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Scary dream

Well it started off in my house. I wanted to get my hair cut so I took the car and got to the hair salon and it turned into a hair salon/restaraunt. I told the hair stylist that I would be back tomorrow. I went outside and my hubby and his friend were waiting for me in a different car. We ended up in this strange creepy looking house. My hubby and his friend disappeared.
The only one that was left there was me and my father in law. We were passing under this canopy and he said "look there is the owner of the house" and walked off. I looked up and saw this tall man with a mustache and his skin was green and peeling off. I got scsred and ran after my father in law. He was to fast for me. Every time I tryed to catch up with him he got further away. Well I saw him going inside the house so I ran as fast as I could to catch him before he closed the door but the door shut and then the guy with the peeling greenish skin flew down from the canopy and launched at me.
He reached his hands out to me and opened his mouth wide and began to screa at me. Then I woke up. It was soooo scary. Any ideas?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20 years old from Texas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Scary dream

Let's see if we can't dissect this dream to where we can understand how it relates to your waking life {which is what dreams are about, your life}.

The dream starts out in your house {you}. Hair is often symbolic of strength, and/or the thinking process. Putting off cutting your hair may represent putting off decisions.
The decision{s} to be made may involve putting yourself in a different position {a different car}, a position that you alone must face {hubby and his friend disappeared}. Going it alone is symbolic of a feminine trait, no masculine support {which could be literal or representative of your own masculine qualities}.

Enters your father-in-law. Here is where it is important to know the relationship {if any that is important} with your father-in-law. I sense it is in some way about that relationship. In the dream he leaves you alone to face the 'scary man'. You try to catch up with him but he is too fast. I believe these actions may have to do with real waking life events. Are you trying to get closer in your relationship with your father-in-law but find it difficult? This endeavor to get closer may be what is scary {the man with green and peeling skin}. The other house may be that desired relationship you wish to have with him.

There may be feelings, or fears, that he will reject your attempts to become closer. He may even present an attitude that makes you believe his is trying to 'close on the door' on such possibilities. On the one hand he may be offering his friendship {reached his hands out to mebegan to scream at me}.

I may be way off about this dream. Your age presents a real challenge in an attempt to understand your dream. If you were older I would look more at the inner aspects but I sense this dream is addressing current waking life situations. I am correct or way off base? Is there waking life experiences that involve your father-in-law, and does the rest make any sense for you?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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