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spider legs

Hello- Last night i had a very strange dream. The dream took place in my home, specifically my bedroom. I was cleaning my bedroom because is was a mess. The room was for the majority clean but i brought in my vaccum cleaner to finish up. As i was doing the baseboards and corners there were tons of spider legs that were on the floor. They were specifically trancula legs. I don't recall if i ever finished cleaning them all up but suddenly i was hanging up new drapes on my bedroom window. I am going through a lot emotionally now as i am 8 weeks pregnant and pretty sure i am not going to go through with the pregnancy. It is difficult as i have been with my boyfriend for 2 years but this was an unexpected surprise. Any interpretations you have I would be interested in hearing.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28

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Re: spider legs

Since the dream is focusing on your bedroom, let's determine what exactly is in a mess concerning that aspect of your life. Since most of the room is in order {clean} perhaps it is the decision to be made about your pregnancy and the circumstances surrounding it that has caused parts of this 'bedroom' aspect to be in a mess.

Spiders are often symbolic of the feminine power and the decision about continuing the pregnancy may be what is bothering you, and is causing such a mess. Tarantulas can represent the 'dark and sinister' aspects of the psyche and because it is the legs that you are on the floor {your foundation} perhaps it is the moral issue as well as the logical issues about your pregnancy that is at the center of this mess. Guilt, albeit unconscious, could be the dark and sinister aspect. Since it is the baseboards and corners that are being given attention, this lends to the contributing factors {moral?} possibilities {in the dark corners of the unconscious mind}. New drapes can also suggest there is something that is covered up.

Is there moral questions about your pregnancy? Or it could be the decision alone about carrying on with the pregnancy. It is a hard choice, indecision about the relationship and what the future holds for you if you do continue on with the pregnancy. Only you can determine what is best for your life and looking at it logically may be the deciding factor.

The mess in the bedroom is probably addressing the decisions to be made about your future. On one hand the logic of your decision is sound {the unknown qualities of your relationship with your boyfriend}. But the other factors may be harder to address, thus the dream is attempting to help you through this decision.

I am pro-choice and believe that a pregnancy at the wrong time is something that the woman must decide on. The unknown situation about the relationship is enough for me to believe you are right in considering to terminate the pregnancy. Life is difficult enough in raising children but to bring a child into this world with two strikes against them {not that there would be for your child}, that is reason enough to say no. The debate about whether it is a child or choice is a debate. Your life is what matters, and the life of the child you bring into this world. Let your conscience be your guide and not the debate. The debate will continue no matter your decision. Let's be thankful you are still free to make up your own mind.
end of sermon


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: spider legs

Please Note:
After a dream has been interpreted, a follow-up response to the interpretation is requested. This will help both the dreamer and the interpreter better understand the dream message. All interpretations are FREE and the only compensation we ask is your participation in the process of understanding your


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: spider legs

Hello Gerard-

I apologize in not getting a response back to you sooner but i had taken a couple weeks off of work and this is the only place i have access to the computer(plus honestly it slipped my mind). Thank you very much for your response to my dream. You are correct that yes i was and still am have having moral issues concering terminating my pregancy, although i did terminate 2 weeks ago. I am deeply in love with my boyfriend and while we have plans to eventually get married and he's made it clear that wants a family, I have experienced through past relationships that future plans can fall apart so in this matter it was hard because i felt like as long as love is there, it should be right to keep a child. Also, my best friend and cousin are adopted so it was also hard in thinking that if their mother had aborted them, they would not be in my life. Plus, all the women who are unable to have children and here i am "throwing" mine away. Anyways, while it was difficult leading up to it and the couple days after, i am confident that i made the right decision. While i was never very sure if i even wanted kids, this event has made me realize that i truly do want to have kids - in the future and at the right time. So, i have to figure that this experience was a "horrible" blessing that i needed to go through to discover more about myself and give me a new outlook on life if that makes sense?? I have tell you though that since this dream i have had another dream with spiders. Tons of them dropping down from my bedroom ceiling from single web strands onto me sleeping on my bed.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: spider legs

I'm sure your decision was painful. And you are correct that there are many wishing to adopt. But there are many children who will not be adopted for one reason or another. Life is hard enough and not to be wanted, what could be worse? When you do have children it will be for the right reasons. Guilt may linger, that is natural. If the time is not right to have children, that is a decision only you can make. Do not dwell on it for very long. One day soon you will be able to share your love with that child you desire.

As for the spiders dropping from the ceiling. The dream probably has to do with your first dream, the feminine power to give birth. Spiders have many young at each birth. But there is only one mother {single thread}. This dream may indicate your ability and desire to have children, many children if you wish. You are the mother, and in control.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: spider legs


YOu feel that although eerything ids ok, there is stilla mess in your personal life. This probabbly has todo with the preganacy. YOu have barriers or boundaries that are causing you to feel creepy.
Spiders are animals that trap their prey: they ensnare them. YOur BF may be making you feel that your ability to ensnare him is being torn apart.

It could be that, or that you sub is telling you that that is what is occuring or the the issue at heart, is that someone (your bf) will feel trapped and boundaries are being set to eradicte that threat (the spiders).
In the end you are left to clean up the mess of a personal life that is already clean, but seems to need more cleaning (which may be unnecessary).

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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