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A strange one for me!

Last night I had a weird dream of which I have never encountered previously.
In my dream to begin with I was male. Of school age and I was aware of my name both christian and surname which is the same as it is in my waking state. But then I became female. I was a teenager as before and attending the same school as previously.
I had long blond hair, tall, thin and relatively attractive. I felt extremely comformtable as a female and right at home and I questioned nothing. I choose a new name for myself that of Pamela as I didn't want a feminized version of my real name.
When attending the school I was aware that boys where eyeing me up and found me attractive. I remember making the statement to a boy that "boys are so stupid because they didn't realize that beauty is much more than skin deep" they could only see what they saw with their eyes.
I am very comfortable with my femine side and have been informed by female friends that I am balanced in that respect. Although I would like to develop my feminine qualities such as sensitivity, and intuition etc. Would appreciate any insights.

Re: No Age, No Gender, No Service {Shoes also required}

Before a proper interpretation can be offered to your dream we need to know your age and gender {I assume you are male}. If you are unfamiliar with Jungian dream psychology I suggest you read some of the posted links in the left column. Age and gender play a vital role in understanding dreams. A male in a man's dream will most often represent something different than a male in a woman's dream. And the same holds for females. Also a younger person's dream is most often focusing more on the outer ego development while an older person's dream is more inward looking.
WE can provide an interpretation with this info but most likely it will lead to unanswered questions and an incorrect assumption about parts of the dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: A strange one for me!

Hi Gerard
Thank you for getting back to me and for your reply.
Yes you assume correctly that I am male. I am 47 years of age. I have a number of years in the study of psychology through nursing and counselling, but I have only had a passing interest in Jung as he relates to Metaphysics.
Your reply would be most helpful.
Look forward to hearing from you again.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: A strange one for me!

Thanks for the info. I will take a good look at your dream in a day or so. A death in my family has put things on hold at the moment.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: A strange one for me!

With Gerard temporarily away I took it upon myself to look at your dream. Skip the Jung info if you’re already familiar with it.

In Jungian analytical psychology the Psyche, the whole of the psychological identity of Self, is comprised of aspects (ego/persona, mana, animus/anima, etc). In the male the anima is the feminine aspect. In the female, animus is the masculine aspect. Jung posits the Psyche as a living growing entity that through natural development matures to its fullest personal and collective potential. (With Jung everything circles back to psychology and the Psyche…spirituality, metaphysics, astrology, etc) Somewhere along the way, many (most) of us experience arrested psychological development as a result of disjunction with this natural process, emotional trauma, etc. As a result we attain only a partial identity, missing our full identity, that is identification with the whole Psyche. When one identifies with only a portion of the Psyche, it’s like a branch not knowing it is part of a tree. Ok – that’s the short primer on Jung, with your professional experience you probably already knew this…

The anima is the collection of feminine traits in the male Psyche. It is how males relate to females. In your dream, you are receptive (comfortable, feel at home) to your anima but you have yet to fully develop and realize feminine traits (intuition, sensitivity, emotion, nurturing, etc). It remains a separate un-integrated aspect of your Psyche (did not want a feminized version of my real name). The anima is consciously perceived as separate, not a part of the ‘real’ (masculine) you. Meaning you are male with good feminine balance. This likely occurred at the age you are in the dream. During teenage years puberty arrives. It is now (in our current society) an initiation into gender and pre adulthood, and beginning separatism of genders. For friendship and camaraderie, to relate to someone who is the ‘same’ psychologically and physically, boys migrate to boys, girls to girls.

“making the statement to a boy that "boys are so stupid because they didn't realize that beauty is much more than skin deep" they could only see what they saw with their eyes”…this goes to basic importance, the foundation of what you seek to learn. As you say ‘your feminine qualities’, you understand every feminine trait already resides within the male, within you. But they are more than qualities, they are an entity of the Psyche comprised of the whole of feminine traits…the anima. When the anima is a ‘side’ rather than integrated into the center, the tree, it resides outside the integrated Psyche. It reaches development through development of each of the traits, it then becomes the branch aware it is of the living tree, of the center. This may also describe the sanctity of the feminine within your Psyche. If so, this may point to examining the dark aspects of anima. Jung thought no one aspect is either good or bad, light or dark, but contains both. Only through examining and realizing the dark can then the light be realized.

With your professional background and experience in psychology I thought it best to be as detailed and clear as possible. As with all dream interpretations it is the dreamer who defines meaning. Often we provide an outline based on universal symbolism. Personal symbolism is specific to the individual. An outline can stimulate a dreamers thoughts in developing their own interpretation. Without full past and present life information from a dreamer, it’s as close as we (I) normally get in an interpretation. If you get the Aha! feeling while reading go with it and follow your thoughts about what this dream means to you. If you don’t, that’s ok and means the interpretation is probably off mark.

Look forward to your thoughts.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

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