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Fish and Snow???

This was a pretty long dream but I keep a good memory of a small part of it.

I'm coming back from basketball practice. I get stuck in a massive snow storm. Cars are stopped bumper to bumper. The snow is invading my car. Next thing I know I'm trying to empty my car from all this snow. I'm taking big piles of snow with my arms and trow it out. I dig and push. There are big red fishes in the snow. They are not frozen and still moving. They look like they are swimming in the snow as I trow them out of the car.

(There are recurring themes here again. 1- I'm coming back from a sporting event. 2- I'm trying to go back home.)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25

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Re: Fish and Snow???

Let's say the car is you. What is it you need to empty, let out, get it of you? Perhaps you are having a hard time expressing yourself, or certain emotions, or are unable to be your true self {fish}.

Coming from a sporting event may represent competition, competition within yourself. Perhaps opposing emotions, conflict aspects in yourself or your life {opposing sides, competion, sporting events}. Going back home may be a need/desire to get back to that true self {which you may not consciously be aware of this aspect}.

What are your thoughts as to the possibilities. You mention recurring themes. For those who have not read your other posts, providing what you have learned about yourself will help others understand the dream process. And the possibilities to this dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Fish and Snow???

Please Note:
After a dream has been interpreted, a follow-up response to the interpretation is requested. This will help both the dreamer and the interpreter better understand the dream message. All interpretations are FREE and the only compensation we ask is your participation in the process of understanding your


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Fish and Snow???

Hi Gerard.

Sorry for not answering this sooner.

First let me thank you for taking the time to give me your thoughts on this dream. I think you are right when you say that going home might be meaning a need/desire to get back to my true self. I do have dreamed about it quit a few times but only since I've been trying to remember my dreams, and, getting closer to my true self was actually the purpose of this whole thing. So it would make sense. For the other parts, I guess I do need to get something out but I already know that. As I did know I wanted to get closer to my inner self. Why would my dream waste time telling things I already know? Could there be something deeper? Since I have started this I have dreamed about fish, frogs, insects, cats and I'm having a hard time making sense out of all this. It seem you can make it say whatever you want or something that could means something for anybody.

There is one issue that worries me tough. I have rationalized it as being coincidences so far but today was a bit to much.

The first dream I have posted here was about a teacher . A few days later I saw him at the bank, he was right before me in the waiting lane. He said hi and shook my hand. We had never shaken hands before and i had not seen him since I finished my degree 2 years ago. In my dream he was delinquent and when I saw him for real he left on a harley davidson motorcycle. I was shocked.

Then I posted about a dream in witch I had to go back to the park to get my bag that I had forgot after a soccer game. The bag was full of money. A few days later I went to play soccer at the park. I had almost 600$ in my wallet (wich is pretty unusual) and put it in my bag with the rest of my stuff while I was playing. I kept a eye on the bag the whole time I was there.

Last night, I dreamed that I was in trees and that there were tons of snakes on the ground. Today, as I got out of my moms place after lunch, I saw one as I was getting out. I NEVER see any around here.

I think this is pretty strange and feel there is something odd about it. I have a strong intuition but never thought it could be this strong... Did Jung believe in this sort of premonitions? What could thi mean?

Thanks again

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

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Re: Fish and Snow???

Dreams compensate what we already know, but in the context to better understanding what we don't know. The day we begin to believe we have discovered it all, we start to decline in that progressive growth we seek {discovering the trues Self}.

Also dreams repeating something that you may already be aware of may indicate something deeper about yourself that you are not aware of, or completely sure of. There are many aspects of the individual psyche and where the dream may address one issue, it is also addressing other issues using the same symbols, metaphors and motifs.

I had a recent dream where I was finishing a deck project {I am a deck and fence contractor} and everything went perfect {as I know it would since I do adhere to a strict code of ethics in my work}. But I look at the same motif within the dream as addressing other aspects of my life, those of my own inner search and journey to wholeness. That wholeness would involve being able to give all my time to dreams and my creative work with the Myths-Dreams-Symbols website. Was my dream saying that aspect will be perfect also? I am not completely sure, not so much about the dream possibilities but whether I will actually achieve my goals. But as in my work {strong ethical code of conduct}, if I adhere to the hero pattern I am convinced it will happen. Not by magic but by actual participating in the hero adventure {doing all the hard work that is required}. And along the way there are those helping hands that do seem to of magical proportions.

This is what myths are about. Dreams are private myths, myths are public dreams.

I don't believe it suggests the dream is predicting an unknown outcome, but an outcome that is natural since I am giving so much time end energy to it.
Two meanings within one dream motif. This is usual for dreams. Could it be usual in your dreams also?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Fish and Snow???


wonderful awareness you have here of what is happening between your waking life and dream world, In many schools of thought it is believed we are part of a more unified one, as we wake up to this notion within we start to become aware of how our inner world also becomes reflected in our outer world. Why do some peole attract certain expereinces to them while others attract experiences that are different.

Imo all experience is a reflection of our inner world and how we are in relationship to that, our energy is essentially a make up of masculine and feminine energy, and it is of no coincidence that this same polarization is seen in our external life, every species is made up of both male and female, and this interaction continues to breed new life, likewise it is our own interaction of masculine mind and feminine soul that continues to 'create' our lives drawing to us those situations in lifew that time and again reflect our own internal dynamics at play.

Im unsure if theres any easy way to explain this principal, but coincidence can be seen as more a sychcronicity in which the same story or message being given in ones dream is given in ones life, in the newtonian mechanistic world of cause and effect which so many philosophys subscribe alebeit in an unconscious way suggests that if something happens in ones life like for example meeting someone you have not seen for along time then one dreams about them, a newtonian world view would hold that the dream is in response to the meeting.

Taking a different view and stepping outside this limitation of the mind however looks at the meeting as sycronistic in that one has attracted this particular meeting to show to them in some way some internal dynamic at play. Dipping into the science of energy states what we hold within we will attract to us, repressed anger will attract to us situations in which give us the opportunity to release this anger, at the same time if the anger is towards ourselves it is likley that we will attract people into our lives who are angry towards us, though a very simplistic notion it is in fact very profound.

What prompted your questions however is that you dreamnt first of your teacher then had a meeting with him some days later after not seeing him for x years, again no coincidence but more an observation for how your life is revealing itself to you, and the deeper promptings at play.

I find no easy way to explain this to you, a fun book that was written with this theme in mind is a book by James redfield the celestein prophecy, which cahracterises sychronicity in our lives, There is also an experiential book that accompanies this which helps one to hone their awareness of the little details in their life, enabling one to then look back and to build a bigger picture of their story similar to how your doing now.
I hope this helps a little when one begins on this trail it begins to snowball in a positive way, and ones life then becomes a metaphor in a similar way as does ones dreams for their existence or at least this particular sojourn.

Good luck to you Marce.

P.s i forgot to mention even discussion boards like this can be very revealing of ones inner dynamics, looking at how one fits into the board, the personalitys percieved of the people here and your reactions to them can tell you a lot, because the enrgy here is more about inner exploration it can bring up all sorts of behavioural tendencys, emotions, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and opinions that one holds dear,
Have fun watching what you attract into your life !


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Re: Fish and Snow???


Please allow me to thank you for this reply. As always, your comment is very pertinent and well explained. Like you mentioned, I do beleive that we are part of a more unified word. I believe it is possible for our mind to know things it could not physically or rationally be aware of. And, at the same time, I believe it communicates with others in order to attract or repel things in our life witch we may not even be aware we are striving for. Today’s world is well focused on rationality and tends to forget that this is not the way the world, and we, function. All primitive instincts are seen as not normal, almost crazy and often treated with rational, scientific treatments like pills. I believe people suffering from depression are a good example of theses conflicts within our unconscious that we rationalize as being a chemical problem within the brain rather then the normal state of someone trying to cope with today’s rational life. People even rationalize their own irrational actions as if acting in a way we can’t rationalize is somehow synonym of being sick. I believe the rational part of our self is minim compared to our irrational unconscious but our industrial world in witch performance is essential tends to put it far aside.

I guess the symbols in my dreams are trying to get my attention on something and I will find it soon!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25 canada

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