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Hi,yesterday I had this strange dream which seems quite symbolical:
My boyfriend has found a diamond.It is quite big,very pure and has thousands of little facets and a golden ring on top like a crown. I am watching the dream like a movie.Then all of a sudden I am him/or sort of other man(it has changed).It seems perfectly normally to be a man(I am a woman).We are in a room and there is a woman sitting there. I give her the diamond,she should keep it.I get scared that somebody will attack her and steel it from her.I feel I am her bodyguard.There are two or three other man in the room and I feel insecure or suspicious that they might want to steal the diamond, as I don't know them and they are quite darklooking.They sense my thoughts and notice that I am looking for my gun but can't find it.They tell me that I shouldn't worry they also feel that the woman is the one who should keep the diamond and that he belongs to her.I relax and wake up with a very positive but strange feeling of grace.
looking forward to your interpretation.margit

Re: diamond

Perhaps this dream is addressing those masculine aspects that you need to refine {from your previous posted dream New House. The new found diamond {striving for perfection} and the 'perfectly normal feeling of being a man'. Your desire is to give this to yourself I give her the diamond, she should keep it}. Your present assertive style of personality is your protection. Unconsciously driven {as are most personality traits} your dream is trying to help you sort through these overly stimulated masculine traits. The true self, not giving in to those masculine aspects, is what you consciously strive for.

How you feel upon waking from your dream is a positive sign that you do recognize and you are confronting these wayward masculine aspects.
Does this fit?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: diamond

Thanks a lot for helping with my dream.yes,it makes sense. i am reading quite a lot to try to figure out how to work with my inner energies.What do you mean by overestimulated masculine energies? How does such an energy manifest in real life? I suppose you refer to the other male figures in the dream who I feel are not so trustworthy.
I thought that the dream meant that I start to enter more in contact with my masculine side and start to trust it more.maybe retrieving it from the basement(where it was buried in my recurrent dream of the murdered man).Before the diamond dream i also had a dream where I was intoduced to a very special meditation teacher(doesn't exist in real life)who told me i should greet and embrace him without fear, what i did .My mind melted with his in a soothing blissful white light and it felt really healing:I didn't post that dream as it seemed quite clear to me.I interpreted it as an embracing and unification with my male side.What do you think?

Re: diamond

I get the sense your dreams are addressing the masculine self but the integration may be more than just a need for an integration of the masculine. The fact that you become belligerent {animus possessed and I become very belligerent, wanting to be always right} indicates in your waking life your masculine self has taken over {belligerence being a negative masculine trait}. A need to 'keep the diamond' in your second dream may indicate a need to look to the feminine, let those traits resurface and be in control. Something may be out of balance.

This whole episode of masculine emotions may be an inherent trait but may be stimulated from the relationship with your boyfriend. Does he tend to 'set' you off in discussions between the two of you {Trying in a very repetitive way to make my point with my boyfriend and he becomes really irritated}? From these statements of fact {waking life and not dream} there seems to be real conflict with the masculine. Not just with the inner self {which seems to be true} but also with your boyfriend. Does that make sense in your life?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: diamond

yes,I had always difficult relationships with immature younger men who had difficulties in holding jobs,money etc. It was always me who had to "stand my man" in society and take care of everything.With my current boyfriend this is better because he is much more responsible and mature.However he also has a more subtle difficulty of not comitting(but it seems as if one part of him commits and once in awhile another part of him behaves as if he were just a single man:just his proyects and plans etc,not really considering that i am there too).
But since i started to work with my dreams again there is much more harmony and communication in the relationship.
Yes, he sometimes stirs up stupid arguments about something he doesn't like about me(but really silly such as why do I cut a watermelon the way i do it and that is not the"right" way .I just try to take it with a sense of humour and not give it too much importance but in the end I also get involved and angry and start in a civilised way(but irritating and repetitive according to him)to try to explain my side of reality to him which he normally can't accept in the moment.I have come to the conclusion that it is not constructive and will try not to enter that type of conversations .I still have to figure out how i can be assertive without entering in that kind of stuff.I will post another dream in a new thread I think has to do also something with that and which I can't figure out what it means.I am dreaming more and more and learn a lot from it.Today I received the tapes of marion woodman you recommended"dreams ,language of the soul".Idon't want to post too many dreams and I am trying to work them out on my own to give other people also space to have their dreams interpreted.I am also reading again thru "Inner Work".Thanks alot for answering,Gerard ,your thoughts are very helpful.Anyway ,I am not trying to solve anything at the moment...just in aphase of observing and becoming aware of inner patterns and wanting to repect all parts of myself

Re: diamond

That is a phase that is most important, becoming aware of those inner patterns and learning which are good and which are not. It is by 'self examination' that we discover truths about ourselves. From what yo have stated you going about this in a correct manner. And I believe Marion Woodman's 'Dreams, Language of the Soul will be most helpful in that discovery {she addresses the feminine psyche, and the feminine gender in a way that is most insightful}. If there is anything we can do to help in that process, we are here to help. I appreciate your openness and willingness to share your experiences. We all learn from those experiences.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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