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A Dream within a Dream-Trapped in a Dying Town

So I had this dream that I had a dream and then I woke up that the dream was so great that I decided to make it a movie.

My dream was about 5 brothers that lived in an old fashioned town and one brother falls off a roof of a building and that starts the downward spiral of the family. Another brother commits suicide. Another one moves away. Another one dies somehow. And then there were two. One was Christian Bale. The town is dying down because there is no food and crops won't grow. The people are dying to quickly that they have these "Sacrificing Gatherings" where the whole town joins together and those that have choosen to sacrific themselves for the town are beheaded infront of everyone as a sign of heroism. Even children will volunteer. And it is always raining. Well Christian Bales little sister in this line of children waiting to get their heads cut off by some guy with an axe. Christian can't stand it and he jumped in and saves his sister and says "I never had to do that you shouldn't"

Well, sceen changes and we are all hiding in a barn on the loft because the rain has brought alligators and some people from another dying town to kill us. The others want to kill us and feed us to the alligators so they can survive. We somehow trick the main guy of the others and he ends up feeding his own daughter to the alligator. The whole ground in covered in water up to our knees all the time and that is how we live. And we have to cut of chunks of our oun bodies and feed it to the alligators so we can lure them where we want so we can get around them.

I woke up in the dream and decided to write that dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Felmale

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Re: A Dream within a Dream-Trapped in a Dying Town

interesting symbology,
i don't know if you have seen mel gibsons movie Apocolypto,but your dream bears some remarkable resemblance to its story line,which does contain the hero journey motif,and sacrifice is a major theme ,
if you are familiar and have seen this movie ,it is most likely your unconscious is using the symbology from the story to highlight your current situation,

in mels words,Apocolypto means ,a new beginning,you can only have that ,when something comes to and end,
this end was not evident in your dream,
it closed with you having to bribe in a way,by giving bits of flesh(maybe sexual in nature)just to get by,
or keep the peace,avoid confrontation,
this may resonate with you or not,

the christian bale connection,your own associations are more important,
but i remember him in batman begins,interesting theme again,the hero journey,
he had to conquer his fears and the darkness of his past(being orphaned) to become the person he was destined to be,
he was the positve masculine symbol in your dream,
i am not going to allow this to happen !,
is this what you should be doing ?,being more assertive and stepping in,
not knowing your story or background these are only initial thoughts,

feel free to feedback,
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

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Re: A Dream within a Dream-Trapped in a Dying Town

I have never seen that Mel Gibson movie or even heard about it. But maybe now I will rent it.
As far as understanding more about me--I am a mother of two girls- 9 and 8 years old. I have been married for 10 years and I love my husband and kids very much. I don't think that I am struggling with anything unusual- as far as trying to overcome anything. I am always stressed about bills and my kids safety --normal mom stuff. I don't have any conflicts with people I know right now, or hardly ever.
So I don't know. I will try to think of more details of the dream and include them if I can.
thanks again

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Felmale

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: Re: A Dream within a Dream-Trapped in a Dying Town

hi hayley,
with what you have said,which all seems positive,
it might be worth just watching for similar symbology in any future dreams, if the issue causing the dream is not resolved ,the symbology may appear again,
if you do happen to solve the dream or think of anything that could be associated with it ,let the forum know,we can all learn from others findings,
regards steve,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

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