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People from my past...

Dream 7/18/07 – 2:40 am or so
It was strange since it seemed as if things from the Past were somehow settled in my psyche…(or something)
There were people I saw there that normally bring me poor dreams or make me queasy.

I dreamt of my old childhood friend (and friend no longer), Jeni and of being at her house again (but of course, never really her house at all). I remember walking through a very pink hallway – and of knowing I was descending to get to where Jeni was (in the downstairs living room). The descent was steep and the hallway and staircase narrow. There were strange, small landings as I remember stopping on one of them and looking around me and seeing a small mirrored door to my left which I knew to be a closet. It didn’t interest me as much as the extra tiny door that I had found right at eye level, again, at my left. It was about 4x4, pink, of course, but with a white gingerbread wood scroll around the entire parameter of it and a diamond door knob. I see it and think “I always wanted to open this as a kid” (this was right before the initial descent further to where Jeni was downstairs, I was standing literally at the foot of the stairs) I open it up and see an intricate and brilliant silver plate, that I took to be a fuse box –and thought “oh” and just closed it again.

I know I headed downstairs, but that part was removed and then there I was just talking to Jeni (Jeni was very abrasive and didn’t like me since I was from the ‘North’ and therefore a heathen and she was from the ‘South’ and was the epitome of all that was good and pure. She had a hard time understanding why people liked me when I came to visit her (I grew up in the south) and she was very mean and very rude to me and used my last visit to her to “get back at me” (as she said it) because of mean things my brother did to her when we were little (an example of this she said was when my younger brother locked her in a closet – of which I have no memory of even happening, but perhaps it did?)– this was about 10 years ago when I saw her last and have never seen nor heard from her since)I then dreamt of my ex, Tom, - I was carrying a plastic green table and 2 plastic green chairs. He saw me and ran over. Normally when I dream of Tom, these are power-fighting dreams. He offered me a ride to where I was going (my parents) I declined knowing the table would not fit in his blue car (that was an 80’s model in the dream) so he got out and took the table from me (always one to believe that I could not carry or do anything heavy since he viewed me as ‘weak’) and carried it with me back to my parent’s house where I was heading, which was a block over from where he saw me in the dream. Odd thing is, in the dream, I was carrying the table and one chair to my parents and somehow Tom only was carrying the chair. I’m not sure when that switch happened. I know I relinquished the table to him at some point, so why I ended up getting it back (or HOW) I haven’t a clue. We chatted for a bit at
my parents gate and then we departed.

I then dreamt of my old best friend Jennifer who was so angry with me when we had last spoken – I was 23 at the time…And this time we were just socializing. Catching up, really. She seemed strong, a little harsh, but happy and somewhere in there we were cordial and civil, and really, almost, it seems – to have made peace with one another. I remember her in the dream as being harsh of face but surrounded by color. (I mean this in a vague sense purposefully since there were many and it seemed she was colorful and lively. – but not colorful and lively in the sense of vivaciousness, but rather, that she owned her power – I believe this fits better to her.)

And I dreamt lastly of Steve – who I just spoke with. Not sure of in what context (as I consider not having him in my life as of the current moment.) He was there in the beginning of the dream and again in the dream. Always with a black backdrop, and yet his colors were all black and white around him. Some smiles, no idea of the discussion, but there were a few words exchanged at both the beginning and the end. Not sure of as to what.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30, New Yawk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Years and years ago

Re: People from my past...

Sorry no one has 'taken' on your dream post. If it has not been done today I will take a look at it in the morning {Sunday}.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: People from my past...

The beginning of the dream, being in Jeni's house {but of course, never really her house at all} is probably speaking to personal experiences that may have to do with the past {of being at her house again}. Her house is actually speaking to personal aspects that may describe your own house {psyche}.
Descending where Jeni was, and perhaps where you are or where you are headed. Past experiences, those that are as yet thoroughly explored, something perhaps related to the past, something that has the power to control some aspect of your psyche {fuse box}. It may be something you are aware of but have not given any emotional response to, for one reason or another, so you continue to ignore it {and thought “oh” and just closed it again}.

The power over you. Perhaps the dream is addressing anger that you still possess from those past experiences. To be in Jeni's house, her getting back at you, and you wishing to get back at her, you and she would be in the same house, would you not? Is the anger the fuse box?

You describe your dreams with Tom as power-fighting dreams. This may be the masculine aspect, the controlling aspect that perhaps you are witnessing in the Jeni dream. The dream with Tom features your parents home {your past}. Tom would be metaphor for your masculine self, and perhaps some real experiences, or personal aspects, the two of you share{d}.

The dream with your old best friend Jennifer {who was angry}. Again I sense a reference to your own emotional state of mind. But this isn't the real you {being harsh of face but surrounded by color}. Or perhaps it is referring to emotions you wish not to possess {anger}. To own this power you have to overcome the negatives of the anger.

The dream with Steve. He is there in the beginning and in the end. Yet you are unsure {I consider not having him in my life as of the current moment} of this relationship. What does it suggest when the dream has Steve present in the beginning, and still there at the end? Is it the indecisiveness or is the dream suggesting deep down you want him there, in the end?

A lot of possibilities. Perhaps by reading what i see you will be able to put the pieces together. Remember, these dreams are about you. Let me know your thoughts and perhaps we will will be able to better understand the possibilities.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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