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Driving without Brakes


I dreamt I was driving a car with no brakes, and I almost ran into an old man in a crosswalk. I was so afraid, that I refused to drive after that, because when I finally reached my destination, my parents were in the car, as was a woman who I don't know who was supposed to be my grandmother. I was so terrified after that that I was afraid to risk driving when I had the responsibility of my mother and father's lives with me in car. The grandmother who was sitting in the back street really wanted me to drive, and was disappointed in me for not doing so.

A few years back I had another dream that I was driving a van in a very narrow street and bumping into the hedges on either side, and that was the last, if ever only time I dreamt of driving.

I'm concerned about what this dream is telling me about my ability to take charge of my life...and other things....any ideas please?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Driving without Brakes

Your grandmother sitting in the back seat wanting to drive. Is this your wisdom Self? Perhaps you are not giving enough attention to this aspect. Combined with your Undying Love dream there may some some masculine aspect at play that lends itself to concerns about 'taking charge' of your life. Giving more attention to those wise aspects {unknown woman who was supposed to be your grandmother} may be needed.

The inclusion of your parents in the dream and the responsibilities involved. Could that be speaking to personal characteristic development? It may be speaking to how you live life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Driving without Brakes

Hi Gerard,

Your comments are very helpful, thank you.

In the dream, when I was driving, I was alone in the car. After I reached my destination, my parents were in the car, as was the grandmother, and I think I was standing outside, and I was definitely refusing to drive.

I was afraid to drive because of the horrifying experience that I had undergone without brakes, and also because, the second time around, others would be in the car, whose lives I would be responsible for and this was too much.

When I apply analyse this dream with my overall life in mind, I come up with some rather interesting insights. I think the dream is commenting on some fear I may have that when I did take charge of my life (by driving) I somehow made a mess of things and put myself in danger and endangered others...(the old man at the crosswalk) , but then the old man at the crosswalk could symbolise patriarchial values that are outdated and harmful and blocking my path.....

In the second scene of the dream, my parents are suddenly on the scene. I wonder, what does that say about my parents in terms of my ability to take responsibility for my life. I was intimidated, to put it mildly. Maybe somehow because of my parents I am holding back on fully taking charge. Maybe I am still trying to protect my parent's values in some way and not 'following my bliss' and driving.

I agree totally that the grandmother figure is trying to help me, and symbolises a wise part of me. It is also ironic. One would expect, given the type of grandparents I had, that she would tell me to play it safe. But this woman was different, she wanted me to trust myself, and get back behind the wheel in spite of a bad experience, and inspite of grave responsibilities....and take charge.....

wow...that was a very illuminating sentence that I can apply to my life that I just wrote!
In terms of the masculine, perhaps I have let pseudo masculine values take cover, thinking that since I'm a woman, I should be more feminine and not be so in charge of my life. But this grandmother figure is telling me I had gotten it all wrong and I should just go for it.

In terms of any specific situations in my life I am not sure. This feels like a big mythic dream for my personal life. I think I need to stop holding back and stop letting my parents values hold me back and start living my life and following my bliss.

How does that sound?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36/Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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