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bridges without ending

hello again, i had two dreams with the same picture of a bridge without ending, and i was wondering what that could represent. both of the dreams have my boyfirend again. in the first dream, him and i are at my parents house and we are looking through the window, and the scenery is not the same, there is a bridge that is floating in the air, it s not moving, just standing there, and there is no end to it, we can t see it, i think there is some fog or something like that. the other dream is where me and my boyfriend are standing in one side of the bridge, and i m trying to escape from him, and i m about to go across the bridge, and there is a big ice skating piece and i m skating on it, and as i m crossing the bridge, i can t see the end of it, it s all covered with fog, and the bridge is starting to collapse and i m scared and im running back to my boyfriend who is still there, but i m again not stoping there, i m running again from him..any suggestions would be useful, thanks alot, maya

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Re: bridges without ending

Hi Maya

Just to throw some pointers your way, bridges often indicate a transition from the old to the new, or a bridging of the intellect with the spiritual in ones life, ie mind and heart, matter and spirit.

In your second dream you write "the other dream is where me and my boyfriend are standing in one side of the bridge, and i m trying to escape from him, and i m about to go across the bridge, and there is a big ice skating piece and i m skating on it, and as i m crossing the bridge, i can t see the end of it, it s all covered with fog, and the bridge is starting to collapse and i m scared and im running back to my boyfriend who is still there, but i m again not stoping there, i m running again from him"

Your dream suggests here that at some point you have tryed to get away from the inner attitudes your boyfriend represents to you attitudes towards self 'your day to day feeling self', during this need to move to a place within oneself that is lightly more secure, ie identifying more with attitudes towards oneself that are more loving and accepting 'an inner transition' though this cant be seen yet. 'no sight of the end of the bridge'.

Making your way accross this bridge within oneself to another way of being with yourself 'transition' isnt easy for you right now something during this transition in self has stopped you, Ice would lightly represent frozen feelings of some kind and your response here is to become scared as the bridge begins to collapse, any sense of how to get to the other side to this new way of relating to yourself diminishes and your response is to go back to your current attitudes and beliefs about yourself. as soon as you are back here though you again atttempt to move away, from this place that you find yourself.

Its almost as if youve tryed different ways to relate to yourself but every time you set out you come accross difficulties. It isnt clear though exactly how to make this crossing 'fog' and your unable to see the end of it. This sort of ties up with your comments made on your other dream in relation too looking for ways to overcome this sense of insecurity that you feel within your relationship. Not knowing or being clear on how to go about this transition not being able to see the end of it as yet.

It seems that you are loooking for a change to your current circumstances, I have found within my own dreams many answers and much healing to the perplexing issues that I have encountered in my life, holding a firm intention in mind to request healing and guidance on your current life circumstances may stimulate your dreams to provide the answers for you.

Many blessings

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

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