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woman friend 's diploma not valid in her region

I dreamt about a woman friend,we are quite close,she lives in germany and is german.She has studied naturopathy and she wants to dedicate herself to that as a job now.
In the dream,there was a problem with her license in the region where she lived.she could not work there because her diploma is not homologated.So I told her she shouldn't worry because she can move anywhere to work in germany where her diploma is valid.
I real life of course her degree is valid everywhere in germany.I must say also that i am german but live in Spain. Cannot make any sense of the dream.Any ideas?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46,spain

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: woman friend 's diploma not valid in her region

in the myth of the hero's journey,
there comes a time when the hero/heroine returns from the quest with the boon,the object ,knowledge,wisdom that they are to share, with the ,
family,tribe,culture,world etc.
is the culture ,tribe family etc,ready and willing to accept this boon.knowledge,wisdom ?,
this seems to me, to be the theme of your dream,
what is it the you have gained that some may not find acceptable,and does it really matter ?,
hope this starts the ball rolling somehow .
regards steve.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: woman friend 's diploma not valid in her region

well,that makes alot of sense because I am going thru a lot of changes and I am redefining my way to relating to my boyfriend which all might be difficult to accept or understand for him.So, I went thru the forest and came back but some sort of he doesn't realize what my process was and I have the feeling that he wants to get back to the old structure even if he says he doesn't ,but I can't .it has died.I feel a bit afraid maybe not to be able to make my needs respected and I am not really sure how to deal with the situation.all the best margit

Re: woman friend 's diploma not valid in her region

in the tradition of joseph campbells words again,
follow your bliss,go where your heart and soul really want to go,and don't be afraid,
you will meet others in the field of YOUR bliss,and they will open doors for you,in places you never expected.
live the journey.
regards cave bear aka steve.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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