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3 short dreams in on night

Mercedes, the translator arrives at my flat and I want to lent her some books, she takes more than I really wanted to give her and one that is my boyfriend’s new one he hasn’t read yet. But she has translated it in real life. What wonders me is that she doesn’t have a copy.

My boyfriend is listening to a former student of mine, who is a calm, maybe a bit boring girl, while she is reading a book aloud. We are in the countryside.He reminds me(or mixes a bit with my exhusband).
I feel jealous and want his attention. I feel that we could have common friends and don’t understand why he excludes me. Instead of throwing a tantrum, I pay attention to her which makes that she and her friends (all girls) are drawn to me more than to him.

I have to go to the gynaecologist to get a check-up (I really have to this morning).I have to go to the toilet and there is one where the door cannot really be closed. The nurse says I should go there that is the only place in the whole building. I go, the door falls down, but I don’t feel ashamed as I would have done before. I just relax. Besides, the toilet is actually a kind of toilet chair which should have been over a whole in the floor but was moved and all the urine is on the floor. I don’t feel very embarrassed, though.Just tell the nurse that she should do something about it.

Any ideas?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46,spain

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Re: 3 short dreams in on night

A few quick thoughts -

Dream 1: Determining the limits of something by evaluating individual properties.

Dream 2: Dividing into just proportions and driving to compliance; exacting or demanding.

Dream 3: Desire to eliminate a typically feminine aspect. Needs adjustment rather than elimination.

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

Re: 3 short dreams in on night

Thanks Kathy for your ideas.Maybe when you have time you can expand a bit.I am in a time of great change and as I read again all my posted dreams I feel surprised how much my unconscious was telling me things that at that moment i still wasn't able to see.Even if i am undergoing some dramatic changes in my life,I feel quite well and whole and this is also due a great deal to the dreamwork and the people here who helped me with interpreting them.All the best Margit

Re: 3 short dreams in on night


I viewed the dreams as a connected series that describe the process of achieving wholeness - Jung’s process of Individuation, and your current Self work. Dream one evaluates, dream two identifies and dream three offers a process to resolution.

As all encompassing and deepest level they correspond to the process of Individuation…
Dream one shows a thorough and rational examination of personal and individual aspects/traits of the Psyche is necessary to identify an issue. Dream two continues the process of dividing and separating these aspects with their associated traits, and what comprises the current level of development of these psychological aspects/traits - the accumulated waking life influences. Dream three shows the process of changing then elimination of maladaptive influences through continual adjustments.

On a personal level, of personal Individuation the dream identifies an issue through personal examination. A desire to bring this to consciousness. The issue would then be a trait of exacting, driving to compliance through demands. A feminine trait is at play here (although not sure which one.) Rather than ego desire to eliminate the specific feminine trait for personal growth and balance what’s necessary are adjustments, to transform this trait from negative to positive.

All aspects and traits of such are within each of us, and necessary for the complete Psyche. They become negatively/positively ‘charged’ through waking life experiences. They, and the waking life experiences, can not be eliminated, but traits and perceptions can be transformed, transmuted, by way of Self work.

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

Re: 3 short dreams in on night

thanks kathy for replying.gave me some useful the best margit

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