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Dreams about DAD

My father unexpectedly and suddenly passed away 4 months ago; In the beginning my dream of him was seeing him from a distance, smiling, no words, no conversation. I've had 2 dreams this past week about him and during both dreams I woke up feeling confused, all I remembered was I was having a conversation with him but I could not hear the words. Why is that and why did i wake up confused and couldn't figure out if I really dreamed of him?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46; VA

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Re: Dreams about DAD

First let me say how sorry I am to learn of your father's passing. It is never easy to accept death of a loved one and having had that experience I can understand the grief you are feeling.

As for your dream. Those of us who use Jung as our primary source for interpreting dreams, there is the belief {reinforced by the experiences of past interpretations here at the Forum} that dreams reflect our emotional state of 'being' at the time of the dream. Your confusion could be the result of not wanting to acknowledge his passing. The confusion could be in part due to the untimely manner of his passing. Your state of mind and psyche may be trying to come to terms with this tragedy.
Waking up confused would be a natural experience since you are waking up to a world without the physical presence of your father. Your normal routine has been disrupted and those seemingly normal aspects in your life are no longer that way. One function of dreams is to help resolve such emotional conflicts. Confusion may reign for a time in your life, perhaps not so apparent outwardly, but inwardly it can never be the same.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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