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the bird song and snake

as a follow on from my last posted dream,
altered state of consciousness ritual,
i would welcome any comments on this latest dream,

i am cycling down a country lane,with a female who is ahead of me,leading the way.
she says its been a long journey,we have come a long way,
i tell her,i am determined to complete the journey,no question about it,

on my left ,i hear the most beautiful song i have ever heard, being sung by a bird,
i stop and look into the middle of the hedge,
and see a little bird, it is black and white,yin-yang almost,
i set off cycling again,
to my right i see a bronzey silver snake wrapped around a long branch,
what is this snake doing here,they don't come from this country,(something i didn't expect to see), i say to myself,
i am amazed at its brazeness,
as i set off once more,the snake flies off the branch towards me,i fend it off with my right forearm,
i manage not to fall off my bike,

the suddeness of this action awoke me with a start,

i do have some ideas as to the meaning of this dream ,but would welcome thoughts form others,
regards steve

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Re: the bird song and snake

Hi steve

I read over your last post with interest

Your dream suggests that you have until now been led to this point, navigating the twists and turns of your lifes path, being led through your lifes lessons that have been laid out for you, and which have ultimately led you to achieve balance and harmony 'bicycle' between your male and female energies. It seems that the various challenges you have encountered in your life have led you to this point in your self and though you have come a long way there is still much of your journey to complete, The journey never really ends our evolution continues on the spiral of our own soul energies.

Hearing the song is most akin to hearing the song of your own soul and a beautiful song it is, you have been listening to it and you do 'hear' it, however when you stop to look at it, that is try to understand it what you see is how it shows itself that is in black and white to you, im just wandering here that though you have achieved a sense of balance in your personal energies, you still filter the understanding of your soul energies in a dualistic way, that is your ability to see is in terms of traditional breaking down and systemising what your divinity means to you, though you get a sense of it you hear its voice, you dont truly understand it it still appears to you through your own understanding of duality, if its not that then it must be this, but we truly connect to our souls voice when we bypass our own mental frame work.

Hedges to some degree dictate walls or boundays with in the psyche though more of a natural boundary, it seems here to show you how this duality is part of your natural framework, or boundarys that have in some way been put in place they could represent your social norms of seeing things.

This part of your dream seems to indicate how it is this tendency in your self to create what it is your now needing to learn in the next opart of your journey. Your previous dreams indicate that yopu are ready, the initiation process has taken place on a higher level within your souls energies and it seems you have strong guidance with you, they are helping you to see beyond your dualistic vision of things being either black or white, your third eye is opening suggesting that you will start to see things as they really are, and the deeper aspects of your spirituality.

Your next part of the journey Incolves seeing the silver/ bronze snake wrapped around a long branch, suggesting as your previous dream hinted at that your healing abilites 'cadeuceus imagery' has the potential for growth, or your potential for growth lies in you becoming aquainted in your natural healing abilites, silver is an aspect of the light used by many healers now to cleanse ones spiritual being The silver ligt brings healing, and is used in many ways, though the bronze im unsure of here what this means.

Seeing or coming to some understanding that this potential exists in your self has influenced your every day thinking self to question it, what is it doing here, and more so it does not belong to this country, this may be on some level your actual questioning of the collective conciousness itself, you commented before of your 'amazement' of how one can dream of archtypal symbols that do not belong to your country or culture. You understand it in a black and white way but what is it really, what is it made up of, its not of the biological firings of the nervous system that gives us access to such differentiated energies, so what is it and how did it get here, where does it exist?, it does not appear to be tangible, at least not through the lens of duality.

This way of thinking has created some sort of conflict between your potential for healing yourself and others and your response to this or more so how you give your energy out to the world 'right forarm' as healing of other first comes with how we direct our energies to others how we give of our selves, there is both a reasoned and metaphysical understanding of this. The promptings through your dreams which are indicating the next phase of your journey are causing you in your thinking self to question deeper, its no longer suffice to just accept the collective unconsciouness and higher spiritual planes, but you are to get to know them more, opening of the third eye, and see them for what they really are.

Though seeing this healing potenitial in self has give you a 'startle of sorts' you however have managed to keep your sense of balance which is positive imagery, for ones sense of balance is needed when they are to journey more consciously on the inner planes.

It sounds like there is going to be many exciting times ahead

Best to you on your ongoing journey.

If your interested in working with others through energy based healing, good books I have found which you may have already are -

sacred healing by Jack angelo also has written your healing power, both good and very experiential.

Hands of light, a guide to healing through the human energy field by Barbra ann brennan.

Though these books arnt strictly shamanic based, all healing arts have a common unity, though the language will differ.

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Re: the bird song and snake

The dream seems to be about balance in your life and being content to try to be harmonious and balanced in your social life although your home life, or your family or some other aspect of your social life is always lurking withion you trying to undermine your efforts.

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Re: Re: the bird song and snake

hi marce,and carlos,
many thanks for your thoughts,it is always interesting what others see within a dream ,an objective view can be very helpful,

both your comments on balance i feel, are spot on,infact i think this is the main theme of the dream,
marce,your comments on the healing aspects linked with me,
i have been reading recently the effects of kundalini awakening and some of the extreme episodes that some have had,not dissimilar to some shamanic sickness experiences,this is i feel the area the snake is from,it can un-balance,

the bird with the beautiful song,
campbell talked about an african myth ,
a boy asks his father if he can keep a bird,
the father does not want to keep and feed just a bird,
so he kills it,with that he killed the song,and his own life aswell,
but is not myth the story of the song?
no,replies campbell,myth IS, the song,
it maybe that i have found my song,my myth ,my destiny,
but as i think you stated marce,
there is some reluctance on my side to accept and believe what i think i am seeing within my own song,
the snake leaping out at me ,certainly got my attention,obviously the metaphor for the healer/healing aspect that you mention,
what is repressed can turn against you until it is given a place in life,i think that this is what you have been refering to albeit in a slightly differant language,
just to digress a little,
i had a big dream a while back,i was told in the dream i was a reluctant healer,i did not believe,
but when my third eye opened fully,it would happen anyway,
i think this says it all,
i can of mine own self do nothing,even in loving,
it is love that loves through us.

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Re: Re: Re: the bird song and snake

sorry forgot to mention as is the case with dreams,they can have multiple meanings,
i thought about your comments on being undermined,
this is a pattern that has appeared in a couple of dreams in the past,
namely,i make a discovery of somesort,and something negative appears and tries to upset the balance,
this seems to fit aswell as what marce had to say,
very interesting ,this reminds me of the trickster,
(i don't mean gerard )but the thing that pops in just when you think something is certain way,
to keep you moving onward,great stuff.
regards steve

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Re: Re: Re: Re: the bird song and snake


there is a lot that can be said for that imagery of the snake in the tree. Some would immediately think of the garden of eden, and the fall of man(kind). In may be a part of that imagery.

you were following a woman when this happened. Adam much in the same way followed a female to the fall. Witout getting into the any religous debate, a secular focus on this imagery, that all are familiar with, might open some newer insite.

You may also look at the tree itself and the possible meanings in your dream. A tree has its roots in the ground, its trunk holdng it up and the branches reaching out maybe representing aspects of you that have grown out of life long learng, that help us in life, or hinder us if we have a surprise on the branch.

I like the stateent you made about the reluctant healer. THe imagery of this dream does depict that you you feel that if you follow your intuitive senses, where there is a seeming harmony and beauty (that is the bird with the song on your left; left can also be the motherly learning) that obstructions (the hedge) and the rational or moral or dominant side of your being (the right side, with the snake; that can also be the fatherly learning) will rebel against you or limit you. YOu can pin it down better than me. It is your dream.

Is there an issue with women or a woman in your life now?

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Re: the bird song and snake

May I ask of you a few questions about your dream? I understand you may not recall these specific details...

1. The branch of the tree - what was it's position on the tree - low, middle or high, relative to total tree height? And relative to your height riding the bike?
2. When the snake attacked - did you get a sense of what part of your physical body the snake aimed for? Where did it intend to strike you?
3. You knew the snake was from another country, any sense on what country the snake would naturally reside?

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Re: the bird song and snake

hi kathy,
sorry for not responding sooner,
i have just returned this very day from a kayaking trip in scotland with my two daughters,
the answers to your questions,
the branch was bare and stuck out above the tree line,
the snake bit my right hand,
as far as i can remember the snake was not native to my country,but i do not recall which country it actually came from,
after the ideas put forward by marcie and carlos,which gave me food for thought,i had a small epiphany,
while in scotland,my kids put on the movie spiderman,
he was bitten on the right hand by a spider ,which gave him his powers,
it may have relevence or not,
i look forward to your thoughts,
once again please accept my appologies for the slow
kind regards steve.

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Re: the bird song and snake

i think the branch being bare means that some part of your life is bare, or unfullfilling, and probably has been unfulfilled most of your life. THe snake on it is a natural result of unfulfilled aspects of one's life, causing doubt, or regret, and causing you to act out of those negative emotions. This is where you lose balance, or at least the threat of this loss exists.

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Re: Re: the bird song and snake

i found your comments interesting,
in the dream,i saw the balance aspect,from me riding the bicycle and the yin yang bird,the snake in effect would have unbalanced me if i had not shaken it off,no doubt as you stated,the result of negativity striking,
with the experiences i have had,i should be convinced of certain aspects of mind,and doubt (the snake)does not belong here,but alas ,it does appear from time to time,
reagrds steve.

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Re: the bird song and snake

lets focus on the snake. It was silver and bronze. These colors may indicate hardened feelings within you, or some aspect of your life that is haranguing you. You may have learned early in life some behaviors that are now working against you. The snake not being native to your land, as you have repeated twice, may mean that this negative aspect isunrecognized by you. You may not be seeing the problem as endemic to you. the problem may indeed be a problem from without, but it is striking some chord in you that is out of harmony with the balance you seek.
This could be a family issue in your childhood which was indelibly imprinted in your being.
Other dreams may unravel this issue. right now it may be foreign to you, as the snake was foreign.

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Re: the bird song and snake

Hi Steve,
Apology unnecessary. Glad you had time for life... In addition to wonderful insights by Carlos and Marce the following may be of interest.

Overall, the dream may describe ability to apply necessary discipline in activity by completing necessary and prerequisite degree of care and forethought to achieve a cherished goal.

Unconsciously there may be a willingness to flight originating with defiance which leads to thoughts of ability to withstand attack, and hold sacred this cherished goal. Perhaps an attitude of invulnerability, bold and resolute, has taken hold.

Your aptitude and inherent ability calls for harmony and balance which can lead to opening to the resources you require and can be drawn on when in need. With watchful waiting a definite pattern of advance, and progression of Psyche, as in nature can be observed and shown to you. Discernment is an available asset for your utilization. The harmony is working to bring together in agreement the different parts of the design, the plan. A composition or parallel of such would then produce unity of effect in the end. A feeling of being invulnerable can lead to departure from the right course and path of duty.

Enjoining calm and composed self-assurance can work to avoid proceeding with little or no preparation or forethought. detailed knowledge and understanding from long study provides intimate understanding of closely interconnected or interrelated aspects of the Psyche, progression of the journey and what is often required of one, persevering determination and due diligence in paying proper attention to a task.

Perhaps defiance itself arises from subjection to formal and stereotypical behavior which surrounds…society. You desire life and growth with an open mind, unlike society, and an inherent ability yet to be actualized or fully exhibited. In full possession of the power and qualities to do so yet may require assistance to fulfill this effort and purpose. The aid you may require may be in finding a single force that is equal in effect to two ro more forces, or combing forces, to produce the harmonious whole.
This can come about by considering intent and/or purpose in preparation before the time of need.

Applying discipline and restraint through steadiness of mind under stress while you make these determinations may be the way to nullify the Trickster. And get to where you must go with balance and minimum of disruption.

You know the standard disclaimer...

Kind regards,

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Re: Re: the bird song and snake

hi kathy,
thank you,and indeed carlos and marce for your thoughtful responses,

i think jung was right in his ,
a dream can have more than one meaning,
i believe you all have something on this dream,
even freud would have had a say,
as the myth and gerard have reminded me on occasion,
temptations of the flesh,are the final barrier that the knight has to overcome,

one translation of the name parsifal in the grail myth
means right through the middle,
which in effect was the subject of the dream,
travelling a path between the pairs of opposites,
the beautiful song ,the possitive,
the snake attacking the negative,
all of you hit on the word ballance!
its like walking a tightrope,and somebody going boo!
one lapse in concentration,and you wobble,
so as you say kathy,it is discipline and resolve that needs to win through,

this is the 3rd dream i have had with the theme of,
just getting close to a goal,finding something,the treasure,and this negativity turning up,
the positive side of this,is the intensity of the negative aspect as a symbol has diminished,
in this last dream with the snake,i did shake it off,
so i feel my life experiences,dreams included, are helping this aspect to become less of a threat,

the healing aspect of the snake also had merit,
the snake did fly through the air to get to me,
i looked at snake from this point of view,

being silver in colour,wrapped around a branch,
this was hermes the messenger of the gods,
he carries a short staff with one serpent entwined around it,
if a dream is seen as a message from the gods(the self),and as jung stated,that most dreams tend to compensate,then this snake dream could be trying to snap me out of a one sided conscious attitude,

i have through,some mystical experiences been snapped out of what i thought was reality,
and i wobbled when i came to understand,
we are all here to serve the grail.
i will take time to go over all of your thoughts again and maybe pick up something new,
regards steve

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Re: the bird song and snake

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, the snake & bite and fending off are very positive aspects within the Psyche. Much in the dream speaks of cyclical development (two bikes/4 wheels, male/female,nature) to wholeness. Speaks to the psychological impact of the transitional event. Psychological balance and rational forethought (right forearm) being key to ‘not falling off the bike’ or succumbing to psychological distress. I view the snake as positive when research led in this direction:

Bronzey silver snake – Bronze and silver referring to transition from Bronze age and to Silver age; cycle of rebirth, life, death; from Age of the Hero to Age of Demi-Gods;

From Wikipedia, Bronze Age Collapse:
“a period associated with the collapse of central authorities, a general depopulation, particularly of highly urban areas, the loss of literacy in Anatolia and the Aegean, and its restriction elsewhere, the disappearance of established patterns of long-distance international trade, increasingly vicious intra-elite struggles for power, and reduced options for the elite if not for the general mass of population.”

And historical and theoretical correlations Wikipedia Ages of Man:
“The Hindu and Vedic writings also make reference to four ages termed: Satya (Golden), Treta (Silver), Dwapara (Bronze) and Kali (Iron). According to the Laws of Manu these four ages total 12,000 years in declining order and 12,000 years in ascending order (for a total of 24,000 years in one complete cycle, and are equivelent to seasons of history or seasons of man.”

“The timelines for the four ages as given by Swami Sri Yukteswar in his book Holy Science, and by Lori Pratt in her series of articles entitled Astrolgical World Ages are roughly: 11,500BC to 6700BC descending Golden Age, 6700BC to 3100BC descending Silver Age, 3100BC to 700BC descending Bronze Age, 700BC to 500AD descending Iron Age. The cycle then bottomed out and began the ascending phase (for you from bronze to silver) with the Iron Age lasting from 500AD to 1700AD. The rennaisance marked the rough transition from the lowest age into the next highest age. We are now said to be in the early stages of the ascending Bronze Age which they also term the atomic or electrical age.”

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: the bird song and snake

many thanks for your efforts and the astonishing references you managed to dig up,as the x-files motto says,THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!,
I liked in particular your own ref to not ,
succumbing to psychologocal distress,
when the ego is in the process of ,
being put in its correct place,
ie, coming into contact with something greater than itself,there is always some sort of psychological distress,and relinquising control is the greatest task we face,
long way to go yet,
one foot in front of the other will do.
regards steve.

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