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job offers

job offers

i was called back to work for an airline(one that i worked for before but no longer work for.)I tried on many of my old suits but they did not look good so i settled for a new one. I had just sent off the plane successfully, done everything well and was talking to my boss(a female my first boss in that company)when two men sitting at a table called me me away because they wanted to speak to me urgently. They had remembered me from when i worked with the airlines and wanted to show me this hotel they had bought. I took a tour of the hotel and it was very elegant and stylish, the staff were well groomed and effecient and pleasant. The rooms were gorgeous, full of light and spacious, very well decorated. The bathrooms were also beautiful with gorgoeus tiles and fittings. The whols place screamed tasteful living. When i was brought back to them they were sitting at a table on a beach waiting for me, behind them was a fence and behind the fence was the airport runway.It was a bright sunshiny day, it was windy and the sea water was nice and calm, with gentle waves and it was a sea blue color. They wanted me to manage the property for them. I told them I have no hotel experience, they said they knew of my ability at the airline, where i was the GM and that was enough for them.They also said they had an interim GM who would train me for a while but I should give it a go. I was so excited by the opportunity.It was on a tropical island but not the caribbean, which is where i am now. The two men looked like people i knew. That dream was on the 25 May 2007.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}:

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, maybe under Janine or Cindy but same e-mail address

Re: job offers

Hi Janine

It seems I am on a run ,, however I shall only offer a few thoughts on this one; I thingk you may need to contemplate my previous replies

Again there is a shift here - toward the masculine : the boss is female yet it seems like the higher authority is masculine.

Note that you have a choice ,,, just as we do in life.

The airport is a place of potential transition ,,, just as the kitchen in you prev post is a place of transformation. You are in a place of potential and you ahve a choice. Free Will as understood in christian theology. The Divine / Universe gives us a choice. This is the difference between fate and destiny ,,

The soul can be described as a castle with many rooms - do you want to take on the challenge of getting to know your soul ?
it may be interesting to look at Caroline Myss' latest book "Entering the Castle"

All the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: job offers

So what you are saying is that all my dreams are pointing towards transformtion and the need to look deeper into my soul. I am not sure i get the part of moving to the higher "masculine authority", is that good or bad?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}:

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, maybe under Janine or Cindy but same e-mail address

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