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Electricity in Dreams

Hi All

I would like to start a discussion on 'Electricity in Dreams'

There have been two posts recently relating to this - by Susan and Martha; and the theme is recurring.
I too have had dreams that would fit into this catagory, although they were clearer (to me at least).
In these dreams I experienced the energy passing through my body ,,, as heat, or as a Force that pinned me down while 'energy' passed through my body These dreams were experiential ,, there was a lot of physical sensation, and not always pleasant, on the contrary, some were painful.

I think these dreams are descriptive of the same phenomena / fact ,,, that the currency of the Universe is energy. Remember Einstein's equation E=mc2 ,,, ? If this is so, we are energy ,,, all energy and nothing but energy. Our human body is energy incarnate.

Sometimes these dreams seem to be descriptive of how the energy systems are operating - this may mean our personal energy systems, or the larger energy systems at play in 'our world'.

For those new to these concepts i would like to introduce the concepts of 'prana' and kundalini. Both of these are words that relate to energy that forms part of our metaphysical structure.
Prana is our life force, the force that incarnates us. Here we are very close to the idea of our creation and related theories. I am referring to shakti - the swirling life force that animates creation.
Kundalini - is another form of engery that is wired into our system. Everyone has this - however it is in potential ,, it is descibed as sleeping - as a sleeping snake actually. Some practices try to 'encourage' (I would suggest force) this potential of energy to awaken. Another approach is to acknowledge that everything has it's season, and when the conditions are right, this energy awakens naturally.

Another area realted to electricity in dreams is the chakra system - these might be described as transformers of energy. The chakras are alos part of our metaphysical structure those parts of us that transmute or conduct the energies of the Universe - transfering the energy of the Spirit (Heaven) into the Earth (matter). The interface of Heaven and Earth is where we live - in one sense we are the interface : we are the sole : we are soul.

I am suggesting that dream symbols such as - transformers, lightning, fuses blowing, connections heating up, power cables, constructin power poles as well as dreams containg inphysical sensations of 'electricity' through the body are all related to these themes i ahve described.

What thoughts do people have?
many thanks

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Re: Electricity in Dreams

Hi Justin

Yes what a valid question, I was wandering the same on reading the previous threads could electricity relate to the energies of our more subtle antomy? When reading marthas post I got the impression though that the electricity was relating more to a specific type of energy, and reflected more the physical nervous system, the nerve pathways also become conduits for this similar type of energy, Its almost as if the electricity pending on context reflects the excited nature of ones nervous system, The nervous tension one contains within, extreme states of stress leading to internal overheating and melt down, metaphorically speaking. Though i havent read the post thouroughly your reference to the transformer could well relate to the the chakra system as well as to ones ability to transform the energies we take in and give out in life

In my own dreams and those of others I have looked at, I have found that Energy in terms of our personal energy and where our energy becomes consumed within by blocked paterns, walled off aspects of the self, or where we give our energy away in life has reflected itself in the currency of money.
Now this is a sweeping generalisation but one that seems to hold true money also shows how we exchange our energies with others and where this has becomes unbalanced.

The subtle flows of our own intrinsic energies both that of our meridians and chakras ive experienced in my own dream as light and particular frequencys of light, As im sure your aware though I will highlight for others reading each chakra resonates at a specific frequency and relates to a particular band of light and consciousness (generally speaking), dreams express the various bands of this light in the form of colour when drawing our attention to a particular mode of consciosness and state of energy flow within a chakra. Any change of the flow of energies through a chakra can reveal itself in particular shades and colours of light for example the solar plexus vibrates to a frequency that emitts yellow light. This mode of consciouness governs and manifests physically as our digestive system and is related to issues of power, personal power and self worth. Any blockages within this chakra such as patterns of fear or issues with personal power in relation to others may be highlighted as a dirty yellow in dreams, showing where this flow of energies is congested and the issues relating to it. Of course this again is a very general sweeping statement and all must be looked at within the context of the dream.

Regards Marce

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Re: Electricity in Dreams

Joseph Campbell's explanation of the Kundalini Yoga in his book Transformations of Myth Through Time is an excellent tool to learn about the Kundalini. Campbell uses his usual mixture of mythic storytelling and psychological relevance in order to put as simple as possible what the Kundalini represents. For me Transformations of Myth Through Time put into perspective the evolution of the psyche, from the 'dawn of mankind's mythic consciousness' to 'The Way to Enlightenment: Buddhism' to the grail legends which shows us with the power of the heart, and the search for the soul. Achieving 'gnosis' requires a recognition of the metaphysical aspect and this book provides so many insights to that acquisition. To thoroughly, and truly understand Jung one must possess this knowledge.

And the simple thing about it is we already do.


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