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Crab attack


I need help with this please.

I was at work and made a Joke. My father (witch is my boss) heard it and was not happy about it. We end up having an argument. I’m now walking on a street still pissed about what happened. I take my cell phone from my pocket and throw it with anger (my cell phone is paid by work). It ends up in the water about two feet deep. I look at it but decide to leave it there thinking: even if I get it won’t work anymore. Even thought I didn’t go in the water, my clothes are wet and I take them off. Now the dream moves to a room where I seem to collect little animals like frogs and all kind of insects. They have escaped and I try to catch them in empty yogurt cups because I don’t want free insects in my room. The task is impossible. I always see more of them and don’t know where to put them. I’m getting kind of scared now. Last thing I remember is that I was trying to get a crab from a baby cat’s neck. The crab was gripping his neck really tightly and the cat was hurt. I had a dream my the same baby cat a few weeks ago. In the last dream, the cat was gripping my arms and legs and I was trying to take him out the same way I was now trying to take the crab off of him.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Crab attack

Does the argument with your boss {father} have any real validity in your waking life? The dream may be dissatisfaction about your job.

On a deeper level it may also be addressing unconscious concerns {consciously you don't dwell on such dissatisfactions-you merely do what is expected} about who you are as a person and your role in life {taking off your clothes}. The cell phone would be the means of communication between conscious and unconscious. You leave it {cellphone} in the water instead of facing up to realities about your dissatisfactions.

Perhaps the frog is a symbol for transformation, a desire on your part to change certain aspects of your life {perhaps even your job}. The insects could be those unwanted aspects, the annoying parts.

What does yogurt cups mean to you? Is it work related?

Those things that keep you from what you really want have you by the neck and won't let go. At times these aspects in your life are so controlling they paralyze your ability to function properly {cat gripping arms and legs}.

These dreams may be trying to convey deeper emotions concerning your life. Or they may merely be annoyances from your job and responsibilities.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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