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the girl

The girl

I dreamt i was walking through town with this guy I am dating. As we go around a street corner we meet this girl with her child and her parents. She is his ex-girlfriend with whom he has a child. She had bad teeth, the teeth are all over each other and discolored and protruding, she looks aweful. She drapes her arms around his neck in a very possessive way and her demeanor is dark and dangerous.He is cold and withdrawn. I get upset and walk off into the bakery to the left of them. I see him take her arms from around his neck and put them at her sides, he then comes to get me in the bakery. He introduces me to her as his girlfriend and introduces her to me as his friend. We continued walking through town and he removed his shirt(olive green and cream) and was wearing just his white undershirt and his trousers(olive green)and sunglasses. He was holding my hand and we crossed a gutter but I had moved away from him and ending up crossing at a deeper end and as a result I tripped and fell. When he realised i was no longer with him, no longer holding his hand, he turned around and saw me getting up and realised I had stumbled. He scolded me for not staying close to him because that would have prevented my fall, he was visbly frustrated, he took my hand and we continued walking. We got into his van drove off a little higher up and then got off outside this building. We entered through the glass doors of the store together, we were still holding hands.

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Re: the girl

I dreamt i was walking through town with this guy I am dating. As we go around a street corner we meet this girl with her child and her parents. She is his ex-girlfriend with whom he has a child. She had bad teeth, the teeth are all over each other and discolored and protruding, she looks aweful. She drapes her arms around his neck in a very possessive way and her demeanor is dark and dangerous.He is cold and withdrawn.

This is a dream from your guardian or overself who is with you always. He's telling you that he is walking through this world with you and that there are other spiritual beings nearby that he is closely related to. One of them is a frightening sexual partner that keeps him cold and withdrawn, and this is why he cannot appear to you in person as he would like to. These are all your spiritual group or family while you're on the earth. You are closely connected to them all but he is the one you need the most at this point in life.

I get upset and walk off into the bakery to the left of them. I see him take her arms from around his neck and put them at her sides, he then comes to get me in the bakery. He introduces me to her as his girlfriend and introduces her to me as his friend.

This is to tell you that instead of seeking comfort with other lovers you should seek him; as he has chosen you as his lover and the other partner of his is just a friend.

He is right there with you when you are ready to meet him.

We continued walking through town and he removed his shirt(olive green and cream) and was wearing just his white undershirt and his trousers(olive green)and sunglasses.

This is to tell you that underneath his exterior appearance he is a being from the light, but he wears a darker raiment to conceal his spiritual brilliance whilst he is on the earth next to you watching over you. So he cannot appear to you in his true spiritual form but will instead appear as a being from a different vibration. These spiritual beings have a number of bodies or sheaths they use for traveling safely on the different planes of existence, so they appear in different ways, so don't be confused if he appears differently now and then.

He was holding my hand and we crossed a gutter but I had moved away from him and ending up crossing at a deeper end and as a result I tripped and fell. When he realised i was no longer with him, no longer holding his hand, he turned around and saw me getting up and realised I had stumbled. He scolded me for not staying close to him because that would have prevented my fall, he was visbly frustrated, he took my hand and we continued walking.

This is his way of telling you that you have been separated due to the complexities of crossing over into this world. The gutter is a channel where liquid runs and this represents the fact that between your world and his there is a liquid dimension. He's telling you that when you crossed over the liquid dimension you lost contact with him and it really upsets him and he wants you to stick close to him at all times. You can do this by making telepathic contact and asking him to come to you. Just clear your mind and he will give you visions and speak to you. He's right there with you; as soon as you're ready to meet him he will adjust his vibration and manifest physically to you. But he cannot stay with you physically for very long due to him being watched by the other spiritual beings.

We got into his van drove off a little higher up and then got off outside this building. We entered through the glass doors of the store together, we were still holding hands.

This is his way of saying that he has you safely in his vehicle and is taking you to the higher world where you will enter together. The glass doors represent the barrier between our world and the spiritual world. The spiritual beings can see through the barrier into our world and they watch us at all times.

So even if you do not figure out a way to reunite mentally or physically with him on earth he still has you under his protection and will take you to the higher world with him when your earth life is over.

This is a relatively common form of loving gesture from a person's spiritual guardian. You're being told that you are not alone and that you have a lover on another dimension who wants to keep in touch. A lover who one day will reunite with you forever.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Australia

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Re: the girl

sorry i took so long to respond but for a long time i could not understand your interpretation, now i do. It makes perfect sense. I actually think the situation is mimicking a current situation in my life, with the person i am dating on the earth plane right now. It's like my spiritual lover has taken on a pyhsical form so that we ca be together but it is difficult because of this spiritual being who he has him cold and withdrawn. I have been meditating on a deeper level and he has been sending me visions, and he is always coming to get me in the vision/dream. The last dream/vision I had a saw a wedding taking place before god who was officiating and our arms were being bound together with a white ribbon, the ribbon was also around the neck of god. all the colors were white, cream and gold. It was in the outdoors. I later researched on th einternet that this is a pagan ritual from scotland which i have never heard of or seen in my waking life. so i know he is trying to connect with me. it comforts me when i am dissappointed by people in my life, especially the current boyfriend who he seems to be linked with. i hope i made sense. let me know your thoughts.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 st.lucia

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