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I had a terrible nightmare the other night- it is still with me. It was so horrible- the first time I had ever felt so terrified that I woke myself up from a semiconcious state. I also still believe the dream was real even after I had woken up.

In the dream I was in some FBI kind of training- Mr. and Mrs. Smith was the motif (the movie) and i was a co-worker of Angelina Jolie's. The dream, obnviously, had some erotic undertones. Ok, the entire dream had suttle erotic undertones. But in the end of the dream it became a nightmare. Just as Angelina was starting to really reciprocate (haha) and we were sort of becoming a couple, I got this infection with worms! not worms like lice, but real earthworms. and they got underneath my skin and would swim around until they pokend their head bck out. the worms left no injuries or bruises and were not making me sick, but I remember the most horrifying part was that feeling they gave me when they were wriggling around inside my skin. the most hideous, although not quite painful, disgusting feeling i had ever had. One only capeable of being present in a dream. And I remeber I had to catch the worms when they resurfaced, before they went back underneath my skin, and I had to pull them out of me withyout breaking their bodies. Nearing the end of the dream I was beginning to have trouble with getting them out- their bodies kpt breaking and they were staying underneath my skin for longer periods of time. I woke up when the worms bagan to swim around my pubic area. I was afraid they would get to my organs (if you know what I mean) and the bodies were breaking and I was so terrified that I woke myself up. When I awoke, the psychosomatic pain still lingered- all over my legs and lower body. The worms were not in my upper body, as I reacall. They were not in my face or hands- only legs. Not feet either.

I feel this is a very important dream- perhaps about past flaws/bad habits I feel are infecting me? Perhaps guilt regarding sexuality?? The dream was the most horrifying I have ever had. I feel it may be linked to some very poignant issues in my life.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21, San Francisco

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Re: Worms

Before posting a response to your dream I'm emailing you from my personal email. You can identify it by the Subject: Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum and my email name is muse_melete. Please respond with instructions.

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Worms


Got this posted this morning, realized I had a free work morning today when looked at my schedule. Yahoo!

For everyone else, I emailed Shelbers for permission to post this interpretation. Due to the sensitive nature of sexual health and sexuality I did not want to her to be uncomfortable with this if she preferred a private rather than public interpretation and discussion. Shelbers graciously consented to a public discussion in her own words ‘I hope it will benefit others as well as myself’. Thank you Shelbers!

Overall, the dream may describe concern and/or fear about contracting an STD (sexually transmitted disease) through risk behaviour by engaging in sex without use of devices designed to reduce risk of transmitting an STD (female condom, dental dam, plastic food wrap non microwave specific type, sharing of adult sexual aids, etc). Professional’s define this as ‘placing your self at risk’ or ‘at risk behaviour’. This may be in the past and not current behaviour and/or recognition there can be a long, as long as two years, delay between infection and outwardly noticeable symptoms. This may be due to lack of habitual diligence in use of appropriate precaution/protection despite receiving information and/or training on reducing risk and risk behaviour or not having and wanting this information.

Some obscure or ambiguous comment by another may have sparked this current question. Perhaps an ambiguous seeming, at the time, conversation in reference to a past partner with subtle undertones that now cause you to question the real meaning and if what you think it may be, your past involvement leading to possible exposure. Or this may not be an actual partner but a friend or acquaintance. You may now want clear or definite information and/or to know for sure if you contracted an STD and/or how to prevent this (safe sex practices). Perhaps your thoughts center around voluntary involvement, and self blame that can accompany that. (We have all done things we later regret…) Your unconscious may be presenting this for conscious examination, in that a certain result (of actions) brings consequences. An opportunity exists but perhaps you’ve waited with a ‘right time, right place’ attitude. Knowing you must ‘not break the bodies’ would be ‘official’ instruction or agreement from an internal authority aspect, a mandate of sorts. Yet breaking that agreement or instruction may already have or be occurring. Consciously you may regard the official instruction as excessive, although unconscious communicates this is necessary.

Shelbers, I applaud your openness and willingness to discuss a sometimes sensitive topic. You live in the best US city to get accurate and pertinent safe sex practices information (and my favorite city to visit!). If you’re unsure or have concern you may have had contact with a person with an STD, get tested. It’s the only way to know. It’s confidential and many times free. If you think you may engage in sex in the future, seek out the information now. Knowledge beforehand is vital. Contact a local reputable Gay and/or Lesbian or AIDS Task Force organization. (In Columbus, OH two excellent organizations are Stonewall Union and Columbus AIDS Task Force.) They will likely have all the print material you can read, direct you to free STD testing locations, and possibly safe sex practices classes on how to use dental dams, plastic food wrap (again, not the type made specifically for microwave use), products to sterilize adult sexual devices, correct use of male and female condoms (when sharing adult sexual devices).

FOR EVERYONE - A few facts about STD’s…
1. Any STD that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse can also be contracted through oral and anal sex.
2. There are 23 different STD’s
3. You can not tell by the way a person ‘looks’ if they have an STD because some people do not experience any outward symptoms. They may not know they have an STD only to discover they do through a regular physical or seeing a doctor for some other health problem.
4. Knowing a partner’s sexual history is basically useless. You may know your partner’s history, but do you know the sexual history of everyone they had sex with, and everyone of their partners, and so on and so on.
5. Fasted growing numbers (as of 2005/06) in new HIV infections in America are black females and middle age people. This is due to the number of incarcerated black males engaging in situational sex passing the virus to gf or wife when released, and newly divorced middle agers that naively think HIV is a gay male disease.
6. Reduce risk of STD transmission information is out there. Gay and/or lesbian organizations and these web sites are often the best source for the most up to date information.
7. Local Public Health agencies (county is the best to find out about your locality) track the incidence of STD’s in their area and publish the most common and infection rates.

And here’s my soapbox for today…
The vital information to help reduce risk of contracting an STD is out there. Unfortunately for everyone, the Bush administration took ALL, yes ALL!!, funding for HIV/AIDS education and prevention away from organizations that will not teach abstinence as the only method. (Check the CDC web site HIV/AIDS section…they don’t even mention barrier protection…all they can do is teach abstinence or their funding will be yanked). ALL federal funding is now given to organizations that teach only abstinence as the method to prevent contracting HIV/AIDS. While abstinence is the only sure method to prevent contracting HIV/AIDS the Bush administration policy places vital potentially life saving information to greatly reduce the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS out of reach of millions in America, and the organizations that teach a holistic program that include education on protection methods for those that choose to engage in sex. This policy goes against EVERY PERSON who chooses to exercise a personal choice and want to receive the very information that could prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Ok…I’ll step off the soap box and add this policy to the Bush administrations ‘Dumming Down of America’ list.

Look forward to your response.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Worms

Hi Shelbers

On reading your dream a few things jumped out at me, and In addition to Kathys informative and insightful information, I thought I may add just a few more comments.

Worms tend to be symbollic of aspects of self that the dreamer prefers not to look at, those aspcts that feed on negativity, low self worth or low self esteem etc. The message in dreams for some is recognise your inner beauty in a true way.

People in dreams often represent aspects of ourselves whether we are conscious or unconscious to the the particular traits they reflect. I get the sense Angelina Jolie may represent some trait of the female energy that projects confidence, maturity, knowing thyself, integrity, and a strong sense of Boundary, though these are just my own associations, you will have your own of course, what is interesting that your psyche in your dream chose Aj to couple with, that is your dream suggests you are attempting to couple with these particular traits in self,

However at there is an interjection at this point at which just as your getting to know this part of yourself more intimately an infection of sorts prevents you, this infection is at the level of your personal boundarys 'Skin'. often as childreen and im in no way suggesting this is how it is for you but if our personal boundarys are violated in some way, whether through a sexual violation or maybe just a violation of our own personal space by our father or mother we often set up an opening within our boundarys as adults, and we lose our sense of how to regulate them, this often translates into sexuual promiscuity for example or developing unhealthy relationships with others that can ultimatley lead to self harm, or we can leave our self open to be violated in others ways and these are just extreme examples.

The symbollic message however is that if our boundarys are in someway infected we leave our selves open, which can attract situations into our lives that will symbollically reflect this.

In your dream there is a feeling of disgust that is stirred up and it is these feelings that are infecting your own personal boundarys and ultimatly are stopping you from connecting or coupling with a more personal sense of self 'Angelina Jolie'.

The movie your in or the prodution your in is your production its your movie that your playing out in life and the dream I get the sense is telling you about as well as your fears about std's and your sexual relations in the past, also about your motivations behind past actions that have led to these fears, where your personal space may have been infected before that has set up within you a pattern determining the way you relate to others in an intimate way. This is your movie.

It seems you have been working with this at some level and puuling the worms out is an indication for self healing, By the head may suggest that it is also at the level of the thinking self that you are working with thoughts that do harm to you, you are plucking out. However your personal energies at the level of your foundation still contain the infection and its still affecting your sexuality 'pubic area' and your foundational self 'legs' the energy here is blocked still you can even still feel it on waking, the legs are also governed by the base chakra which relates to issues of survival, issues around the base affect our sense of foundation in the world leaving us 'open' to fearful thoughts. When we dont have a strong sense of boundary we are more open , and our sense of survival is threatened often these are patterns that are set up in childhood and we then create situations in our lives as adults that time again mirror to us what is happening within our personal energies.

Recognising your inner beauty and working more with your boundarys of self may be the key to coupling with your anjolina type energy beauty, confidence etc.
Also looking to the past may suggest where this pattern has been set up wher have you before had your boundarys invaded?

Just some more avenues to explore to your motivations and actions of how youve come to make this movie.

Best to you Marce

Btw mr and mrs smith seems to me to suggest some sense of plain or ordinary, the smiths next door?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34

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Re: Worms

Hi Shelbers

Ive just read over my reply and thought it might be useful to clarify more on the skin,

Our dreams often use physical representations to convey what is hapeening for us on an mental emotional level.

Skin physically acts as a barrier between us and our outside world between our inner physical being and our our outer physical reality, all of who we are physically is contained within our skins.

On a mental emotional level the skin becomes symbollic as that boundary that exists between our inner subjective world that is our 'within' and our outer world.

As children growing up we are encouraged to develop healthy boundaries though often we all have at some time a problem with our boundaries.
On growing up if our space our 'within' is imposed on either by being verbally violated, or physically violated (and there are different extremes to this) we can become enmeshed with the perpetrators, that is we carry this same sense of enmeshment into our adult ways of relating which in turn continues to create unhealthy boundarys in our relationships.

We attract into our outer physical life those situations which mirror our inner life as a physical representation and a symbolic representation.

Does that make sense? Your personal set of physical life experiences that you are having now reflect your inner situation, Stds in life become symbollic for a lack of personal protective boundarys that have been invaded, and its ones sense of personal boundarys that likly led to past actions.

For as long as one remains enmeshed outwardly one is unable to connect to their own personal healthy sense of self.

Hope this helps a little

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

Re: Worms

Thanks to both of you guys! The comments you have made have resounded very much with my personal life at the moment. Its funny, the std part realates back to time when I went home with someone and was very scared by the fact that I did not know them- so much so that I left in the middle of the night. This also relates to some boundary issues I have been trying to overcome- I feel that I sell myself short a lot. On the inside I am more like Angelina, but on the outside - like the spy motif or something- I am hiding and running as if my life depended on it. When I do this, just like in the dream, i feel like i am infected with something horrible and lowly and slimey- something that others see but that is no part of my own body or personal identity.
I am very thankful for your feedback. I feel that, since reading your interpretations, I have been able to chill out a little and let myself be who I am. Especially sexually! It is so dangerous- for women especially because i believe it is more frequent- to go home with somebody just because. Especialy someone whom you have just met. I think it relates closely to confidence and perhps self-esteem issues regarding expressing the real me- the powerful and feminine me- when I am with others. All with time, I guess. But this is definitely a very important step in changing my habits- thanks again!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21, San Francisco

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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