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teacher, teacher

Teacher Teacher

This had also been placed on the discussion forum in error.

I was in a classroom and i said something to my teahcer, i seemed to have challenged her with the question.(she looks like my spiritual teacher in real life). She turns on me and her face transforms into an ugly, dark scary creature that i do not recognise. She looked like a wicked witch of a fairytale. I left the class in anger and when i got outside, i met an old gray haired man, he looked like God and i said to him: "Why do you keep sending me these crazy people to work with me?" I was poking him in the shoulder while speaking because i was mad at him as it was not the first time. He said to me that I must understand that although they are at a high level spiritually and gifted, some even sent to do his work, they are also humans with dark areas that need to be healed. He was smiling and talking to me with love and patience and he seemed a little amused, like one would do with a child they are trying to make understand something that is difficult for them yet simple.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}:

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, maybe under Janine or Cindy but same e-mail address

Re: teacher, teacher

Hi Janine

Hi Janine

I read + interpreted your previous dream without reading this post - intentionally; and I can not see that you do have a spiritual aspect.

Here you are in perceived conflict with your teacher. This could be the teacher in your waking life - or your inner teacher / guide.
You refer to her as appearing as a wicked-witch of fairy tales and so it may be worth your while re-reading some of these. This can be a reference to the dark aspects of the feminine - you may be projecting your denied dark feminine aspects onto your teacher ,,, or alternately your teacher may have these aspects.,,, in fact she, as human will have these aspects and we must recognise that this is so ,, it is us who are projecting our idealised ideas onto them and we can become disillusioned, or angry, or ,,,

Interesting your teacher is female - and this links with the lady in the amusement park who made candy ,,, who you felt insisted that you learn to be a model before she would teach you to make candy ,,,, does this refer to superficial spirituality ??

Are you currently in conflict with this teacher, and this conflict may be internal ? You may be wanting superficial spirituality (as you were eating the candy in the last dream) and the teacher is opening more in you ,,, the house was messy in your last dream, and not all parts of yourself are behind the current cleanup process - so i sense some conflict / tension / discussion going on.
In addition - you leave the class ,,,

And then you meet "an old grey haired, he looked like God" ,,,, this symbolises a moving toward higher authority ,,, but don't get me wrong, not the 'higher authority' of an imbalanced masculine.
Your current doubts are reflected in your question to him - so funny,,, here it is ,, your anger ,,, I have been interpreting your post piecemeal as you have written it and so my ideas are 'first hits' so to speak as I have not read all your dream yet.
So here is (part) of your answer ,, they are gifted and sent to do his work ,,, however they are also humans ,,,

go for it - do you know the Buddhist goddess Qwan Yin ? her attribute is compassion ,,,

all the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: teacher, teacher

Yes Justin, there is a problem with the teacher currently, i have problems accepting her human failings especially as i cannot speak to her of them because she denies them or turns it back to a problem with me and my growth. Even when the dark aspects of herself are witnessed by others. so it get frustrating to me because i feel unable to have an honest communication, instead i keep my thoughts inside and resentment builds. This dream happened two weeks before this last issue came up between us last friday.I am trying to understand the concept of the higher male authority, especially as you indicate that it is not the "unbalanced masculine".

Age & Gender & Location {Required}:

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, maybe under Janine or Cindy but same e-mail address

Re: teacher, teacher

Hi Janine

what this lets me know is the validity of the dream ,,, I encourage you to look into and learn more of this for yourself - it is the language of the soul - your soul.

All the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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