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I'd appreciate some insight into this dream my boyfriend had:
He dreamed he was being chased by nazis into a labyrinth in order to get captured and operated.
He tried to fight, but they got him and then came a doctor with a syringe.
Any thoughts?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25 - Br

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Re: Nazis

Without more details (from the dream and your bf like age, etc.) this interpretation is very general- so is more likely to be off than close.

Something in life he seeks is more difficult to obtain than expected. Nazi's could symbolize a group, some group he shares an activity or particpates in. fight could indicate conflicts, external or internal, in regards to either a group activity, or his participation in a specific activity of the group. Perhaps there is something he feels a need to make amends for - this could be a reason he participates in the group, or for some activity he participated with the group. Also, some past or present situation that now 'injects' thoughts or emotions into the current situation.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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