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I recently became a doctor in my area of study. Nevertheless after the event, which went very well I had a dream that I was to defend my thesis. At the beginning of the defence a friend of mine took over (I like her a lot but do not think she is very clever) in any case she was doing a terrible job answering the questions. Eventually I took over and felt that I was impressing people, but one commission member in particular was not happy abotu my performance. At the end of the defence, after the examination commission had left the room to decide about my defence, the examinor I knew was unhappy informed me that I would not become a doctor because I had not filled in a form properly - which she presented to me. I knew this was because of some other reason but not exactly what. Why would I dream that I was not successful at my defence when I really was???

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 The Netherlands

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: defence

What is it in your life where you may feel a need to be defensive?

It may be that you are feeling pressures from the expectations of your new position. There may also be a bit of 'comeuppance' to the fact you are now a doctor {not very clever}. Have you recently spent some time trying to impress someone, or perhaps even yourself. Although it is a tremendous achievement {some gloating is due for sure}, there may be something in your life that is not as satisfactory as you wish or it should be.

If you will look at the different people in your dream as aspects of yourself you may recognize familiar experiences in your waking life. Judging yourself at this important time in your life, especially the new responsibilities and expectations, can be expected. It may be like having a dream where you are constantly late for work. It is a fear of something you may or may not control but it is reflective of those true emotional aspects. Centering yourself, not taking things too seriously may be what is needed.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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