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odd dream

Ok so I dreamt that I was in a car with my hubby and his 2 friends. I was in the back seat with his friend and his other friend was in the passanger seat. I was very angry but dont know y. We dropped one friend off and then his friend and my hubby and I went to a restaurant.
My hubby and his friend went and got their food and sat down but for sum reason I could not find the food. I couldnt find anything I liked. I found my hubby and I wanted to sit by him but he was on the edge so I had to sit on the other end with his friend and it really upset me. So I stood up and walked off.I remember walking around and then made my way outside.
I met this girl who I was attracted to. We started talking adn walking around together for quite some time. Then I saw my hubby sitting down still so I told her I would be back later an went to see my hubby. He was upset cuz he couldnt find me. We started walking off and I went up to the girl and asked for her number, while my hubby just walked off with his friend.
We got in the car and drove off. Then I woke up. It was a really odd dream. What do u guys think? Is it supposed to mean something?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20 years tx

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Re: odd dream

Being in a car often indicates that the dream is a commentary on your physical, daily life at the time of the dream. If you're not in the driver's seat, someone or something else is in control of your life. Whatever that something is, it is not your true, essential self.

Males represent particular thought patterns behaviours and attitudes in our life, and your husband most lightly reflects the current set of thought patterns and inner attitudes that you are most intimate with within 'your self'. I get the impression here that your husband is in the driving seat, Id say then that your life is currently being driven by an inner attitude or similar thoughts you share with your husband, and which in some way leaves you feeling angry.

I get the sense that the overall energy of your dream seems to convey that some thought pattern 'you' have that is reflected in the way your husbands friend thinks or behaves, gets in the way of the inner relationship that you have with yourself and consequently with your husband, for it is these 'attitudes' in you that your husband seems more preoccupied with and leaves you your essential self possibly left out, you want your husband to be with the whole of you and not just this particular way that you behave ie party attitude etc, does that make sense?

The restaurant setting may indicate then something you are looking for to feed you, in some way that you arnt being 'fed' (No food) What is this that your missing, nourishment?, nurturing?, love? and this is what you yearn for your daily life right now. But you aren't readily receiving it!!!.

These are just some ideas to ponder over and may or may not apply to your life right now. dreams tend to reflect the dynamics of our inner being and how we relate to ourselves, and in this way our own inner being gets reflected in all we create externally, The social situations we find ourselves in helps us to see where we lack something in life and where we need to direct our attention too. You may even find that when you are out with your husband and his friends you feel the same way in relation to how you arnt getting anything, you cant seem to get close to your husband in the way you want to be etc, but remember this is only an illusion to the truth, the actual truth exists first and foremost at the relationship to your own inner energys.

I hope this makes a little sense, any questions please ask, best to you Marce

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

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Re: odd dream

Yess! Thanks Marcel. I do agree with you. I actually can relate to what you are saying. That does sound like the way I feel.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20 years tx

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: odd dream

Hi cuteberries
Your welcome :)
Best to You marce

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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