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Power of Dreams/MDS Dream Forum
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power of the myth

just wanted to say how happy i am that you have incorperated the power of the myth series onto mds,
it is one thing to read the words in the book,
but to hear the words spoken with such authority and wisdom from the great man himself is another,
i am always moved by his absolute passion and sincerity,
the power of the myth is a must for all,

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Re: power of the myth

I am grateful that they have become available via Youtube. It was these videos that changed my life, and many thousands of other lives over the past 20 years. As you said, it is one thing to read the words but to hear them provides a deeper perspective of what Campbell was trying to communicate. I hope everyone will take time to watch them in their entirety. So much 'gnosis' to be gained, secrets of the psyche one could say. On the surface it mayt be inetersting stuff. But a deeper examination, watching and listening, can provide insights that one normally gloss over. It either 'catches' you, or you miss out. I believe if one is prepared, ready for the adventure, the catching is synchronistic. with that readiness. It happens just when it is supposed to.

At least that is my thinking. And experience.


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