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A Glass Moon

I had a dream that I was inside my house with my mom. For some reason I felt a reason to go and run outside. It was night. I began running down the street, but when I looked up the moon was made completely out of glass.It was a very clear image.

Later in the dream I was standing near a group of crows, then suddenly they began to speak and appear in human form. The underlying message I felt from their conversation was that there was going to be a major change in the world coming soon.

It was one of the most vivid dreams that I have ever had.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15 - New York

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: A Glass Moon


The dream may describe learned behaviour patterns that model mother and the desire or need to break away from this as you develop your own identity/personality during teen years. A ‘through the looking glass’ examination of your relationship with and to your mother. Or possibly a desire to escape rules and regulations imposed on you by your mother.

The major change may be normal lessening of mother/family influence toward independence as you move away from the family influence into the wider world.

As dreams often have more than one meaning do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Are your dreams normally vivid or is this a recent development/exception?
What were your emotions in the dream and on waking?
Can you pinpoint a season – maybe by the weather or what you were wearing?
Have you read a book or listened to a song that contains ‘glass moon’?

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

Re: A Glass Moon

Hello. Thank you for the reply.

Recently I've been remembering my dreams more often, and they have been greatly vivid. Sometimes they're so realistic to the point that I wonder if they really happened in reality.

My emotions in the dream were that of curiousness. On waking I felt relieved, safe, and protected.

I beleive that it was fall because the weather was cool but it hadn't started snowing yet.

I think that I've never read a book or listened to a song that contains 'glass moon.'

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15 - New York

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: A Glass Moon

Thank you for responding and providing answers to my questions.

After reading the interpretation what does the dream mean to you? Did the interpretation feel close or stimulate your own thoughts on what the dream means?

I made these inquiries b/c several contributors to the dream forum, including myself, have over the recent past mentioned having a feeling of and dreams alluding to a possible major change in the world. This may be another level of meaning in your dream. My dreams and intuitive sense lead me to a beginning in fall - September, then November, and finally ending spring or early summer.

The relevance of your dream, the recent increase in vividness and the occurrences of others dreams may be the collective Psyche (the universal mind) at play. Perhaps a coming shift in the universal Psyche leading to change in the individual Psyche. I will keep your dream in mind as I continue to explore this interest.

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

Re: Re: A Glass Moon

hi,just to add another angle to kathy's thoughts,
the moon can also be a ref to the mysterious feminine energies/aspects,
perhaps a ref to development of your intuitive abilities,
the physical world is abound with great change,and in some cases foreboding,climate change etc
so based on this knowledge already in our faces,
the great change you are expecting ,is more likely something within yourself,and indeed making itself known to you,
because of your age,you are going from adolecent to adult,
another right of passage time,
the glass moon,reminded me of a crystal ball, because of the mysterious aspects associated with it,
this is not to say you are a crystal ball reader,but more ,of looking and thinking to the future,
regards steve.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

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