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altered state of consciousness ritual

as some of you may know , some of my dreams have been very shamanic in content,with rich archetypal symbolism,
i am still trying to understand why it is this way for me,primitive and primordial,
my latest dream is no different and i would welcome any thoughts,
the dream.
i enter a dark cave,further in i meet an initiator,(looked a bit like an apache indian holyman)
sat by a fire,
i notice a snakes head on the floor,still wriggling,
the ritual is,
two cuts are made on my right hand,i am not afraid of this and hold out my hand willingly,
the venom that has been collected from the snakes head is smeared onto the cuts in my hand,
i stand up and begin to sweat,i feel the substance beginning to take effect on me,i start to dance around the fire,i am on a vision quest,
this all sounds very pagan and primitive which if it wasn't for my little knowledge of ritual and initiation in dreams, would probably be a bit alarming,
the two lines cut into my hand ,seemed to correspond with what i believe in palmistry is the life line,
not that i am a palmreader of course,
any comments would be welcome.

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Re: altered state of consciousness ritual

Hi Steve,

Perhaps the primordial and primitive is simply attraction of the Psyche, what keeps you on course. A deep identification with noble life led by ancient and/or indiginous peoples.

Thoughts on the dream...

The dream may communicate enhancement of Psyche (cave) through serious examination and judgment (apache holy man/initiator) finding a definite pattern of advance (sit at fire). Bliss as ideal or exists as an idea (snake head). Elated bliss is achieved through release from attachment or connection, of isolation through detachment (snake head, wriggling) Respect or admire skillful handling of a situation, ability to turn aside attention or concern (ritual of two cuts to hand, no fear, willing). You recognize in others essential qualities (venom) required to do this, knowledge you too possess these same qualities (applied to cuts on hand). Commitment to engage these qualities that are within you (stand up). You undergo inner exploration to find and employ these qualities which already reside within you (vision quest).

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Re: altered state of consciousness ritual

hi kathy
i think you are right in your first statement,
that which attracts the psyche,
i have been visited in my dreams ,by all sorts of animal and nature powers over the years,not much so called religious symbolism though,which i feel says alot,
there is a real power at work,something that native americans and others lived with and had at the centre of their culture,out which came that respect you talk about,
jung was right with his idea of the collective,
that which is available to us all,
it is the only way to explain how i could experience the same powers and symbols that come from other native cultures,
i am not an indian,but yet some of the shamanic dreams i have had ,can only be explained by jung and delving into another culture of whos myths , i have been ignorant of,consciously that is,
an example ,
i tried to interpret a dream i had about a white lynx,
i had no idea,until i found a book on native american animal powers,
when i read what they said about the lynx,the dream went pop,and i new exactly what it meant,
this was knowledge i was unaware of,again consciously,
but obviously unconsciously,i knew what they knew,
i can only feel humbled by the constant revelations that come,with the help of those gone before,jung and campbell,to name the two that mean the most to me,
i will contemplate your words,
thanks steve.

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Re: altered state of consciousness ritual

Not to muddy the waters but because your dreams are deeply archetypal there is potential for especially intricate and deeply multilayered meaning. And your response sparks a deeper look so…here’s another take on the dream…which may first appear applicable to waking life but really address inner Self, too.

The venom may symbolize healing power as power to heal others lies within you. Perceived as external when smeared on the two cuts (symbolizing to you the life line) it then becomes shown as internal, communicating this power is in you.

Two cuts may actually have four meanings (2x2):
1. Literally this symbols has multiple meanings -– this symbol is a symbol for multiple meanings
2. Dual or parallel synchronous lives (location to life line)
3. Combination of intellect and feeling as one. In palmistry the three major lines on the hand are life (some say destiny others potential), head (intellect) and heart (emotion).
4. Sentiment (intellect and feeling as one) a pun for sentient – conscious perceiving…consciousness

The fever representing eagerness or a passion. The ritual dance (a circle?) around the fire being to pursue or fulfill a calling.

Perhaps? (big perhaps…but something I sense in the dream) this dream is an invitation from the Psyche to take part in this, to fulfill your calling and come full circle in this aspect of your life. Are you drawn to this healing ability in others or maybe have had conscious thoughts about studying to becoming a healer? A shamanic healer may be an unrealized aspect of Self hence the shamanic aspect of your dreams. The alterted state of consciousness applied to waking life. If so, perhaps Self detached from this at some point brought about by criticisms by others so Self did not accept the call to develop this natural and inherited skill.

You well know this could be way off mark. But value your feedback when you're ready-even if this is off.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Re: altered state of consciousness ritual

hi kathy ,
i feel you are more perceptive than you give yourself credit for,
i have just finished reading, mircea eliade's book,
shamanism -archaic techniques in ecstacy,
what i read blew me away,i was reading my own experience,which took a load off,as i thought i was alone in this,
i am relativly new to understanding things metaphysical,and have been in denial as to the true possibilities dreams have alerted me to,
joseph campbell said,
that an initiation is an experiences that pulls you away from one world into a new field of experience,
often painful ,it has to be.
having cast off the thou shalt(religion),i have found myself in the wilderness of authentic experience,which has shattered what i previously held to be true,
i feel you are spot on with your observations of,
a shamanic healer maybe an unrealised aspect of self,
this would explain the recurring symbol of bears wanting in, to give me their power,
i can also share a great dream with you,which also carried exactly what you have just said,
i was told in a dream this,
at the centre of the world stands a great tree,
at the base of this tree is a magic spring,
bring all who need to be healed (including animals)
immerse them in the waters ,and they will heal,
this must be done as a journey in the mind,
i protest and say its rubbish,its not for me,
i am told ,it has already begun,your third eye is already opening,
this i think sums up your words and my own interpretation,
what happens next,
i am reasured by jungs words,
that the unconscious always has the first move.

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Re: altered state of consciousness ritual

Interesting aspect of awakening – thinking one is alone in this, alienation from the social banal normality. Quite useful…required even…forces us to search the depths of Psyche to 1. verify sanity (likely the insane don’t question their sanity while the sane question their sanity believing they may be insane) and 2. re-discover the authentic Psyche.

Although Healer implies physical healing, Shamanic Healers are equally skilled in the psychological and spiritual aspects. When my marriage ended I was concerned about the psychological aspects, effect upon and state of my daughter. Along with positive reinforcement I took her to Blandy, a shamanic Healer, for counseling. It was very useful for my daughter.

Perceptive, possibly. More likely synchronicity with rereading Auel’s Earth Children books. Steeped in the Heroine Journey, ancient peoples & spirituality, Healers and Shamanism. Your bear dreams bring to mind Creb, the Mogur (spirit world shaman) and his animal totem the giant Cave Bear.

I believe the bear pursues you to ultimately give you his power. But don’t be surprised if the bear must first destroy you. From death is rebirth…in Psyche as in waking life.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Re: altered state of consciousness ritual

your final remark of the bear might want to destroy me is a great observation,
i know the bear wants to tear me to pieces,
and according to shamanic literature,this is a norm,
i know for any progress to be made,a deeper understanding of the process and especially the symbology involved is a must,
jung said that , confrontaion with a bear,
usually means trouble,
the dangerous aspects of the unconscious,
and as we all know,to reject such manna personalities will bring trouble,if not the missing of a great opportunity,
what dreams may come!

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