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George W. Bush

Last night I had a dream that George Bush hugged me and told me that I was beautiful. It was really weird and I have no idea what it means. Any ideas?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 Indiana

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Re: George W. Bush

Such a short dream would be hard to pin down. But there is a clear consensus that anything George Bush touches turns to ashes. Getting hugged by GW may not be a good omen.

On the other hand it is more likely to be a less serious dream. It may have to do with how you feel about yourself {being beautiful, and accepted by higher ups, or your peers}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: George W. Bush

Thanks for the help.
I understand the first one.
But not really the second one..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 Indiana

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: George W. Bush

Well yes this is perhaps not an easy dreanm to solve. george bush may stand for anyone of his different qualities. Perhaps its his manner. He is somewaht bumbling and says the wrong words sometimes. Try to associate anything with that.

But yes everything he does say turnds to ashes so it maybe a bad dream showing that you are doomed in some way

But it may not be so bad. It maybe just that someone who reminds you of george bush, a similar figure who is now in the last stages of his office who is still powerful but is encouraging you.

Like I say a dream will associate with just one aspect of george bush and it gives no clues.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 scarborouigh

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Re: George W. Bush

Hi unclesirbobby.
Welcome to the Forum.

‘a dream will associate with just one aspect of george bush and it gives no clues’?

A person (dreamer and dream character) has multiple aspects why would association be limited to a single aspect? And I have found multiple aspects, and many clues, even exact and specific identification of an aspect, contained in a dream. Interested in your logic on this.

Thanks for participating in the Forum.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

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Re: George W. Bush

well what it means is dependent on how you feel about Mr. Bush.

One thing I see is that W. Bush could be Double you Bush (or femininity). You may feel that your are taking responsibility for your life and this is making you a super type of person: esp as a female.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

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Re: George W. Bush

Carlos has a point. But one thing that has become very evident about King George is his narcissist personality. Make sure you arn't' following that path.

Excessive love or admiration of oneself.

A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.

Now that Karl Rove is leaving the fold the unconscious deficits of self-esteem will most likely begin to surface in GW's personality.

There is a small village in Texas missing its village idiot.

Clue: Crawford, Texas


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: George W. Bush

KATHY : Thanks. Its a very good forum. People seem to actually reply back

CARLOS : I am not so sure that dreams are linked to how you feel about a dream symbol. I know I am being a bit picky. But I do not think that the dream has to take your point of view regarding george bush. Its best to keep an open mind. Not to jumnp inb and say it means this or that. You could ask a person how they feel and they may say that he is a plain talking man with no strong grasp of the english language.

I was thinking about this with tony blair. Tony blair was a successful politicain who can associate with many things.

1. He started well but has steadily gone down hill so could associate with something that similarly started well but gone downhill

2. He has just ended his career and so he is aboutr to go through a process of JUDGEMENT. he may stand for someone who is similarly on the verge of being judged for their efforts

3. He has been described as a poddle for following george bush against the wishes of his party

4. He is a peace envoy who is almst universally despised in the muslim world (so could stand for someone who has been trying to calm a situation down yet is almost totally supportive of one side over another)

Dreams symbols are very complex. Just try to associate generally and then try to see how those associations make sense in your own life - espcially on the day before the dream

Dream symbols are complex and do not follow through to the most obvious association. I treat dream symbols like words. They have a variety of different meanings. yes you may use a word quite often in a prticular sense but you may also use them in a less common way.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 north yorkshire

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Re: George W. Bush

What are your impressions of George Bush? Do you support him, look upon him favorable? Your associations with him could be important. Since he did hug you in the dream may give cause to look to such associations.

On the other hand, if your impressions are like the majority of the people negative, his hugging you may represent an embracing a of negative aspect in your life. It could relate to masculine qualities you possess, or recent experiences where the masculine {your anima, or a actual male in your life} was involved. Or perhaps it is pointing to a need to embrace certain negative masculine aspects, freeing those negative aspects and making them positives.

Such a short dream, a lot of possibilities. Not withstanding my misplaced humor.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: George W. Bush

Tony Blair was a rising star, wasn't he? I remember my strong favorible impressions of him long before his decline {being from a working class family, I naturally lean left}. I was truly shocked, even to this day, when he 'embraced' George Bush and his war policies. The man whom I thought would lead on the world stage was suddenly reduced to a lap dog. It is one time I was wrong about a person {at least in the instances where Blair backed Bush. Other issues, like global warming, etc., Blair and I agree}.

My first impressions {intuitive and judgement wise} of George W. Bush? Exactly what you see. Shallow.

And he leaves having no regrets. Like Bush, I sense a 'righteous' personality that either can not or will not admit faults and mistakes. Those are dangerous qualities for anyone who holds such great power. I believe it important to pay attention to the political world. Look at what inattention has given us over the past 6 1/2 years {Bush}.


I know this is straying away from the subject {dreams} but I don't often get a chance to vent my anger over powerful people who cause so much suffering. And those like Bush who ignore the flight of the environment {and the power of the feminine in their patriarchal brains}, we should be wary of the consequences of that ignorance. Very wary.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: George W. Bush

When President Clinton came to Australia I had a vivid dream that I was taken to see his chopper land and when he came out he was shaking peoples hands and he shook mine too.

I took this as a sign that I am a somebody and not a nobody. I think that's what Jessica's dream was referring to also. The highest office in the land was praising her for what she is. It's the office that praised her and not simply the person.

When Tony Blair took office I was stunned. He looked and acted just like a puppet. He was not a normal human in my eyes. I told people in England that they had a puppet ruling them. So it didn't surprise me that he followed the leader, so to speak.

I don't listen to news reports anymore and I haven't bought a paper for 20 years or more. I'm going to see if I can make it through the entire next U.S Presidency without taking any notice of Politics and wars at all.

My best friend spent all his life worrying about nuclear war and politics, and he eventually was killed by his own wife who switched his life support machine off. So he could have spent his life much happier without thinking at all about politics.

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Australia

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Re: George W. Bush


I have no preconceptions as to what the dreamer may think of the Bush. I just merely made a suggestion as to what it may possibly be. Without more info from the dreamer it is difficult to assume anything especially with a figure like Bush who has the dubious distinction of having an office that is powerful but at hte same time in the public eye for all to criticize.
I don't have a good opinion of Bush, but I wont project that on the dreamer.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

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Re: George W. Bush

CARLOS : I think that dreams alike this can often be very tricky. Its very easy to pick up on just one possible meaning. Yet geiorge bush could symbolise lots of things. Personally I think such a dream can easily go unsolved because it has so many different potential meanings. Thats all I was really trying to say


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 scarborough

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

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Re: George W. Bush

A possible interpretation follows:

This dream may describe needing or possessing the self confidence to join a specific group (a school or activity club, university, etc) you’re interested in becoming a member but maybe in past hesitated due to feeling dissimilar or not up to group standards.

If so, work on self confidence by acknowledging you possess the same qualifications as group members, and by looking at like or sympathetic qualities or emotions within your self (to the group), yet retaining your individuality, would enable you to freely participate in and enjoy this interest/group/club.

The symbols:
Dreamer age: 17
Overall theme: Discovery (dreamer statement – “no idea what it means” & age may denote process of self discovery)
Hug: feeling, sentiment - influence - the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people;
Told me I was beautiful: - Sympathetic communication of like qualities or emotions
GWB: (Republican Party [club], holds highest political office, works in global arena): veneration - a feeling or sentimental excited by the dignity, wisdom, or superiority of a person, by sacredness of character, by consecration to sacred services

Please feel free to respond with your thoughts.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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