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Lost in the Winter

I've had a recurring dream... So far I've had two remembered dreams in a row that involve me being lost. I don't recall the exact details of the first one, but the last one is fresh even after a whole day going by. I'm driving on the highway, and I think I must've made a wrong turn a long time ago. I take an exit and stop outside of a frozen lake. A couple of hazy moments later, my parents are there to help me. How they found me I have no idea.

In real life, I've taken quite a bit of responsibilities this summer. I joined a summer theatre program, started my first job, and am trying to find a publisher for a novella I wrote. I don't know, but that might be the reason for my dreams.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 in Indiana

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Re: Lost in the Winter

Congratulations on your new novel. Here is hope you will find a publisher. There are so many avenues to book publishing you may want to look to on line publishers. Or publish it yourself, on-line.

Past decisions are often discovered to be wrong, primarily because society dictates to us how we should proceed in life. If you have written a book you are utilizing the creative Self. Society puts little emphasis on this creative aspect and instead pushes us toward making money {the basic trial of the hero myth-social duty vs what the heart desires}. Perhaps the wrong turn in the past is focusing on the conflict of these two aspects. Since you have discovered the creative Self, the conflicts over what is required by society, making a living, conforming to the social rules, may in different from who you are, creative wise. This may lead to a 'frozen lake', unconscious attitudes you must overcome to be that true self {creative}.
As for your parents finding you. Have they offered support for your desired endeavors, your creative Self?

The frozen lake could be addressing other emotional aspects in your life, personal aspects only you are aware of. Have there been recent experiences that have made you think of past wrong decisions?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Re: Lost in the Winter

Thank you. I've been having the greatest amount of support from my family. In fact, my father was the one who pushed me back into writing after I forgot about what I was doing. I remember March 2006, my father found a half-year old paper that I wrote the first draft of the first page on. He told me that it was really good. I continued writing it and it became a small 47,000 word novella.

But back to what I think may have caused it after reading what you said about recent events making me think of past wrong decisions. I joined a summer theatre program that is putting on "High School Musical" in August. I've never had the courage to perform before until recently. Last March I was in the CREW of Les Miserables. I suppose I feel regret for not giving that a try as a cast member.

Society's norms... Perhaps I feel as if I did something I shouldn't have by writing a novella at a young age. Mary Shelly(sp?) was only 21 when her famous Frankenstein was published, but I'm 17. Perhaps I'm feeling at bit awry about one of my best ideas for a novel that I came up with recently. It's a bit contraversal, but if you're not easily offended I can send you a brief synopsis of what I think will be a great idea.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 in Indiana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Lost in the Winter

That could very well be it. A decision you wish you could have to do over again. But you are young and experience will help with the decision making as you grow older. Until then continue to do what your heart calls for. Joseph Campbell called it 'following your bliss'. I suggest you read up on Campbell. It was from his inspiration that George Lucas based Star Wars.

I sensed in your dream that your parents were supportive. You are very fortunate. Too often it is the social world that parents push their children instead of the creative. And although you are only 17, you are ripe for learning and expressing your creative self. Follow your bliss, your heart, and you will find that creative self waiting to to blossom, and create.

Have you watched the video The Hero's Journey in Film? {it maay take a moment for the film to load} This short film was produced by a 21 year film maker who has studied Campbell and Jung. His talent is very obvious. And like you he is very young. Don't let that stop you from exploring and expressing yourself. The ultimate value of our dreams is the discovery of our true self. That true self is both creative and spiritual {spiritual in the way of nature, not just religion}.
And listen to your dreams. They can be a great tool in your journey and discovery. Best of luck.

As for your novel. Please do share the brief synopsis. We are all adults so the controversial aspect isn't a problem.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Lost in the Winter

I think I may have phrased the last part wrong. An "Idea" that I have for the next one, not the one I have now. The first one is really quite hard to summarize, especially since I didn't do much planning, making even myself not know what was going to happen in the next chapter. The story became a complex fantasy, involving a messiah figure and a revelation-like climax.

The controversial on is a little simpler, but I know it to be a more powerful story. The structure I think I'm going to go with is somewhat strange, but that is not the controversy that I'm talking about. Every odd number chapter will focus on the protagonist, a high school theatre crew member, and his love for one of the lead roles, a woman who plays Eponine. This part is what I call "Cast and Crew." Every even number chapter will focus on a very dark character that ends up becoming the climatic antagonist, a troubled teen with no friends and despises the school system altogether. This is where controversy stirs up a bit for the climax is a school shooting. I call the second part "High School Holocaust." It is in the climax that the two stories collide with each other. Our protagonist and his fellow crew members are in drama class when this happens, and they hide out in the workroom. The protagonist decides to take action by assembling la rag-tag team armed with hammers from the workroom. This team is able to disarm the shooter and become heroes.

Thank you, I'll be sure to check those links out.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 in Indiana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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