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shell creature, sand, scared

Hi, I had this dream, a bit scary.

There was sand, and this creature, staring at me as I felt. It behaved like a crab, but it was in the shape of a sea shell, smooth, and curved.
I felt it staring at me, and it began charging at me, the only way to fight back was to throw sand inside this shell-crab feature. I kept throwing the sand, more and more, on my knees.
Any ideas? I felt fear, and the urge to fight, to protect myself.

thank you

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25 Australia

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Re: shell creature, sand, scared

Hi Magdalena,

The entire crab creature may represent your personal identity. The crab without shell could be ordering and arrangement of separate elements that form the whole (many jointed appendages attached to body, order it as food). The smooth white shell possibly symbolizes a broader scope than narrowly focusing on specifics. Universals (white, smooth, curved…the universal Psyche) rather than particulars. This may result in an overly cautious approach to life (sand). Perhaps you apply this overly cautious approach to all aspects of life so do not move (on your knees) in ways you really would without it.

On a psychological level overall the dream may show strong defense mechanisms arising from fear. These defense mechanisms may cripple an ability to discern actual threat from preconceived threat, or expectation of coming threat. A form a self intimidation regarding risk and reward resulting in loss of or decrease in ability to realize personal fulfillment, living ones full potential.

IF this seems to fit with your take on the dream then reflect on the influential personalities from your childhood, immediate family especially mother and father, an teachers, close family friends, etc. Were any of them self limiting in the same manner? Look for a defense mechanism that acted to self limit their actions in life. The ‘I can’t do that b/c…(negative self limitation)’.

Also, when you become aware, conscious, of feeling threatened or not taking action because of fear, is the time to assess the entire situation rather than focusing on a few particulars. By doing a broad assessment one can realize the true nature of any thing or situation.

If this does not fit with your thoughts please respond as such and let us know what you think the dream meaning may be. We may be able to add insights to yours.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: shell creature, sand, scared

Thanks Kathy,

I think you're the same Kathy that has replied to my posts earlier on, so thank you so much for always getting back to me.
I read your post at work, and became upset just after reading it, because you were spot on.
Therefore I don't know if I should elaborate, I have the urge to tell about these 'fears' but I don't know.
All I can say is that I can reflect on my childhood, and my parents stand out - they always argued - and we, my brother and I always had to hear or intevene, I don't know if they told us, 'you can't' often but life in another country was different than in Australia, kids were more shy. I know I was. I prefered to invent my own games, and I wasn't good at sport, but nevertheless a good student.
I know that now or in the near past, I heard the word 'can't' from my mother, telling me off. And now I tell myself that I can't be this or that, i can't be stronger, I can't change...
Yes you were this moment in life, I am afraid, afraid of being hurt, and afraid of the power of words over me. When I feel that a sensitive situation or an argument is about to come, I start pulling away, or crying, it's my protection and my weakness, that I can't stop doing, even thinking about crying makes me want to cry. I know that at that moment, like you said I should 're-assess' for me it means acting differently than I normally would, or just taking it easier, less personal. At times though I feel it would be easier to give in to this power of sadness and tears, but I know I shouldn't, I feel though I am powerless, and the dream is a reflection of that.

thank you Kathy, I always appreciate your helpful words and interpretations.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25 Australia

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Re: shell creature, sand, scared

Hi Magda,

Thank you for responding. I apologize if the interpretation distressed you. It was not intended as such.

You have already taken a giant step! Paying attention to your dreams has brought useful Self knowledge. With Self work the most important stage is self awareness. We can't change what conscious is unaware exists. And the unconscous affects our conscious actions. Being conscious of a specific issue allows an opportunity for recognition. That's all that is required at first. When you become conscious of these thoughts/feelings step back. No need to do anything - simply observe. Observe your thoughts/emotions, what others are doing, their thoughts/emotions. Ask yourself why am I thinking/feeling like this? What is it about this situation that invokes this in me? And continue to pay attention to your dreams during this time - they will reveal knowledge as you are psychologically ready to receive it.

With time you will figure it out. THEN you can begin conscious change. First is understanding, then realization, then liberation. This takes time...

Have you taken the Myers-Briggs personality sorter? It's well worth the time involved. Also check out Crystalinks – The Inner Child for good insight.

I too am the child who prefered to play in 'my world'.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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