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day camp

Hi All,

A dream from this morning follows. In waking life I'm working at day camp for children over the next three days. The organizers do this the last three days of the month during summer to feed children who don't have food at home. At end of month households run out and with school closed no school lunch is available for the children.

The dream:
At the park with five groups of children, standing in five circles playing a game. (sunny, green grass) I stand in the center. As we finish the game I say did you like that (game)? The kids yell laughing yeah!. I say ready for lunch and they yell yeah again. Say alright, let's go! and they run together merging into one group running toward the lunch area. I walk following them, smiling.

Any insights are greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: day camp

hi kathy,
could be a reflection of the days events,
but also worth considering the five circles and union etc.
there are five circles in the olympic flag symbolizing the union of the continents,
this all in all could reflect the current state of or the desire for the state of inner/outer world unity,something i think everyone is in need,
reasurance seemed to be evident in your dream,as the kids,(your vulnerable aspects maybe)were happy and felt safe .
and you were at the centre and smiling,were you should be,
as jesus once said,
unless you are as a little child ,you cannot enter the kingdom,
perhaps this may reflect, the trust you are gaining in the experiences given to you,through dreams etc,and through this,trust in your own self,
some of this may have relevance or not,

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Re: day camp

Hi Kathy

Just to offer some possible ideas,

Playing games may indicate being playful and opening up to your childlike self/awarness, that is to the ability of being curious and inquisitive or playing for fun without having to be right and know the answers all the time, when we play games through our childlike self we play uninhibited without placing expectations on an end result, or being encumbered by our own expectations on self.

The child like energy is in itself refined and playful and your dream may be pointing to you having recently got in touch with this energy possibly through your own involvement in the kids camp these last few days.

Being in the centre may reflect how your everyday thinking feeling self has been central or has been centred by these playful aspects of self and my guess would be that it has also been very rewarding and nourishing 'lunch 'both metally and emotionally for it has put you in touch with a part of you that you may not always give expression to in the adult world of responsibility.

Its almost as if your spirit has been cheering you on to indulge in this type of play that is the quality of allowing yourself to play, and is confirmed by your asking 'did you like that' that is its something your having to find out in self, from the perspective of your personality whether it is appropriate or not and the response is yes, yes it is and very nourishing it is for you.

Much has been explored in to the vibration of numbers and their significance, since 5 is the ingenious union of two Greek accents placed over vowels which have or have not to be aspirated. The first sign ' is called 'Strong Spirit' or superior Spirit, the spirit of God aspired (spiratus) and breathed by man. The second sign ' the lower, is the Spirit of Love, representing the secondary Spirit; the third embraces the whole man. Ragon

It is easy to recognize in the two spirits the Greek accents or signs spoken of by Ragon Atma and Buddhi, or "divine spirit and its vehicle" the spiritual soul and like wise the same relationship exists between the soul and its vehicle on the lower planes that is the personality for more info on the constitution of man see this site

For them the early greeks and gnostics believed the whole of the Universe, metaphysical and material, was contained within, and could be expressed and described by the digits of Numbers 1 to 10, the Pythagorean decade. This Decade represented the Universe and its evolution out of Silence and the unknown Depths of the Spiritual Soul, or anima mundi, as plato had referred to.

Five in its vibration seems to project as I understand The link between soul and personality, though the personality is more rooted and orientated to a material existence. It may be your dream is intimating that through the energy of the child you will find the linking to your soul or self 'five circles', where you are at the centre, you your souls vehicle on this plane.

Just some possible avenues to explore best to you marce

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

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Re: day camp

Whoops forgot to add the site link -

Also Zachary lansdowne has written a wonderful book on the constitution of man called chakras and esoteric healing which also contains in diagramatical form the overlay of the relationship of personality to soul, just if your curious

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Re: day camp

Ive Just read steves post and his comment unless you are as a little child ,you cannot enter the kingdom, again another wonderful way of expressing the relationship between personality and soul hehe, our kingdoms lie within.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 uk

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Re: day camp

Steve & Marce,
Thank you for responding. Really great insights. I've taken some time to reflect on your thoughts, let them sink in.

Today justification came to mind. In waking life past months energy and attention were consumed with work, and home life adjustment with new house mates not compatible with existing house mate . Every day is another step closer to peaceful coexistence. Responsibilities...we all have them. Looked to the creative aspect and reading a few fiction books for balance. Although fun creating lacks the playful child no results or outcome piece.

On this level the dream could communicate play as reasonable and necessary, not an indulgence even when sacked in with work. "it has also been very rewarding and nourishing 'lunch 'both metally and emotionally for it has put you in touch with a part of you that you may not always give expression to in the adult world of responsibility"...on the mark.

On a deeper level, your insights are that much more significant. The dream & theme 'day camp' as ego, external, conscious as opposed to night as inner self, internal, unconscious. Some 'inner/outer unity' 'soul/personality union' on the not so far off horizon maybe. Joining the five rings could be about merging inner aspect changes held separate and apart. Have felt (feeling type) some undercurrent of movement or separateness joining together but of what is not yet conscious. Time will tell...

"trust you are gaining in the experiences given to you,through dreams etc,and through this,trust in your own self" came to mind during a recent revist to the first two books in Auel's Earth Children series...the heroine journey. These disadvantaged children 'vulnerable aspects' may indicate ability to withstand through hardship or stress, it's a growth process.

Thanks for the site Marce. I'll explore it more this weekend. Steve - it's been some time ago you posted a reference to a site on the heroes journey. I since lost the link. If you recall it would appreciate the link again. It was titled The Hero's Journey - summary of the steps...had pithey quotes from Campbells Heroes Journey if that helps.

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Re: day camp

hi kathy,
i am having trouble trying to download lnks to mds so here is the web address for the stages of the hero's journey,

click on the -i am packed ready to go suitcase,
then the green ref suitcase,select the step from the drop down box above,
i hope you find it,as it is a good reference point,

i have them saved on my pc,so i could send them as an attatchment to you if you can't access the site.
good luck.

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Re: day camp

That's the site. Thank you!

For anyone looking for a concise summary of Campbell's Heroes Journey this is a wonderful site. Cut and past from Steve's post or clickable link follows:
Maricopa center for learning and instruction- the hero’s journey


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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