in that stage of life says a lot about 'where you are' in life. 'Where you are' not only in the time frame of your transition {it can be a long process} but also that you 'realize' you are in a transition. Most people don't have that profound {psychologically} realization until their 40s, if they realize it all.{it is a process everyone goes through, consciously or unconsciously} . Knowing that you are conscious of the process tells me a lot about you, and how perhaps I should approach your dreams when I attempt to interpret them.

My thoughts are it makes little difference whether a person goes through the process consciously or unconsciously, the process will be reflected in their dreams. Whether it be a harmonious transition or like very many who posts their dreams, one full of thunder and lighting, the dream will reflect the emotional issues of the dreamer's life. {age has so much to do with how I approach a dream, an older person as a norm has more life experiences, and thus more often emotional baggage. It plays a hugh role in the dreamer's life, and how we interpret dreams}. The stronger the emotion, the more the emphasis on that emotion{s}. Of course personality and other psychological factors influence the dream, as it does the person. Those who have nightmares more often have had some type of traumatic experience sometime in their life. Recurring dreams often reflect a recurring emotional issue in the dreams life that has not been given proper attention. But you don't have to have nightmares for the dream to reflect traumatic experiences.

Dreams also possesses metaphysical properties. Creativity is a primary aspect that is often realized at mid-life. Tapping into the creative Self is an expression of our true selves. It is a tool for healing and expanding our horizons. True positive growth follows those who realize, and utilize the creative aspect.

So too spirituality {beyond religion}. That is where Jung deviated from the conventional {he was a scientist} norm when looking at the dream. He discovered the 'metaphysical' properties within the psyche, and provided us with value knowledge, about dreams, the psyche, and ourselves.

From your posts I can see that your experiences with the mid-life thing has provided you with much wisdom. As you continue to look inward I am confident you will one day be able to embrace that 'child'. And with that embrace comes a healing. And the load becomes a lot lighter.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

Please take your time. I have gotten more out of this forum than I ever expected. Don't push anything. If you get inspired to say something, great. But, if nothing comes, that is fine too (perfect timing can never be rushed -- I am still trying to live this). Anyway, I am still chewing on some of the other insights that I am mentally and emotionally trying to take in.

Have a great weekend. Everyone...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37, Florida

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Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

Where do you feel 'you are' in your transition? I get the impression the lightning in your dreams is due to the 'thunderstorms' {emotional}. How far do you think you have you come since you began therapy, and more importantly since you started listening to your dreams?
I also sense the last part of your original post {after a thunderstorm, my electricity went out} is addressing perhaps something physical as much as emotional {playing with the wires, and hate of feeling cold}. Could that involve medications?

The mid-life thing can be very transforming and there are stages of the cycle{s}. It often takes several attempts to get to the next level, which can be very frustrating. That is why it is called a heroic event, not many can survive, lack the required discipline to stay with the program. But the great thing is, and something that is worth holding on to, is when you do reach that next plateau there are great rewards emotionally. In the end that is what is about {{the emotions}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person

Thank you for your reply and insights. This is part of a different dream (no big deal), so I will post this reply with the lightning, transformers, etc. dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37, Florida

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