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dream about my ex

a couple weeks ago i had a dream that i left my husband to get back together with my ex fiance. now i havent seen my ex in 3 yrs, and i havent talked to him in a long time. every since that dream, i can not stop thinking about my ex. what do u all think the dream means?

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Re: dream about my ex

In what ways do you still think about your ex? Perhaps there are lingering feelings for him.
But perhaps the thoughts are about aspects in the relationship he provided that may be lacking in your current relationship. I lean toward the later since your thoughts about him began after the dream. What was unconscious suddenly wants to become conscious. That may indicate something within the current relationship needs improving.
Of course I have taken it upon myself to say things that I can only guess at. The dream is too short to give a truly definitive interpretation.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: dream about my ex

i wish i could give you more detail about the dream but thats all i can remember is that i left my hubby to be with my ex. how i think about my ex is, i feel like i miss him, and wonder if things could work out if we were to ever get back together. to be honest im not 100% happy in my marriage. ive been feeling so confused about everything after that dream.

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Re: dream about my ex

bmsbabygirl ,
There it is. Your feelings for your ex and the disappointment in your present relationship fits the dream. The unconscious only knows your true feelings. Now your conscious mind does also.

But beware. Are your feelings for your ex genuine? You did break off that relationship for a reason.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: dream about my ex

thank you so much, ur very helpful.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25 nc

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Re: dream about my ex

A general theory of Jungian dream psychology is the dream is focused YOUR life, with an emphasis on the emotions. What the dream reveals is your honest and true response to the emotional conflict. There is not that biased egocentric 'self' to guise or hide your true feelings.

You may still have genuine feelings for your ex. Or it may well be just the negatives of the present relationship making the positives of the past relationship more attractive. It is a common reaction to such a situation. I may have had similar feelings somewhere in my life {I've been married more than once}.
The goal is to understand which direction is best to take. That involves more than just one dream episode focused on just one aspect of your life. Separation in your current relationship, what would your dreams say about that? So much between here and there, and one dream can only say so much.

You may want to try and remember future dreams, during the next couple of weeks and see where those lead. And they need not use real individuals {hubby and ex} to express your emotional attitudes, your TRUE feelings. Dreams will do that.
If you do have a dream you believe important, post it at the Forum and let us provide our thoughts on what it/they may mean. The language may be more symbolic with perhaps the only thing to be taken literal is those people/things in your life that you FEEL MOST important. Parents, siblings, spouses, close relationships. But dreams will often use symbolic language to address the same subject matter. It would be interesting for us {contributors} to know how you dream, if your dreams addressing a particular emotional subject uses actual persons and/or symbolic representations.

Have a note pad and a pencil by your bedside so to write the dream down. Try not to move from the position you are in when you awaken, lie there and think about the dream you just had. Details are important and so are impressions and emotional energy something in the dream may hold {how you feel about a person or thing in a dream}. Write it down, trying to give the details just as they occurred. Or the best you can.
Someone has suggested you can enhance the chances of remembering a dream if you will drink a couple of glasses of water before going to bed and make your self HAVE TO GO in the middle of the night. Could work.
Of course you could also HAVE TO GO so bad the only thing you can think about is GOING.

One last thought {such a short dream}. Perhaps by suggesting you remember your dreams I have planted a unconscious seed that will stimulate such dreams. Post 'POST' suggestion.
Whoops! Can't be an unconscious Post 'POST' now because I just mentioned it. Huh!

I appreciate your responses and interest. Keep us informed. We all may learn something.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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